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March 30th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMarch 30, 2024

Men and women dream of childbirth, often simple wish-fulfilment, sometimes an expression of guilt after an affair. Not infrequently, for women, your body tells you what it hasn't told your waking self. You're pregnant.

Sun Sign: Aries/Mars

Decanate: Aries/Mars; Numbers: 3, 6

March 30th Birthday Love Astrology

There's a magnetic force field around March 30. Most people can't resist the crackle of lightening which accompanies this person. It's simply more fun being with them than not being with them. Not necessarily born with physical beauty, they may spend their childhood pursuing ordinary delights without any seeming distinction. Then one day this magic child puts down her butterfly net and sets out with a bigger one to trawl the skies, riding on stardusted wings until she reaches her chosen star.

And still this ram seems less than notable to those who can't see the soaring creativity which makes this person special. Whatever this individual does works. Both sexes make everything seem so easy, that again, others can't understand their success. Some will be painters, musicians, sportsmen, scientists and become household names. Others may not glitter on the world stage, but in their own locality they are well loved.

This is the person who makes things happen in your town or village. He or she may run local authority or state departments. If there is no theatre or the church needs repairing, they build and mend. If a specialist hospital is needed, both sexes campaign until it happens.

What they say at certain moments in life, other people will remember for ever because these are the shapers of others' destinies. March 30 is always on the telephone because someone has rung for help, maybe to solve an academic problem, ask the name of the author of a favourite book, what colour to wear to a wedding, and, of course, who to marry.

The glimmer about them is part sex appeal. They do not realise that the telephoners would like to be lovers, but settle for friendship because they know that's all they can have. March 30 mustn't hold on to these friends so tightly they can never be free to find someone who will love them back.

In Love

An unabashed optimist with an eternally youthful outlook, you make a delightful companion or lover. You are a born entertainer, with a bubbling personality and a vivacious charm that seems to exude sparks of life. You fall in love easily and often, and your restless, fast-paced lifestyle does not incline toward permanent liaisons. Freedom and independence mean so much to you, it’s difficult for you to even consider settling down. It takes a really special person to get you to trade in life as a swinging single for one that includes a white picket fence in the burbs.

In Bed

Your brain is your most sensitive erogenous zone. When your mind is aroused, your sensual body follows. You captivate your lover with a combination of dazzling conversation and innovative, enthusiastic physical exploration. Matching wits with a potential lover serves as your most potent aphrodisiac. You revel in the unexpected and adore the challenge of spontaneous verbal jousting. What begins as a seemingly innocent flirtation with subtle innuendos often leads to a meteoric eruption of passionate desire.


This date is capable of huge work hours, adrenalin keeping him going. Next day, he suffers from a ‘hangover’. Experts have discovered that long hours over a computer, or with pilots hunched over controls, develops a shallow breathing habit, which prevents oxygen getting to the brain and runs down the body. Make a tape of your favourite music, Arians like E major, so put on ‘Spring’ from Vivaldi's Four Seasons to calm the mind. When it finishes, get Up and do this breathing exercise, which has helped pilots to relax and feel stronger. Breathe in deeply. Breathe out. Pause. Repeat fifty times.


You can imagine yourself going off in a sleek sports car to a stylish outdoor café for drinks and a tête-à-tête with your charming, witty companion.

Afterward, dinner in an intimate little ethnic restaurant followed by a sexy foreign film. Later, a nightcap and a whispered exchange detailing what you are about to do to each other in the bedroom.


Men and women dream of childbirth, often simple wish-fulfilment, sometimes an expression of guilt after an affair. Not infrequently, for women, your body tells you what it hasn't told your waking self. You're pregnant.

Reality Check

Endowed with the gift of gab, you are one of the zodiac’s great persuaders.

While your verbal skills allow you to dominate most conversations, they can also get you into trouble. You have a tendency to jump to conclusions and/or speak without thinking. You may avoid problems by double-checking your facts before sharing news, gossip, and rumors with others.

March 30 Date Share

Died: In New York, Hollywood great, James Cagney. Born: Warren Beatty, film star, director. Eric Clapton, guitarist, singer, songwriter. Paul Verlaine, French 19th century symbolist poet, Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter, ‘Sunflowers'. Francisco Goya, Spanish court painter.

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