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June 6th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 06, 2024

There's no reason at all why you shouldn't hide your feelings, act the conventional citizen if that pleases you. Just dont let it exhaust you or make you ill, because deception can be wearing.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Venus; Numbers: 3, 6

June 6th Birthday Love Astrology

This creature is fire beneath the ice, black lace beneath tweed suits. Scratch the conventional surface and find molten precious metal. But they are secretive and spend energy disguising their wayward, passionate nature behind a Mr and Mrs Ordinary Person façade.

People think they know all about June 6, then after years of dependability, perhaps as the local postman, or bank manager, they throw it all up one day for a grand and unsuitable passion. Or worse, still, commit an astonishing crime. Then everybody says: ‘Who would ever have thought it?'

Sex always brings out the wild man and woman in June 6. Lovers already know that their partner is extra-hot to handle, will openly enjoy experimenting with clothes and sex toys. But never in any way that might harm. Those born on this day generally have a loathing for violence, even the pretend sort. Nevertheless, expect excitement, candles by the bath, athletic requests, provocative behaviour under the table during the most formal of occasions. Otherwise, for the most part, butter wouldn't melt in this hot little baked potato until the explosion.

At work they are careful to be punctual, apparently uninspiring and well-organised, a model of corporate co-operativeness. They are often given huge responsibility by bosses who secretly think they are dull. Then, suddenly, those who mocked June 6 for lacking that special spark, find themselves taken over and working for the object of derision. They will seize the company and make what didn't work sparkle with profit. They will relocate the workforce and streamline it, but never indulge in the ruthless psychotic behaviour common to other birth dates. They are not innate bullies and do not enjoy other people's discomfiture.

Less financially-motivated people will just plod along for a period of time, mowing the lawn, taking the dog to the vet, returning the videos on time. Then throw regularity to the winds and disappear round the world.

In Love

People born on this date are intelligent, flexible, and able to adjust themselves to people and events. In a close union, you’re tender and considerate; friendship and intellectual companionship are as vital to you as love.

Basically partnership oriented, you prefer a committed relationship. Even so, you can be fickle in your attachments. As a result, it may take a while before you decide to settle down with Mr. or Ms. Right. Idealistic where love is concerned, you need to be able to admire your lover and respect his or her intelligence. Moreover, you want your significant other’s admiration and respect in return.

In Bed

You long to be swept off your feet in a romantic fantasy. Your mind is your number-one erogenous zone, and you’re extremely susceptible to verbal enticements. Because you prefer being the one pursued, you rarely make the first move. You rely on your innate ability to attract and inspire your lover. The poet in you enjoys all the charming rituals of old-fashioned courtship. You respond enthusiastically to a beautiful and harmonious bedroom ambiance that includes the ubiquitous flower petals, candlelight, and soft music.


Many people born on this day have indigestion and take far too much shop-bought medicine to cope with their heartburn, nausea, stomach aches and general feeling of discomfort and being clogged by food. This day is physically sensitive to pressure and the best thing to do is reorganise the diet. Drink warming, but light broths, homemade chicken noodle is perfect. Step up the fresh vegetable intake, especially root vegetables, carrots and beetroots. Stick to beans, wholegrains, small amounts oftofu and soyabean products, fish, chicken, pork and beef Cut down on dairy products, caffeine, refined white flour and sugar.


Beauty, luxury, and comfort gratify your senses and put you in the mood for love. After a glamorous evening of social and cultural happenings, you like to unwind with your lover in a secluded hideaway where you can enjoy the intimacy of a private supper. Seductive glances and other spontaneous romantic gestures trigger your sexual impulses.


There's no reason at all why you shouldn't hide your feelings, act the conventional citizen if that pleases you. Just dont let it exhaust you or make you ill, because deception can be wearing.

Reality Check

Basically you’re more tranquil and less restless than other twins, and you tend to avoid discord whenever possible. Highly civilized by nature, with delicate sensibilities, you are easily offended by crudeness and vulgarity. You function best when surrounded by beautiful, artistic objects, in a serene and harmonious environment.

June 6 Date Share

Robert England, film actor, Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street. Björn Borg, Swedish tennischampion, won six FrenchOpens, five straightWimbledons. Billie Whitelaw, British actress, Beckett interpreter.Alexandra Fjodorovna, lastRussian Tzarina, wife toNicholas II, murdered byBolsheviks during RussianRevolution.

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