June 7th Seduction Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 07, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being on time

☆The way forward is to understand that respecting other people by being punctual is the mark of a truly inspirational and charismatic person.

The Birthday Of The Seduction, The Day Of The Entertainer

June 7th Seduction Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 7th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable numbers: 4, 7

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, sky blue, yellow

Birthstone: Agate

Many people think that the colorful individuals born on June 7 live in a land of make-believe; in fact it is an inner world full of great ideas and potential. Their enchanting verve and style captivates people’s imagination and, more often than not, these seductive individuals are fashion icons or trendsetters.

Whatever they decide to do, it will be slightly ahead of its time. They instinctively know how to reach people with their creative energy; they enjoy the process of seduction and invest much energy in non-verbal signals. They often take great pains over their appearance and in many social situations their clothes, body language and eyes do the talking for them—sometimes too much talking, as they are not afraid of being shocking or sensational. They also have a fantastic sense of humor and fun, and life is always entertaining when they are around. Instinctively grasping the seductive powers of surprise and humor, they delight in shocking people and making them smile.

If they don’t get in touch with their feelings, however, they run the risk of living life on a superficial level. When this happens, instead of being captivating and enchanting, others may start to think of them as unreliable, forgetful and unfocused and they could find themselves alone. Often possessing an instinct to run away, it is important therefore for them to try and probe their lives more deeply. Fortunately, before the age of forty-four there are significant opportunities for them to focus more on their inner life. After the age of forty-five there is a turning point which encourages greater self-expression and assertiveness; as long as they guard against self-absorption, these are the years they can really come into their own.

People born on this day have a rich inner life and they need to make sure that they don’t subordinate this to material concerns or refuse to acknowledge or express it because they fear others might think them odd. They aren’t odd—they’re just full of unique and special potential.

☆ On the dark side:Self-absorbed, forgetful, indulgent

☆ At your best:Trendsetting, visionary, entertaining

June 7 people not only have their finger on the public pulse but often set the fashion for their social set or family. These colorful figures may be impractical or unreliable dreamers but they sure know how to pick up on the wishes and thoughts of others. Indeed their confidence and charisma can lead to disappointment in the sense that they may be chosen to fill a commanding role for which they are not suited. Nonetheless, should they venture out to achieve wider acclaim in society at large, those born on this day have what it takes to captivate others with their seductive charm. Often this talent is employed in an easy manner, free of self-consciousness or calculation.

It is very important to the lasting success of June 7 people that they go deeply into life and not be content to skim merrily along on its surface. Often judged to be superficial, they must expand their horizons beyond the material aspects of life, such as clothes, car, house and money. This will also be a key factor in determining whether or not they can form close friendships and deep commitments. Should they refuse to seek a more profound basis for their lives, they will generally fail repeatedly to establish intimacy in their personal relationships.

Those born on this day may be unaware of their deficiencies until one day someone they really care about breaks the news to them, perhaps not too gently either.

Usually the "language" at which June 7 people excel is decidedly non-verbal and may not be particularly intellectual either. Visual and body language come naturally to them, as does the language of love. Their desire to seduce others, either literally or figuratively, is commensurate with their skills to do so. This seduction may take both a physical and verbal form.

Unfortunately, what signifies much to others may for the June 7 person be merely a passing fancy. Thus their ability to disappoint is great.

At times June 7 people may show a tendency toward seemingly bizarre behavior. For the most part this is harmless diversion; perhaps they are just trying out a new activity or manner of expression, as someone else might try on a new hat. Indeed, June 7 people are some of the most fun people in the year—this is particularly true when they play the host.

June 7 people are decidedly sensuous and physical types who enjoy many forms of movement and body contact. In addition, they delight in shocking people and playing jokes.

Most of all they despise pretentious types who put on airs. Even when highly successful, those born on this day pride themselves on keeping the common touch and remaining in tune with the times. Entertainment is probably what gives them the greatest satisfaction, whether appreciating a performance or performing themselves.

Power Thought:I can share and trust my feelings,Human beings are like flowers, at once so delicate and durable

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 7th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 and by the planet Neptune. Because Neptune is the watery planet ruling visions, dreams and psychic phenomena, those governed by the number 7 must guard against falling into states of unreality. Number 7 people also typically like change and travel; fortunately, this does not create conflicts for those born on June 7, because they are generally adaptable and suited for change (underlined by Mercury's rulership of Gemini).

