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June 8th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 08, 2024

People who can't find someone to love outside the office lack imagination and oomph and draw intense criticism. Look for a date amongst friends, rely on relatives, anywhere but the work environment.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Venus; Numbers: 5, 8

June 8th Birthday Love Astrology

Beauty and social graces are everything to June 8, which may irritate others who are less blessed. Gemini often has a slenderness of physique and charm which is enviable. But this difficult twinklet is an attractiveness-snob, and can spend too much time admiring itself.

Worse still, they spend rather too much time criticising others, especially their nearest and dearest. Young people born on June 8 take is so far that they don't want to be seen with their parents. Nor will they necessarily choose a partner with sterling qualities, preferring to drool over curly hair and remarkable blue eyes. It won't matter that there is little sign of a brain, just that the partner matches their own image. Naturally it's a problem if you want a conversation, and there's the rub, because June 8 is prone to boredom and is extremely cutting about anyone slower-witted than themselves.

Nicer people born on this day develop an amusing sense of self-mockery, always the perfect antidote to vanity. This, combined with their high intelligence, makes them wonderful company and much-desired lovers. These much-pursued individuals show generosity to other people's talents, but woe betide companions who haven't got much talent. They are likely to be on the receiving end of a devastating smile, then ignored.

June 8 can be an asset at work. Bosses often use them to raise money and make connections with other businesses because of their immense attraction. But they do tend to indulge in office affairs, and worse, get sick of these affairs quickly, leaving colleagues to handle an embarrassing situation. Neither men nor women born on this date seem to twig that everybody at work always knows about other people's sex lives, if the connection comes from work. And no amount of arriving separately, not talking to each other during office hours and disguising telephone conversations as important work calls will pull the wool over anybody's eyes.

In Love

Your friendly, outgoing manner and way with words attract a number of interesting acquaintances, but only a select few are permitted to enter your private world. You tend to analyze everything about a potential romantic partner before you’ll even consider a serious alliance. When problems arise in a close relationship, you respond intellectually rather than emotionally, because you are more comfortable talking about your feelings than actually letting yourself feel them. You are seeking an enduring love relationship that gives you considerable freedom of movement, yet you expect a strong commitment and total loyalty from your significant other.

In Bed

Your dedication to work can leave little time for love and romance. Nevertheless, you make the most of whatever time you have. In public you can be rather reserved in your expressions of affection, but behind closed doors you exhibit the raunchy side of your lusty libido. The privacy of the bedroom brings out your steamy sensuality. Once freed of your inhibitions, you make a delightfully verbal lover, using words as a means of stimulation and seduction.


These people limit their daily intake of food so much that they make themselves extremely tired and ill. They get distracted if they put on a few pounds, so intense about perceived perfection, that they may over-diet. They may adopt faddy eating patterns, only eating fruit, which plays havoc with their digestive systems, drinking too little liquid and cut out so much fat that they become listless and can develop depression. They lack confidence in their own ability to attract unless they look ‘perfect' and should try to revise their too demanding attitude to their physical appearance.


A glamorous evening out on the town can set the stage for heavenly lovemaking later on in the night. At times you may appear somewhat distracted, yet you are aware of every subtle nuance of your lover’s body language. A provocative glance or suggestive allusion can serve as an aphrodisiac for the passionate intimacy that eventually follows.


People who can't find someone to love outside the office lack imagination and oomph and draw intense criticism. Look for a date amongst friends, rely on relatives, anywhere but the work environment.

Reality Check

You assimilate knowledge quickly; then you use what you have learned to convince others of the validity of your arguments. Emotionally, however, you are changeable and contradictory, and your volatility can be quite puzzling to all who care about you. You may be buoyant and high spirited one moment, and then you’ll suddenly shift gears and become solemn and thoughtful the next.

June 8 Date Share

Nancy Sinatra, singer, Frank's daughter, lovely, difficult and always struggling. Sir Francis Crick, British co-discoverer of DNA, Nobel Prize winner. Joan Rivers, comedienne, TV personality. Barbara Bush, US first lady. Robert Schumann, German romantic composer.

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