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June 4th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 04, 2024

There is a tender heart lurking in most June 4 breasts. Let it dictate your actions. Calculation and taking control may feel safe, but what the heart says is wise and often brings greater happiness.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Venus; Numbers: 1, 4

June 4th Birthday Love Astrology

This character is nice to be with, always fun and seems a good sort. But you can't trust this bundle of contradictions as far as you can throw it. She says ‘Darling’, he says ‘Darling', neither of them means it. Watch out.

Some make great lovers, often faithful and particularly careful parents. They are not flirts, except where it may help them to get on in either a career or up the social ladder. And when this is necessary they do it extremely effectively. But the moment they no longer need the object of their attentions, they simply don't bother any more, leaving their benefactor, now their victim, utterly bewildered.

June 4 women can rise far up the corporate ladder, using their quick Gemini wit to make fast, interesting decisions. Some become the worst kind of female executive, joined at the nose to their computer, working until midnight, a glass of diet cola by their side. They come home late at night even when there are small children, leaving someone else to tuck them up, and often show a condescending kind of boredom to their long-suffering house-husbands. The men are the same, except they have a greater tendency to pop down to the bar with a few mates, which makes them nicer people, if slightly drunk.

Those who escape these traits show the homely streak common to Gemini, and devote their undoubted energies to the domestic arts. But there is always, lurking just beneath, a little competitiveness. A slightly better carpet than their sister's or neighbour's is often the order of the day. Taller trees. A bigger garden, with brighter lupins.

When they are around those they consider their equal, however, they can be very charming. Firm competition often brings out the best in them, and with the saving grace of a strong sense of self-mockery, June 4 can flower into a sturdy and useful plant.

In Love

Warmhearted, sociable, and gregarious, you have many good friends and acquaintances. In your early years you may fall in and out of love several times, but sooner or later you’ll want to settle down. In a loving union, you are romantic but not starry eyed. Although you make a caring, affectionate partner, you are unlikely to forgo compatibility and companionship in favor of moonlight and roses. Talking about ideas and sharing information with your partner makes you feel closer to him or her. Lacking mental affinity and common interests, you become bored and begin losing interest in the relationship.

In Bed

You approach with caution until you are sure your feelings are returned. You don’t like to be kept guessing. You want to know you are loved and desired.

Only when you’re comfortable with your partner do you reveal the depths of your own passion. Like other Gemini natives, you “feel” with your mind and find verbal stimulation as exciting as physical foreplay. Your libido is sparked by mental images of what you’re about to do.


People born on this day work very hard, often at a computer and as a result they may suffer from eye strain, or simply tired eyes. It's important to get a computer with a properly contrasted screen, and to investigate the overhead lighting so that it doesn't bounce off the screen, causing glare. It's also important to get up and get away from the screen. Try to take a quick walk outside into the open air, preferably a place where green plants and trees are growing. Close your eyes here for five minutes to rest them.


Behind closed doors, and with the right partner, you are open-minded and sexually uninhibited. Restless and curious, you’re liable to try just about anything at least once. Despite your apparent boldness, you really prefer being the seducee rather than the seducer. You want to be coaxed, cajoled, and led astray by an exceedingly naughty lover.


There is a tender heart lurking in most June 4 breasts. Let it dictate your actions. Calculation and taking control may feel safe, but what the heart says is wise and often brings greater happiness.

Reality Check

Cerebral, rational Gemini dwells mainly in an intellectual world of words and ideas. When the emotional and mental sides of your nature are in sync, each reinforces the other and you operate like a well-oiled machine.

However, your frequent mood swings and twin-inspired mind changes make it hard for you to decide when to heed your head and when to follow your heart.

June 4 Date Share

Dennis Weaver, TV and filmactor. Bruce Dem, film actorand father of Laura Dem.Oliver Nelson, jazzcomposer, alto tenorsaxophonist. Joseph Smith, American religious leader andfounder of the Mormonmovement. Sir Thomas Mackenzie, New Zealandstatesman.

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