March 15th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onMarch 15, 2024

Choosing your own goals and deciding what you want to do seems easy. But if you happen to be in a world of those whose view of life is based on a struggle and a perspective that is alien to yours, then it will be tricky. What is most important, however, is that in choosing a goal, you are absolutely sure it is yours and yours alone.

Those who question your faith in others should look in the mirror

March 15th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on March 15th

The question you need to answer as a Pisces is, why do you struggle to please others, those who want you to make a single plan, when, in fact, your symbol is two fish swimming in different directions.

There’s another sign that is similar to yours: Gemini, which is the twins. Both signs have the same rare capacity to look at any situation from at least two different angles.

While that is a gift, it isn’t necessarily recognized by the other individuals who are in your world. They simply want you to make a plan and then stick with it. That may be easy for the Capricorns and Virgos of this world, but your nature is always to see both sides of something.

And it is a great gift. If others are unhappy with it, very politely tell them that you will inform them when and how you can commit, but you can’t transform yourself.

And this is very much part of the realization of your own gift, as well. Then you realize that those who don’t appreciate your vision are actually at a loss—and it’s too bad for them.

While you can’t, and shouldn’t, explain what they can’t see, you can and will help them as best you can. And then, having done that, you can quietly back off, spend time with those who appreciate you, and enjoy being yourself. That is the greatest gift of all.

You and others

The simple fact of recognizing that others can’t see as much as you can—and even more than that, don’t care that they can’t see—is difficult. Yet at the same time, there are few things that will free you as much as a simple realization that your vision of the world is far broader and far more inspiring than many of those who think they know more than you do.

Health and well-being

Dealing with periods when you are overwhelmed is tricky. The exhaustion is one thing, but then there are the demands of others who refuse to acknowledge you need to take a break. Do what you can, but no more. Then put yourself in a setting that is free of demands of that nature. This is all about rest and recovery.

Goals and challenges

Choosing your own goals and deciding what you want to do seems easy. But if you happen to be in a world of those whose view of life is based on a struggle and a perspective that is alien to yours, then it will be tricky. What is most important, however, is that in choosing a goal, you are absolutely sure it is yours and yours alone.


You are in an uncomfortable position of having to confront somebody about their facts being wrong. In this case, the individual in question tends to speak without thinking. And the matter in question involves you. Address this firmly, and as out of character as it may be, don’t apologize.

Zodiac Sign

Pisces: FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 19

Ruler: Neptune

Symbol: The Fish

Element: Water

Flower: Water lily

Symbolized by a pair of fish, you, as a Pisces, born under this often charismatic and highly intuitive water sign, can view almost any situation from two angles. While you were originally ruled by Jupiter, Neptune’s discovery in 1846 changed that. Your flower is water lily, your food and flavors are moss and lime, and your tree is the fig. Your stone is misty, blue-green jade.

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