June 8th Expectation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 08, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is knowing how to relax

☆The way forward is to understand that time out is not time wasted but time gained; you will return to your work with greater enthusiasm, energy and clarity.

The Birthday Of Expectation, The Day Of Influential Individualism

June 8th Expectation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 8th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable numbers: 5, 8

Lucky days: Wednesday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, hunter green, yellow

Birthstone: Agate

People born on June 8 are honest and direct in their approach to life. They speak their mind and, because they have such high expectations of themselves and others, despise laziness or injustice in any form.

Although highly independent and quite happy to work alone, people born on this day will often find themselves in the position of leader. This is because they have a strong sense of fair play and understand the importance of adhering to rules—as long as these rules are their own. They also make great leaders because they set an inspiring example in their wholehearted dedication to their life’s work, be that running a business, heading a team or raising a family. There is a danger, however, that their dedication and industriousness can tip over into workaholism.

Until the age of forty-three they focus on home and their emotional life. Their basic nature is to be personable and fun, so it is important during this time that they don’t let their spontaneity disappear. In their attempt to be just, they should also make sure they don’t become harsh or judgmental, placing impossible expectations of loyalty and dedication on themselves and others. After the age of forty-four they become more self-expressive and assertive, but they need to make sure that they do not become preachy toward others and overly zealous in their attitude to work. The key to their success and fulfillment both personally and professionally is to balance their emotional needs with their strong sense of responsibility. As they approach the age of seventy, they start to become more practical and analytical, and the emphasis turns toward serving others.

The integrity, industriousness and devotion that they are capable of enable them to blaze a pioneering trail through life and build a wide social circle. Once they can develop empathy and a greater tolerance for their own vulnerabilities and those of others the high expectation of fulfillment that they have always had will be realized in their own success and happiness.

☆ On the dark side:Workaholic, stressed, judgmental

☆ At your best:Independent, honest, dedicated

The majority of those born on June 8 show highly developed mental abilities which may be equally well applied to science, the humanities or the arts. As family leaders (this is particularly true for women) they show a strong feeling of responsibility, and exhibit character and steadfastness in times of adversity. However, the more talented June 8 people are, the more eccentric and idiosyncratic they can be. Their mental balance can be precarious due to their sensitive ego and the rarefied world they inhabit.

June 8 people are not known for considering the consequences of their actions. Neither are they particularly diplomatic. Thus it may be that one big mistake can ruin or at least severely set back many years of positive work. Careful planning and objectivity are thus crucial to the successful outcome of their projects. A highly talented or creative June 8 person may feel the need to withdraw from the world periodically, but during these periods of recharging and inspiration must remain in touch with the world of events. Those born on this day are not the most social anyway (even if studying people is their driving passion).

Hobbies, clubs and social work are venues through which many June 8 people find comfortable and rewarding human contact.

In an attempt to be just, those born on this day can turn judgmental; in their need to be courageous, they may develop aggressive tendencies. June 8 people can also become preachy and overly moral, even those who are most unconventional themselves. It is as if they demand a tolerance for themselves which they are unwilling to grant others. On the other hand, loyalty is something that June 8 people both expect from others and personally demonstrate (especially in regard to family and friends). However, in order to advance in their personal development, those born on this day may need to lessen feelings of guilt associated with a zealous sense of duty.

Because of the steadily increasing demands that accompany a climb to success, and because of their low threshold for stress, many June 8 people are happiest when they find a level of performance at which they function satisfactorily and stay there. On the other hand, those destined for higher positions in firms or careers must toughen their hide for the loneliness and difficulties that inevitably accompany a rise to the top (and also have a realistic idea of what life is like there). When occupying positions of importance or authority, June 8 people must keep in mind that any lack of communication between them and their employees or public will only intensify stresses. Therefore, they should establish open channels of communication that allow for an easy exchange of information and concerns. If these few requirements are met. their minds will remain free to soar, to innovate, to manifest their theories and plans with extraordinary success and benefit to others.

Power Thought:Every day I will keep a clear focus on what is truly important,The laws of manifestation are the physics of tomorrow

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 8th day of the month are ailed by the number 8 and by the planet Saturn. Since Saturn carries a strong feeling of responsibility and sense of caution, limitation and fatalism, the more conservative side of June 8 people is enhanced. Those ruled by the number 8 build their lives and careers slowly and carefully. Mercury (ruler of Gemini) combines influences with Saturn to give June 8 people a serious mental outlook. Although they may be quite warmhearted, the saturnian influences of those ruled by the number 8 can make for a cold exterior.

