March 8th Uncompromising Rebel Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMarch 08, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to retain your independence without alienating others in the process

☆The way forward is to understand that compromise is the glue that holds society together and sometimes the greater good outweighs individual need.

The Birthday Of The Uncompromising Rebel, The Day Of Nonconformity

March 8th Uncompromising Rebel Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of March 8th Birthdays

Sun sign: Pisces

Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator

Symbol: Two Fishes

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable numbers: 2, 8

Lucky days: Thursday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Electric blue, red and green

Birthstone: Aquamarine

People born on March 8 are fiercely uncompromising spirits. They may sometimes hide their non-conformity behind an agreeable exterior but anyone who knows them well will know that deep down they are independent thinkers filled with the courage of their convictions.

These people resent being told what to do, probably demonstrating their feisty nature from an early age, much to the frustration of their parents. They often have an innate distrust and in some cases a complete lack of respect for authority; they passionately believe that everybody deserves the right to think for themselves. Their somewhat subversive approach to life can wear others out but it is not usually prompted by a need to be difficult for the sake of it. More often than not their rebellion is prompted by an ability to easily spot the flaws or weaknesses in a situation that has been previously unchallenged and to identify a better approach. In fact, these people are outstanding lateral thinkers with great empathy toward others, and this marks them out as potentially great reformers in whatever field they choose to specialize.

March 8 people have a great zest for life and a need for challenge and variety. They often feel the need to strike out or break away, not just from their background, but from the current situation they are in. They are capable of commitment and loyalty, however, and may even stay in the same field for many years, but sooner or later the aggressive and uncompromising aspect of their personality demands change and progress. Their uncompromising tendencies tend to be emphasized before the age of forty-two and in this period their lives are likely to be stormy. Then, after the age of forty-three, there is a turning point which suggests a need for more emotional and financial stability.

Although these people have a knack of alienating people with their forceful opinions, they are also blessed with considerable charm; they should understand the hypnotic, addictive power they can have over people and use it wisely.

☆ On the dark side:Disrespectful, irresponsible, demanding

☆ At your best:Independent, honest, magnetic

Those often misunderstood individuals born on March 8 must do things their own way.

Whether in their outlook, lifestyle, manner of expression or personal appearance, they are at heart nonconformists who often find themselves at odds with the status quo.

Although they may be lovers of tradition, and perhaps express reverence for cultures past, March 8 people need to break away, sometimes violently, sometimes sorrowfully, from their backgrounds in order to become individuals in their own right. Because of their critical, emotionally difficult natures, making this break themselves is often not necessary, as they may well be rejected first. But however it comes to pass, by the time they are in their late teens or early twenties they have sufficiently realized that their life is likely to be stormy and their path perhaps lonely.

March 8 people have a zest for life. Yet try as they may their lifestyle or ideas rarely find sympathy with the majority of people around them. This is in part due to their intensity, and also because their point of view is so often uncompromising, highly individualistic and perhaps challenging to societal values. Iconoclasts, those born on this day have a strong rebellious and aggressive side that does not necessarily win them friends, and an instability that may not earn trust. Yet they can be tremendously loyal friends. Those who are granted the highly personal distinction of being a March 8 person's friend will find that an equally high degree of loyalty is demanded in return.

March 8 people are supreme roleplayers. Should they choose to do so, they can work quietly at the same job for many years, keeping a low profile. Equally well they can even function as pillars of society and upholders of the status quo. Behind the scenes, however, they will nonetheless work for change and progress, and though they may assume a highly conventional position, perhaps out of a desire for financial or political security,, they usually find a way to express the extravagant side of their nature in their personal life.

Great magnetic attraction is often granted to those born on March 8. They are capable of exerting an almost hypnotic power over select individuals which is as much due to their mental strength as to their charm and intuition. As young people, their energy is often volatile and uncontrolled but as they mature they make an impact through a highly subtle, mesmerizing dynamism. Although they are not fully aware or capable of exercising these powers when young, psychic abilities often devolve on those born on this day, and may be discovered and better directed later in life. Tremendously appreciative of greatness in all fields. March 8 people are apt to express wonder and even worship when grace, power and beauty are displayed.