June 7th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency; the bad side indicates a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Do it anyway)Creating luck in life directly correlates with how disciplined and committed you are to doing what it takes to get what you want—even when you don’t feel like it.

Love Thrill of the chase

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You are both highly seductive and seek emotional fulfillment, and this can create a passionate and adventurous union.

People born on June 7 will endlessly fantasize about love. They have a passionate nature and strong desire, together with the charm and charisma to easily draw admirers to them. Because they love the thrill of the chase, commitment to one person may be a problem; but a close, loving relationship with one special person is the secret to their emotional fulfillment and an ideal they should work toward.

Health Mirror, mirror on the wall

People born on this day are often fascinated by their own appearance and will do as much as they can to enhance or change it if the fancy takes them. Personal grooming is essential for them but they need to be careful not to take this to extremes, becoming too self-absorbed and vain in the process. As far as diet is concerned, they understand the connection between junk food, weight problems and poor health; they are therefore likely to eat healthily but they do have a sweet tooth and may occasionally indulge in binges, although it won’t be long before they get things back under control. They enjoy exercise and can benefit greatly from it as long as they don’t take it to extremes. Wearing, meditating and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to think more of higher things, as would spiritual or selfhelp books and practicing meditation.

June 7 people are usually very concerned about their physical health and appearance. Therefore they are easily persuaded that a regular trip to the doctor is a good idea. Neither do they find tiresome good grooming, care of skin and nails, or maintaining a beautiful figure. This generally holds true for their diets as well. Although they are not necessarily interested in eating healthful foods, and may even have strong cravings for junk food or sweets, they know when they are going wrong and soon get back on track. Regular meals are a joy for June 7 people as long as they don't have to eat alone. Also, overly serious or stone-faced companions may take away their appetite completely. Flamboyant sports and unconventional forms of exercise attract those born on this day. A wide variety of sensuous and sexual experiences are recommended, but caution should be exercised when called for.

Career Born entertainers

These people love to enchant an audience, and are natural performers and entertainers. They also make great party planners, sales people and publishers. Other career choices that might appeal include teaching, lecturing, writing, marketing, advertising, commerce, or law.

Destiny To enchant the world with their charisma and magic

The life path for people born on this day is to learn to look within themselves for a sense of fulfillment. Once they have been able to look at their lives more deeply, their destiny is to enchant the world with their special brand of charisma and magic.

Beware of your seductive powers; you may lead others on and regret it later. Try to entertain yourself (be more independent of your need for an audience). Study your subjects as thoroughly as possible, and be just as serious about what you say.

Celebrities Born On June 7th

Liam Neeson(Irish actor), Dean Martin(American singer and actor), Prince(American singer-songwriter),

Paul Gauguin (French post-impressionist painter, sculptor, ceramicist, left business and family to paint, worked bnefly with Van Gogh, moved to Tahiti where he married thirteen- year-old girl), Prince (singer, songwriter, entertainer), Tom Jones (Welsh singer, entertainer), Al Jolson (singer, Yiddish entertainer, songwriter), Jessica Tandy (stage, TV, film actress), Beau Brummell (British dandy, set style for men's clothing and manners, committed to debtor's prison, died in French mental institution), Rocky Graziano (world middleweight boxing champion, personality, subject of film Somebody Up There Likes Me, entertainer), George Szell (conductor, Cleveland Orchestra, pianist), Philippe Entremont (French pianist, conductor), James Ivory (film director, A Room With a View, producer), Thurman Munson (baseball catcher. Rookie of Year, MVP, killed in plane crash), Elizabeth Bowen (Insh short-story writer, novelist, A World of Love), Tal Farlow (jazz guitarist), Virginia Apgar (physician, anesthesiologist, devised sconng system for rating health of newborns), Ame Sultan (comedy wnter), Empress Charlotte (Mexican ruler), Leopold Auer (violin pedagogue, taught Heifetz and other greats), Randy Turpin (British heavyweight boxing champion), Pietro Annigoni (Italian artist, portrait painter), Vivien Kellems (mdustnalist)

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