June 8th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Anchor your goals in reality)Lucky people affirm clear goals for themselves but they make sure these goals are within reason. So be realistically optimistic in your goal setting.

Love Fun to be around

You’re drawn to people born on April 21 to May 21:You are both loyal, hardworking and romantic individuals, and this can be a rewarding and fulfilling relationship.

People born on June 8 are great fun to be around, but their long absences and commitment to work may put their friendships and relationships at risk. They need to make sure that they set enough time aside for their relationships and cultivate a sense of play. They also need to find ways to express their feelings to others and not allow hidden insecurities to manifest in quarrelsome or judgmental behavior.

Health An active life

Exercise is vital for people born on this day, and if they don’t already have an exercise routine in place they are strongly advised to make one. This is because exercise will not only boost their immunity and self-esteem and keep their weight down; it will force them to take time out to concentrate on their well-being. There is a tendency for them to become workaholics and, if this isn’t checked, they could become victims of stress and depression. Exercise, a healthy diet rich in mood-boosting fruits, vegetables, oily fish, nuts, and seeds, together with time spent relaxing with loved ones, will help them feel more in balance. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will increase feelings of warmth, physical enjoyment and security.

Because of the intense mental strain many June 8 people experience, and the excess responsibility they take on, they may suffer from various problems of the nervous system, most often headaches, muscular tension and anxiety. June 8 people must avoid treating the symptom only and ignoring the root causes of such complaints; such symptoms must be seen as a warning or call for change of habits and lifestyle. Insomnia may be another result of stress. Prescription drugs or home cures may be of some help; meditation or psychological counseling are more lasting solutions and, again, go to the root of the problem. Cultivating the culinary arts and an interest in preparing food is a very healthy pastime tor June 8 people. Those June 8 people with sedentary professions have to make a greater effort to exercise regularly. A nearby escape to more natural surroundings is of great benefit to city dwellers.

Career Born architects

These people are especially well equipped for science-related careers, such as research and computer programming, but design-related careers such as architecture, landscaping and planning are also favored. Other careers that might interest them include law, education, banking, or accountancy. This date also shows potential for success in show business, art and music.

Destiny To influence and guide others with their powers of perception

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance their sense of integrity and fair play with a more liberal approach to life. Once they are able to find this balance, their destiny is to influence and guide others with their incisive powers of perception.

Keep the moral and judgmental aspects of yourself under control. Consider carefully the standards you set i lor yourself and others). Loosen up a bit Ik- satisfied with where you are, at leasl tor the moment; don't let ambition dictate your life.

Celebrities Born On June 8th

Nancy Sinatra(American singer and actress), Kanye West(American rapper and record producer), Tim Berners-Lee(British computer scientist and inventor of the World Wide Web),

Frank Lloyd Wright (visionary architect designer, Guggenheim Museum, writer, Modem Architecture), Robert Schumann (German Romantic composer, music critic, first to recognize Chopin and Brahms, attempted suicide by drowning, died in mental institution), Sir Francis Crick (British co-discoverer of DNA, Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist), Grant Lewi (astrologer, author, Heaven Knows What), Marguerite Yourcenar (French wnter, Memoirs of Hadrian), Robert Stevenson (Scottish 1 8- 1 9 th c. engineer), General Suharto (Indonesian military, political leader, seized power from Sukarno, elected president), CC. Beck (cartoonist Captain Marvel), Joan Rivers (comedienne, TV host personality, "Can we talk?"), Barbara Bush (US First Lady, active in promoting literacy), Nancy Sinatra (singer, Frank's daughter). Boz Scaggs (singer, songwriter), John Diebold (Diebold Group founder, management consultant prophet of new electronic technology), Sara Paretsky (detective writer, novelist. Bitter Medicine), Willie Davenport (US Olympic gold medalwmnmg hurdler), William L Calley (US Army lieutenant, convicted of My Lai massacre of unarmed Vietnamese civilians, three years in jail, became insurance salesman), LeRoy Neiman (painter), Alexis Smith (film actress), Bruce McCandless (US astronaut), Bo Widerberg (Swedish film director, Joe Hill)

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