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June 9th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 09, 2024

There is so much talent in you, it seems a shame tojeapordise it with petulence. Try to be more consistent with other people, less suspicious, and you will find they return this attention with rewarding affection.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Venus; Numbers: 6, 9

June 9th Birthday Love Astrology

This individual has a struggle with himself. Sometimes charming and helpful, other times ratty, catty and hysterical, there's no knowing which side of the June 9 personality will come to the fore. They bring trouble on themselves by their inability to sustain kindness, yet when they are in trouble they are remarkably braveJThis is not a character which shows weakness under pressure, although the women are not above some judicious weeping to get their way, and the men can develop sudden, diplomatic illnesses.

At work, both sexes can be doggedly determined, although leadership of others is not their strong suit. If somebody puts them down, they work their way up again, with good ideas and application. Both sexes are not above the use of sex appeal to make their point but whoever minded that? It brightens up the Christmas parry and it's fun. This day rarely has more than a flirtation at work, so there's no risk of mockery or embarrassment

At home, June 9 can be difficult, often so tired they fly into a temper at the slightest thing. This is difficult for children of people born today, but children can put up with more than you think as long as their parents love them, and these individuals do love their offspring. The trouble is that they always want their kids to do well at school or in clubs - the pushy parent - which is hard on little ones.

Many individuals can become hypochondriacs. Women born on this day often have difficult periods and pregnancies, which set the stage for future worries about themselves. They may become frenzied about their children's health. Many men examine themselves each morning for signs of illness, or temperature, and take the slightest bug very seriously indeed. Some of these people have been known to keep a thermometer in their briefcase so they can regularly take their temperature during work breaks.

In Love

You are a romantic idealist, given to wild flights of fancy. Stability in a love relationship is not one of your top priorities. Although you enjoy the emotional security that a permanent partnership offers, you fear commitment.

Because you are extremely social, the freedom to come and go as you please is more important to you than the relative safety of a long-term liaison. A poet at heart, you tend to view romantic love as something magical, but illusive. When an intimate union starts to lose its early sparkle, you may decide to move on to a newer, more exciting relationship.

In Bed

Your sexual interests lie as much in the realm of the ethereal and otherworldly as the physical. To a great extent, the intensity of your sex drive depends upon your vibrant imagination. The slightest flirtatious suggestion can trigger torrid mental images. When your intellect is stimulated by erotic thoughts, your body quickly follows suit. With your imagination invoked, the sexy scenarios of shared fantasy create a feeling of deeply felt sensuality that envelops both you and your bed partner.


June 9 can get too anxious and work him or herself up into a state. Reach for those comforting and pleasant Bach Flower remedies, so popular today. If they don't help, it's still a nice idea that they were collected for our greater health from British fields and woods. Try rock rose (Helianthemum nummulariumj/or terror, panic, fright and nightmares or gentian (Gentianella amarella) for those who feel easily discouraged^ or who feel self-doubt and anxiety at even the smallest delays and when tiny things go wrong. These remedies can be found in most good health food stores.


Your vivid imagination can transport you to exotic, unknown times and places, without ever leaving the bedroom. A master storyteller yourself, you are turned on by a lover with a fantasy life equal to your own. Together you create fabulous, unforgettable tales of lusty romance, excitement, and adventure that merge the sacred with the profane.


There is so much talent in you, it seems a shame tojeapordise it with petulence. Try to be more consistent with other people, less suspicious, and you will find they return this attention with rewarding affection.

Reality Check

Your versatility is your strongest point and your major weakness. When a subject interests you, you absorb knowledge like a sponge. But, you’re impressionable and easily distracted. You have a dreamy, illusive quality that keeps you remote from the real world and can lead to dissatisfaction. Your challenge is the learning and development of concentration and continuity of purpose.

June 9 Date Share

Michael J Fox, film actor. Johnny Depp, film actor. Jackie Mason, comedian, Broadway entertainer. Cole Porter, Broadway musical comedy writer, songwriter, lyricist. Johnny Ace, R&B singer, shot himself playing Russian roulette in dressing-room on Christmas Eve.

One may smile and smile

and be a villain.

(William Shakespeare)

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