May 12th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onMay 12, 2024

Often people are encouraged to set very specific goals, then make a list so they can achieve them. While at times this is useful, it can also be restrictive. And for you as an individual, not only is that restrictive, it interferes with using your intuition not only to achieve those goals, but to remind you how to celebrate them.

Justifying your decisions to those who are critical achieves little

May 12th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on May 12th

Many think of profit in financial terms. But often it is said you’ve profited from dealing with, and overcoming, a serious challenge—one you have dealt with by employing thought, analysis of others’ perspectives, and, most of all, patience. Profit doesn’t always have to refer to finances; you will have learned how time, effort, and a willingness to wait, watch, and learn from others can also be profitable. What’s more, this reminds you that the time, effort, energy, and even heart you put into whatever you’re doing creates the end result.

This, in turn, highlights the importance of the word “joy,” which is often used in ceremonies such as weddings, and the wonder of holidays. Here it has to do with a leap in your heart, a real and personal joy that comes from having done something you know will benefit you, others, and, possibly, even the world. With this as a theme for your birthday, it is also important you find a balance between doing what you need to do and being able to savor life’s joys. True, often it is believed the world isn’t designed in this way.

Dealing with finances involves dull duty and challenges. However, in your particular case, the capacity to get things going and to bring money and joy into your life—and at the same time—is both a skill and an art, and one that you are always learning about and refining.

You and others

Making the best of life is one thing, discussing it with others is quite another. When at your best, you have a talent for creating magic. What’s more, it is important to share this gift with those who you were destined to be with—family or loved ones or friends. While there isn’t a single right way to do it, every effort adds its own magic.

Health and well-being

We all have moments when things just don’t feel right. That can mean you need to rest or you have a touch of something. But just as often it is because you’re worrying and don’t realize it. The key? Pausing long enough to find the joy in your life. That, in turn, will give you a clearer sense of what is needed to restore your health and well-being.

Goals and challenges

Often people are encouraged to set very specific goals, then make a list so they can achieve them. While at times this is useful, it can also be restrictive. And for you as an individual, not only is that restrictive, it interferes with using your intuition not only to achieve those goals, but to remind you how to celebrate them.


Don’t be shy about saying what you want, from others or even from life itself. This may seem bold, if not downright selfish. However, this forces you to go from distant and perhaps vague dreams to define exactly what you have in mind. It’s a vital first step to achieving those dreams.

Zodiac Sign

Taurus: APRIL 19 – MAY 19

Ruler: Venus

Symbol: The Bull

Element: Earth

Flower: Orchid

Sensuality and practicality are fundamental to you as a Taurus, the first of the earth signs. While its ruling planet, Venus, accents life’s pleasures, it’s also about assets, which means you are a gracious individual who lives both well and wisely. That’s reflected in your flower, the orchid, and your aromatic spices—cloves and sorrel. Your tree is crab apple, while your stones reflect Venus’s pastel shades in both jade and emerald.

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