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June 29th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 29, 2024

Find something to worry about and then practise not worrying. Although you may not think this possible, it will gradually help you learn to control a tendency which, always indulged, so often brings unhappiness.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Moon; Numbers: 2, 8

June 29th Birthday Love Astrology

If there's something to worry about then people born on this day will find it. It's always an Achilles' heel for June 29 and causes so much more upset in the life of our birthday child than is necessary. Sometimes these people get the measure of it and use their worries as an armour against the future - if they fear the worst in every possible way then they can always be pleased if things turn out better. And they won't be surprised if they don't. But often they take the Eeyore stand to such a gloomy degree that people around them lose patience.

The plus side to vulnerable June 29 is a brilliant capacity to think through all possible eventualities, and this makes them invaluable planners. Their memory is usually phenomenal, which means they can be relied on and can't be tricked, but will also drive others insane by reminding them of what they said some time before which is contrary to what they are saying now.

Sometimes this sense of foreboding is shot through with a brilliant capacity for humour and a natural raconteur's timing. Then, suddenly June 29's worrying psycheology becomes the perfect basis for humour - all the best comics have a strain of pathos and self-mockery within their best jokes. They like making people laugh.

While this individual also tends to be hypochondriacal, their bags and briefcases actually rattle with bottles of pills and thermometers - just in case- most of them are capable of great bravery. And nearly all refuse to follow rules and etiquette too closely, deeming them fatuous in the face of the sterner issues of fate. Stick with them and they'll queue jump for you, bargain prices down for a cash payment, complain about awful hotel rooms and rotten service and stick two fingers in the air at the least whiff of snobbery or discrimination, especially if it masquerades in the disguise of reason.

In Love

Relationships are central to the lives of those celebrating birthdays on this date. You value your family and friends above everything else. In a love union, you know exactly what you’re looking for and won’t settle for less.

You want a calm, stable home life and the closeness of a committed relationship. A true romantic, you make a tender, caring, and sentimental lover.

Innately generous and concerned about your loved ones, you like being totally involved in their lives. However, problems may arise if your family and friends come to view your nurturing ways as a form of possessiveness.

In Bed

A hedonist where sex is concerned, you view lovemaking as the pursuit of pure pleasure. Nevertheless, you’re inclined to temper your passions with a dose of caution. You don’t rush into intimate situations, and you avoid many of the emotional extremes that seem to plague other Cancer natives.

Generous in bed and out, you lavish your significant other with attention and affection. Skilled in the sensual arts and sensitive to your partner’s wishes, you know what pleases him or her in the bedroom.


If your taste is for very spicey food and other peoples' cooking seems bland, then you're probably eating too much salt. This can contribute to high blood pressure (which also causes bad temper) and medical experts also think that excessive salt is probably the key dietary cause of stomach cancer. On a more minor level it also encourages water retention and is thought to be one cause for bloating during monthly hormonal changes. Processed meats, canned vegetable soups and packaged breakfast cereals may contain over a hundred times as much sodium as their raw materials. So, folks, cut down on them.


Your favorite fantasy probably includes good food and great sex. Any mixture of these two sensual activities is virtually guaranteed to turn you on.

Preparing and eating a luscious feast together with your lover evokes an atmosphere of voluptuous indulgence. And feeding each other delectable little snacks in bed can turn into an erotic free-for-all.


Find something to worry about and then practise not worrying. Although you may not think this possible, it will gradually help you learn to control a tendency which, always indulged, so often brings unhappiness.

Reality Check

You have a knack for reaching out to people and making them feel like family. It’s natural for you to comfort others when they have problems.

However, when your own life doesn’t work out as planned, you keep your feelings hidden. To protect yourself, you retreat into a shell or build a wall around your emotions.

June 29 Date Share

Rafael Kubelik, Czech conductor. Anne-Sophie Mutter, German violinist. Antoine de Saint Bxupery, French aviator, World War II hero whose plane was lost at sea, author, The Little Prince. Stokeiy Carmichaei, African- American political activist.

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