June 30th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onJune 30, 2024

Every once in a while, somebody comes along and you begin discussing what you want to do. This gives you advice without even asking if you’d like it. You may want to listen to them, but what may be most important is to be so selfish that you will do only what pleases you. There could be no more important goal in life.

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June 30th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on June 30th

As a water sign, it is important that you note something about your character, and that is that it is your instinct to try to help where you can, to try to fix situations where it’s possible.

In fact, you can end up putting this first, particularly in circumstances involving others. Of course, the trick is to balance that, to balance the importance of your own life and remedying things you need to do yourself.

You may tend to put off your own needs later, until you recognize the importance of establishing what might be called a give-and-take ratio. That is, you give—it’s important for you. But also, there are times when you take assistance from others, or times when you’re on your own and you put yourself absolutely first.

The irony of that is, you find that the more you do that—the more you put yourself first—the more you will be celebrated by those around you.

That is simply because in taking this approach, you’ll be recognizing how important it is that you nurture yourself, and that alone will be the kind of lesson you’ve been wanting to give to those around you. Even more than that, it will allow you to discover your next set of goals and set you off on that path with enthusiasm.

You and others

Not everyone gets along all the time, and there are moments when there have been tensions with others, if not very difficult situations. The trick to dealing with this is to recognize that there are occasions when you need to disagree with others, and sometimes those disagreements mean saying farewell.

Health and well-being

There are kinds of extreme exercises people get involved in which suit them, and that may suit you. But in this particular case, the kind of extreme health and well-being you need to get involved in is doing what’s absolutely true to you and nothing else.

Goals and challenges

Every once in a while, somebody comes along and you begin discussing what you want to do. This gives you advice without even asking if you’d like it. You may want to listen to them, but what may be most important is to be so selfish that you will do only what pleases you. There could be no more important goal in life.


You’ve hoped to sidestep one particular demanding situation involving an element of your way of living or working. But recent events made it clear you’d have to go along with others’ decisions. Worse, there’s no room for negotiation. Grim as it seems, don’t argue. Ultimately, this will benefit you hugely.

Zodiac Sign

Cancer: JUNE 20 – JULY 21

Ruler: The Moon

Symbol: The Crab

Element: Water

Flower: Lily

The only sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer accents cycles —both nature’s rhythms, especially the oceans and tides, and those in our lives. The symbol, the crab, is linked to water, as are your sign’s flowers: the lily and the lotus. Your herbs are aromatic, tarragon and verbena, and your tree is the maple. Your jewel, the pearl, not only comes from the sea, it mirrors the Moon’s form.

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