May 16th Bright Color Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 16, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is adopting a more considered approach to yourself and others

☆The way forward is to spend more quiet time alone, as this will give you greater insight into the best way of achieving your ambitions.

The Birthday Of Bright Color, The Day Of Outrageous Flair

May 16th Bright Color Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 16th Birthdays

Sun sign: Taurus

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Bull

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Tower (breakthrough)

Favorable numbers: 3, 7

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Lilac, sea green, pale blue

Birthstone: Emerald

People born on May 16 are blessed with a wild energy that manifests itself in diverse, hidden or outrageous ways. Early in life they may have recognized in themselves a need to fly in the face of convention or rebel in their own distinctive and often flamboyant way. They are colorful and expressive, and life may be unpredictable when they are around but it is never boring.

Some of these people are less extrovert and perhaps quieter in their approach to life, but this tendency toward flamboyance will still express itself when their passions are aroused or their interests are threatened. In fact, whether introvert or extrovert, they can be extremely volatile and others soon learn to tread carefully around them. If they can’t learn to control their wildness, they run the risk of wasting their energy and their potential on dramatic but ultimately futile displays of temper. If, however, they learn to harness their energy and passion, their potential, especially for creative ventures, is limitless.

Life for these people is often one of extremes. It is important for them to take charge of their emotions, learning to be less reactive so that when the bad times come they have better coping mechanisms to rise above them. Until the age of thirty-five there is an emphasis in their lives on learning and education; this would be the ideal time for them to learn to manage their emotions better as they are then at their most receptive to new ways of thinking and doing things. After the age of thirty-six they will focus on emotional security home, and family life; for their professional and personal lives to be a success during this time, self-discipline again must be a priority.

Although self-mastery is the key to their success, this should never be at the expense of their colorful and expressive personality. It is through their dynamic style of expression and passionately held convictions that they are able to impress others. By so doing, they add a touch of the colorful or exotic to the world around them.

☆ On the dark side:Moody, unstable, volatile

☆ At your best:Expressive, colorful, sensual

Those born on May 16 must walk a fine line between expressing their flamboyant side and maintaining their equilibrium. Most May 16 people recognize their eccentric tendencies early on in life and consider themselves extroverts. There are, of course, those born on this day who come from a very stable background which has fostered in them a more measured or conservative persona; such people generally develop their flamboyant nature later in life. In any case, most people born on this day will become more rather than less outrageous as the years go by.

Those born on this day may well give an impression of poised self-composure; indeed many of them are soft-spoken. All it takes, however, is the rousing of their interest and they really come to life. In fact, where their passions, particularly anger, are concerned, they are like a kettle on slow boil that can erupt at any second. Those who have seen this volatile side often treat them with kid gloves, as the May 16 temper fully unleashed is not pretty.

If May 16 people can sublimate their tumultuous emotions in creative endeavors, they will produce powerful and highly imaginative work. If unable to master themselves, they will only waste their energy in useless displays of emotion. Indeed, May 16 people must train the primitive, expressive side of their nature, much in the way they would tame or train their own plants and animals.

If May 16 people are repeatedly frustrated by life they will manifest psychological problems.

Yet so forceful are they that no one, not even a good psychiatrist, can really help them unless they themselves take the reins of their own psyche in hand. Self-destructive impulses, depressions, and manic attacks are all possible. Friends and family who see the storm clouds brewing are advised to back off, but remain nearby to help. Their support in times of difficulty is essential. On the other hand, when things go right for May 16 people, they are a joy to be around. Never ones to restrict their kindness and affections, they are like a sun that shines on everybody.

Color, cloth and cut are important to May 16 people, and the way they dress can have a significant effect on both their mood and behavior. Most May 16 people only allow outrageous fashion to go so far, lest it become inappropriate. Yet the hallmark of this day is flair, and that flair has to be expressed. It must be noted that the splendidness of May 16 is not limited to the arts but may manifest in activities from business to sports. If those born on this day can develop their own style and truly individual form of expression, they will be successful and happy.

Power Thought:Today I will be cool, calm and collected,Some illnesses are self-inflicted

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 16th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7), and by the planet Neptune. Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasies and religious feeling. When coupled with Venus (ruler of Taurus), ultra-romantic and impressionable qualities are added. Since, as mentioned earlier, those born on May 16 may already have somewhat unstable tendencies, they must guard against losing touch with reality. Those ruled by the Number 7 can sometimes throw caution to the winds where money is concerned and leave their families financially embarrassed. A good accountant or bookkeeper is thus invaluable to May 16 people.