Power Thought:I will forgive instead of criticize,The power is there—we only have to plug into it

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 8th day of the month are ruled by the numlx-r H and the planet Saturn which posits responsibility and a sense of limitation, caution and fatalism. For March S people, the influence of Neptune (ruler of Pisces) frees up this fixed energy, allowing for more expressiveness and a greater likelihood of material luck and magnetic qualities Although those ruled by the number 8 can be quite warmhearted, the saturman influence of this number often indicates a forbidding or imposing exterior.

March 8th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Bend but don’t break)Lucky people are passionate about their convictions but also flexible enough to change direction or modify their opinions if life gives them reason to do so.

Love Craving intimacy

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 20:You are both ambitious, forceful individuals with qualities that balance each other; this can create a dynamic and passionate union.

People born on March 8 are often adored by others but real closeness can elude them, especially in their teens and twenties. They crave intimacy but can have problems with it as they tend to be loners. They can be passionate but are afraid of losing control, and for their relationships to be fulfilling they need to learn to be more spontaneous and to take more risks.

Health Accident-prone

People born on this day need to avoid stimulants like caffeine and nicotine when they are pushing themselves hard. It would be far better for them to eat an energy-boosting diet rich in nutrients and to get plenty of refreshing sleep. Fortunately, their assertive manner serves them well when it comes to their health, as they are not afraid to approach their doctor if something is troubling them; they do, however, need to take special care of their health especially when traveling, because they tend to be accident-prone. Adding a few drops of ginger essential oil to a handkerchief to breathe in whenever they feel in need of a pick-me-up can help clear their head and improve productivity.

Those born on March 8 may be accident-prone, particularly men born on this day. and should therefore take precautions if possible when traveling and indulging in rough sports. Because March 8 people are sensitive and open to many forms of experience, they not infrequently get themselves in both physical and psychological trouble. Eating a balanced diet as well as indulging in moderate exercise helps to ground them. Dmgs of all types, including alcohol, "mind-expanders" and amphetamines should be avoided. Most March 8 people are capable of pushing themselves through intense experiences or work while avoiding sleep, perhaps aided by caffeine or other stimulants. Their mental stability, however, demands sufficient sleep on a well-regulated basis. March 8 people can get highly unstable psychologically and even out of control if matters of diet, sleep, physical exercise and other general health considerations are overlooked for too long.

Career Born reformers

Potentially great trailblazers, these people excel in academic, scientific, artistic, and social spheres, and they make good academics, researchers, scientists, chemists, musicians, painters, writers, artists, and designers. They may also be drawn toward careers in politics and social reform, as well as public relations. Alternatively, they may decide to set up their own business.

Destiny To lead others to new ways of thinking and doing

The life path of people born on this day is to learn the art of compromise. Once they have learned to temper their unconventional nature so that it does not alienate others, their destiny is to lead others toward new ways of thinking and doing things.

Maintain your balance. Beware of hurting others but don't make yourself the v ictim either. Self-pity is poison to you. Soften your seriousness and lighten up if you can. Integrate yourself s

Celebrities Born On March 8th

Aidan Quinn(American actor), Lester Holt(American journalist and news anchor), Petra Kvitová(Czech tennis player),

Otto Hahn (German Nobel Prize-winning chemist, physicist, discoverer of nuclear fission), Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (Supreme Court justice, "The Great Dissenter," served thirty years, lived to age ninety-four), Kenneth Grahame (Scottish children's writer, The Wind in the Willows. Bank of England secretary, Sunday writer), Anselm Kiefer (Ger- man modern painter), Ruggiero Leoncavallo (Italian opera composer, I Pagliacci), Alan Hovhaness (modem composer), Cyd Charisse (film actress, dancer), Aidan Qumn (film, TV actor), Sir Anthony Caro (sculptor), Lynn Redgrave (stage, TV, film actress), CP.E. Bach (composer, J.S. Bach's son), Konstantinos Karamanlis (Greek presi- dent, prime minister), Douglas Hurd (British foreign minister). Lynn Seymour (ballet dancer), Mississippi John Hurt (country blues/folk singer, songwnter, guitanst, during Great De- pression went back to herding cows for thirty-five years, rediscovered), Jim Rice (Boston Red Sox baseball outfielder, AL 3x HR. 2x RBI leader. MVP), Rjchie "Crash" Allen (baseball slugger, AL RBI. 2x HR leader, MVP), Leslie Fiedler (literary cntic. Love and Dea~ - Novel). George Coleman (jazz tenor saxophonist). Ardis Krainik (director Chicago Lync Opera)

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