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June 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 03, 2024

If you want to see who you 11 marry, open the bedroom window and ask the new moon: I prithee, Good Moon, reveal to me this night to whom I'll wedded be.'You'll dream of your future spouse.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Venus; Numbers: 3, 9

June 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

June 3 is a great talker, which many people find relaxing as they don't have to do much themselves. People born on this day are often expert in their field and their talent for talking makes them great teachers, speech-makers, ancl excellent politicians.

Both sexes may be extremely idealistic, with a passion to make the world a better place and since they make inspiring leaders they are well equipped to achieve their goals. Apart from politics, find them in the army, medicine and the church, where they are inventive, brave and inspirational. Their talents can certainly bring fame.

At home, they are full of adventure and no family judges June 3 the boring relative they don't want to visit. On the contrary, this is one person everybody wants at gatherings, because this individual can makes things go with a swing. Women born today form strong friendships with their own sex, life-long best pals, who will bring them laughter and strength when they hit a rough patch. The men, too, are naturally sociable, and often very funny, in some cases so witty they can make a profession out of it. Both sexes make good club members, excellent at organising social occasions, dab hands at fundraising, and generally always welcome.

Just a few people born on this day tend towards vanity, with a domineering streak which means they don't so much want to lead as boss. They can become bullies, justifying themselves with all the disgusting self-pity common to this type. It's a moral duty not to look the other way, but to spot this type fast and slap it down before they become a complete pain and someone gets hurt.

June 3 hates to be ignored, to be made to feel they have no impact, and this may be the best way to handle difficult individuals born on this day. But beware a sometimes harsh reaction, disproportionate to the event.

In Love

You’re someone who wants to be liked and needs to be loved. Yet despite your warm, amiable personality, you’re actually something of an intellectual.

You tend to mistrust feelings and may even try to rationalize them out of existence. Too much intimacy makes you feel distinctly uncomfortable. To hold on to your love, your mate needs to engage your mind along with your heart. Once involved, you’re loyal and caring. But if you decide to end the relationship, you are capable of leaving without a backward glance. Your ideal partner is easygoing and willing to share you with your many friends and interests.

In Bed

Gemini is an emotionally cool, rather unsentimental sign. Nevertheless, you can be as romantic as the next person so long as the hearts and flowers are not overdone. You’re more inclined toward flirting and clever repartee than heavy breathing. Verbal foreplay is your forte, and your silver-tongued seduction technique is witty and amusing rather than syrupy sweet. To your lighthearted way of thinking, sexual relations are mainly fun and games and not meant to be taken too seriously.


Many people travel long distances to work, which pushes up the stress levels and exhausts them. Some relaxation exercises may help. First tense every muscle in your body, your jaws, eyes, arms, hands, chest, hack, stomach, legs and feet. Hold the tension briefly, then silently say ‘Relax and let go'and you breathe out… let your whole body relax … feel a wave of calm come over you as you stop tensing. Feel the relief. Gently close your eyes, take another deep breath, slowly breathe out and silently say ‘Relax and let go’. For a few moments, let yourself drift more and more.


In your search for physical and mental stimulation, your interest is easily sparked and easily lost. Talking and fantasizing about sex turns you on. Your major erogenous zone is inside your head. Whereas a clumsy approach or heavy touch turns you off, a few well-chosen words whispered in your ear, or even over the phone, set your body on fire.


If you want to see who you 11 marry, open the bedroom window and ask the new moon: I prithee, Good Moon, reveal to me this night to whom I'll wedded be.'You'll dream of your future spouse.

Reality Check

You find it difficult to be restricted to a single partner. Your restless nature and busy-busy lifestyle can keep you from commitment altogether. Because you dislike both confinement and boredom, you tend to prefer the novelty of someone new to the security of a mediocre or uninteresting long-term union.

June 3 Date Share

Raoul Duty, French painter, illustrator, muralist. Tony Curtis, Hollywood actor, famous drag performance in Some Like It Hot.Suzi Quatro, leatheclad singer, bass guitarist, songwriter.Allen Ginsberg, beat poet.Josephine Baker, dancer, devoted life to adoptingchildren of variousnationalities.

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