May 16th Birthday Tarot Card

The 16th card of the Major Arcana is The Tower, which in one version of the Tarot deck shows both a king falling from a lightning-struck tower and the builder of this tower being killed by a blow to the head. The Tower symbolizes the impermanence of not only physical structures but also of relationships or vocations in our lives. The changes wrought can often be sudden and swift. The positive elements of the card include overcoming catastrophe and confronting challenges. However, the Tower cautions against rising unjustifiably high, risking destruction at the hands of one's own invention, and, particularly apropos for May 16 people, succumbing to the lure of fanciful enterprises.

☆Luck maker:(Keep your cool)Lucky people seem to keep their cool when bad luck strikes. When you keep your cool you show others your inner strength, inspiring them to offer you opportunities.

Love Rapidly changing moods

You’re drawn to people born on February 20 to March 20:You share a passion for variety and challenge, and this can create a dynamic and creative union.

People born on May 16 are warm and affectionate, and are never short of admirers because they are exciting and sensual partners; their rapidly changing moods, however, can strain even the closest of relationships. They need to learn to balance their volatility by making their relationship and their home as secure and as stable as possible.

Health Stability is key

People born on this day are prone to mood swings; these can put a strain on their relationships and their health. They need to find ways to keep their lives more in balance. One way to do this is to ensure they eat a healthy diet full of fresh, natural foods rather than foods rich in sugar, salt, saturated fats, additives, and preservatives; these are known to affect brain function negatively and dampen mood. Regular exercise is a must; it will help them feel more in control of their bodies and their weight, and will also be a healthy way for them to release pent-up tension. Dressing in shades of green and blue will encourage them to feel calmer and more in control, inspiring harmony in themselves and others.

Those born on May 16 will maintain their health if they can manage to be at once expressive and balanced emotionally. A good, simple, balanced diet relatively free of additives and harmful chemicals will be helpful to them. Keeping active and on the go lessens the likelihood of serious weight problems, but for May 16 people who suffer depression, overeating may become a bad habit. A stable home life and secure family relationships are the key here to g(X)d mental and physical health. May 16 people must beware of all weaknesses of the throat; such conditions should be treated promptly with homeopathic and herbal substances so that stronger medicine is not required.

Career Born performers

These people have a flair for the dramatic and can excel in careers in the theater, entertainment, music, dance, and the arts. They are also likely to be successful in sporting careers or careers such as negotiation, banking, property speculation, interior design, or management. A humanitarian leaning may draw them toward charity work or philanthropy.


The life path of people born on this day is to learn to control their emotions. Once they are able to find a sense of balance and objectivity, their destiny is to direct their prodigious energy to influencing, inspiring and entertaining others.

Find your own unique form of self-expression-, communicate fully, but exercise self-control.Limiting your range of activities may actually extend your scope, therefore try to complete one project before going on to the next.

Celebrities Born On May 16th

Pierce Brosnan(Irish actor), Henry Fonda(American actor and director), Liberace(American pianist and singer),

Liberace (pianist, entertainer), Billy Martin (volatile baseball manager, second baseman on four Yankee world championship teams), Betty Carter (jazz singer), Henry Fonda (film actor), Olga Korbut (Soviet Olympic triple gold medal-winning gymnast), Joan Benoit [Samuelson] (US Olympic gold medalist winner of first Olympic women's marathon, 2x Boston Marathon winner), Janet Jackson (singer, entertainer), Debra Winger (film actress), Woody Herman (clarinettist, bandleader), Frank F. Mankiewicz (public affairs executive, press secretary to Robert Kennedy, writer, US vs. Richard Nixon: The Final Crisis), Kenji Mizoguchi (Japanese master film director, The Life ofOhanj), Christian Lacroix (French fashion designer), Gabnela Sabatini (US Open graduate, judge, crusader for juvenile nghts. autobiography L/p from Never), Garth Allen (editor American Astrology. telescope designer, meteorological researcher), Billy Cobham (jazz/rock percussionist), Margaret Sullivan (Henry Fonda's first wife, mother of Jane and Peter, film actress), Zoe Fontana (fashion designer)

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