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June 5th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 05, 2024

Overwork causes loss of creativity. If you have a good run, the temptation, high on adrenalin, is to go on and on and on. But you pay for it with a great big low the next day.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Venus; Numbers: 2, 5

June 5th Birthday Love Astrology

June 5 people are intensely idealistic and often seek expression in the arts. Many famous writers and painters have been born on this date. But for everybody who's name is known, there are many others almost as, in some cases just as, talented. And it's important for everybody to realise they just have to keep going, for the pleasure as well as the recognition.

Fortunately they are not materialistic, can live stylishly on less than most, so lack of funds won't necessarily prevent them from pursuing their passion, even if it doesn't earn anything. Either sex, for instance, can develop a capacity to put together a meal for a lot of people, with apparently no proper ingredients. Even better, because both men and women have a strong visual flair, they make the food look nice, which is three-quarters of the battle.

Similarly these creatures can make a house look brilliant with almost no resources but plenty of imagination. They pick wild flowers and leaves and turn them into an arrangement, which women in Knightsbridge would pay a fortune for, and some actually take this up as an extraordinarily remunerative profession. They dress well for practically nothing and can turn rooms into theatrical extravaganzas with a few clever colour-combination licks of paint. Because they are unusual, this individual may come across mockery from those less blessed with natural talent. This takes some handling. But June 5 should stick to their guns and never apologise for who they are and how they think. Nature didn't intend us all to be alike. Mockery is often born of the mocker's own timidity.

These people are sensitive with others and interested in their ideas. They are charismatic teenagers and grow up to be encouraging to young colleagues and their own teenagers or indeed other people's. You'll often find others' difficult adolescents come to live with June 5 for a bit, taking shelter for brief moments around personal crises.

In Love

In social situations your charming manner makes people long to get to know you better. In an intimate union you make a loving partner, albeit one who is wary of losing freedom and independence. You thrive when paired with someone who understands your need for personal space in which to move and breathe. You can take romance or leave it alone, but you need intellectual companionship and a mate who is tolerant of your varied interests. Your significant other can either share your passion for animated discussion or be left out when you’re conversing with more eloquent companions.

In Bed

Where love and sex are concerned you tend to be a bit absentminded.

Sometimes you get so immersed in your intellect, you all but forget your body. However, all it takes to ignite your desire is a small reminder of what you’ve been missing. The right suitor knows that a combination of gentle touches and spicy verbal banter quickly eases you into the mood for making love. Once you get going, you are a considerate, skillful lover, intent on heightening the pleasure for yourself and your partner.


Sometimes you work so hard you forget to eat, then binge on rubbish. Remember baked beans cheap, fast and healthy. Put beans with toast and you have the dietary equivalent of a good marriage. Separately neither is nutritionally compkte; together the two complement each other to produce a nutritious whole. Its all down to protein and its constituent amino acids, the stuff of body tissues. Pulses are rich in the amino acids which cereals are weak in and vice versa. Beans on toast, easy on the butter please, provides an amino acid profile which closely reflects the body's own protein requirement.


Your already restless nature is quickly bored by humdrum repetition.

Endless curiosity prompts you to explore a variety of sexual pleasures and practices. It is not unusual for you to intensify the eroticism through sensual enhancements. Sex toys and suggestive attire get your juices flowing and add spice and creativity to your lovemaking.


Overwork causes loss of creativity. If you have a good run, the temptation, high on adrenalin, is to go on and on and on. But you pay for it with a great big low the next day.

Reality Check

You are a witty, quick-thinking, fast-talking bundle of nervous energy. More in tune with your mind than your emotions, you tend to give short shrift to your feelings. In fact, you are somewhat inhibited emotionally. Consequently, you are considerably more comfortable when expounding your thoughts and ideas than when dealing with your feelings and emotions.

June 5 Date Share

Federico Garda-Lorca, Spanish, famous for bullfighting poetry and political comment, murdered by Fascist regime. Ken Follett British author, Eye of the Needle. Margaret Drabble, author, editor of Oxford Compendium of English Literature. Tony Richardson, British film director, Tom Jones, Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

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