May 17th Profound Simplicity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 17, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is asking for help

☆The way forward is to understand that if you want to make something happen, you must dare to ask for what you want.

The Birthday Of Profound Simplicity, The Day Of The Bottom Line

May 17th Profound Simplicity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 17th Birthdays

Sun sign: Taurus

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Bull

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: The Star (hope)

Favorable numbers: 4, 8

Lucky days: Friday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Lilac, green, brown

Birthstone: Emerald

People born on May 17 have a clear-cut code of personal behavior which guides them through every decision they make. Straightforward and to the point, they have a talent for making simple but profound comments on situations.

With little time for small talk, they say what they mean and mean what they say. They are an inspiring example to others but don’t have much patience with those who try to shirk their responsibilities; if they notice someone slacking or not pulling their weight, they are likely to tell them straight out. This clear-cut approach can, unfortunately, win them as many enemies as supporters and so they might benefit from learning more tact. Their insightful and original approach, combined with their refusal to be diverted from their chosen course, would appear to be a recipe for success. Where this is not the case it is because they have a tendency to overestimate the power of what they can achieve through determination and will-power alone. They often prefer to go it alone, but if this works against them they should recognize the power of a group of people working together to achieve a goal.

Until their mid thirties there is an emphasis in their lives on learning in all its forms and they need to take advantage of these opportunities to communicate and exchange ideas with others. After the age of thirty-four they may focus more on emotional intimacy and security. If they can learn to get in touch with their own feelings and the feelings of others during this period, it promises great fulfillment and happiness.

There is no denying that these people often have fixed views on things. This can hold them back as life is not as black and white as they think it is. However, if they learn to develop a more tolerant approach it will not only help them achieve their aims and attract a following, it will also open up within them the compassion and determination to improve the lives of others and a creativity that might otherwise have remained dormant.

☆ On the dark side:Tactless, judgmental, stressed

☆ At your best:Dedicated, honorable, insightful

May17 people have a fundamental approach to life and a desire to get down to basics. Those born on this day are inevitably involved in making simple, though often quite profound statements, be they artistic, economic or political. Their refusal to deal in any unnecessary complexities or compromise their beliefs marks an unusually straightforward approach to life.

May 17 people are not noted for their tact; they usually say just what they think—take it or leave it. This attitude is likely to arouse antagonism as well as win support. Although they would seem to be reducing problems by avoiding complications, just the opposite usually happens. Controversy often swirls around them, when what they might prefer is just to be left alone. Those born on this day are not quiet, but neither do they give away a lot about themselves, usually playing their cards close to the vest. It may be difficult to get them to open up emotionally, but if they trust someone they will be quite honest about what they are feeling.

This matter of trust is crucial to them, therefore theirs is not won easily. Perhaps May 17 people could be less guarded and more accepting of the good intentions of others.

Those born on this day tend to be very proud, however, preferring not to ask help from anyone; they are usually solo players, going it alone in most situations. But though they may not advertise it, they have a deep need for affection, particularly for the emotional support of family and friends. Behind the cool armor of a physically formidable or even forbidding presence, there is an emotional side, which can be tender as a pussycat or wild as a caged tiger itching to break out. Those born on this day particularly should avoid the use of hallucinogenic or mind-expanding drugs which can have the effect of releasing volatile emotions in a most destructive manner.

May 17 people may appear fanatical, so great is their zeal for what they do. Their powers of concentration are remarkable, their ability to responsibly produce great, but their health and staying power often fail them in the long run. More highly evolved May 17 individuals will learn to channel their energy in a steady and less highly charged manner, and to be happy and content with themselves.

Sometimes those born on May 17 are frustrated with their lot in life, deeply dissatisfied with what they have to do to survive, and come to be filled with resentment over it. They must learn to either accept their situation, even embrace it joyfully, or change their outlook or occupation and move in a different direction. They are less likely to opt for the latter alternative, however, for once they embark on a course they usually see it through to the end, be it bitter or sweet. Simply learning to be happy is probably the greatest single challenge to those born on this day.

Power Thought:I will always ask for whatever I need,To sense the interconnectedness of what happens is to see into the life of things

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 17th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 (1+7=8). and by the planet Saturn. Saturn carries a highly judgmental aspect, intensifying the above-mentioned tendency' of May 17 people to be unnecessarily severe in their criticism of themselves and others. The combination of Saturn and Venus (ruler of Taurus) can make for difficult relationships and problems of all types relating socially. The number 8 also holds a conflict between the material and spiritual worlds.

May 17th Birthday Tarot Card

The 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, which shows a beautiful naked girl under the stars pouring refreshing water on the parched earth with one pitcher and reviving the stagnant water of a pond with another. She represents the glories of the earthly life, but also material enslavement to it. The stars above her are an eternal reminder of the presence of the spiritual world. May 17 people, then, should beware of excessive physicality and never lose sight of higher goals.

☆Luck maker:(Create a luck network)Many big breaks come from the least likely contacts, so make an effort to network and stay in touch with as many people as you can.

Love Inside out

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 20:You share a passion for devotion, commitment and respect, and together you can create a fulfilling and intense union.

People born on May 17 value personality, integrity and a strong will over good looks, and would rather be alone than with someone they can’t respect. Although they may try to suppress it, they have an extremely sensual nature and a voracious romantic drive; releasing some of that energy into a committed relationship will help mellow and soften them.

Health Give yourself a break

People born on this day are extraordinarily determined and at times this can make them drive themselves too hard and become prone to headaches or digestive upsets. Ideally they should surround themselves with close friends and loved ones who can encourage them to relax and unwind. Those who find themselves alone might find training and owning a dog extremely beneficial. As far as diet and lifestyle are concerned, they should stay away from drugs and alcohol as their body is extremely sensitive to toxins of any kind. Moderate to mild exercise, especially brisk walking, is encouraged to help them blow away the cobwebs, keep their weight under control and boost their immune system. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to be warm and open in the company of others.

Those born on May 17 often put themselves under great pressure. The resulting physical strain can produce neck and backaches. Those born on this day should schedule rest periods of complete relaxation. The use of traditional massage, herbal baths and Shiatsu can be of help. Most important, however, is that there is some letup in the heavy demands they place on themselves. Those born on this day are also prone to vocal strain and should guard against dryness or irritation of the throat.

Career Born artists

People born on this day have the creativity and focus to excel in the world of art and music. Alternatively education, science, research, and law, as well as working for themselves, may appeal. Once they appreciate the importance of working cooperatively with others, they may be drawn toward sales, promotion, public relations, finance, negotiation, social work, and banking.

Destiny To inspire others with their creative and organizational talents

The life path of people born on this day is to learn the power of synergy. Once they are able to open up to others, their destiny is to inspire them with their creative and organizational talents.

Loosen up; learn to laugh at yourself and not take life so seriously. In attempting to control your environment, you may provoke negativity; try to accept what comes along. Allow yourself rest and actively seek contentment and happiness.

Celebrities Born On May 17th

Bill Paxton(American actor and director), Dennis Hopper(American actor), Enya(Irish singer-songwriter),

Edward Jenner (British 1 8- 1 9 th c. physician, discovered vaccination, prevented smallpox), Dennis Hopper (film actor, director, Easy Rider), James "Cool Papa" Bell (Negro League baseball center fielder, perhaps fastest baserunner of all time), Eric Satie (French composer), Sugar Ray Leonard (world welterweight, junior middleweight, middleweight boxing champion), Birgit Nilsson (Swedish soprano), Zinka Milanov (Yugoslavian soprano), Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini (Iranian Shnte religious leader, came to power after shah's ouster), Paul Quinichette (jazz tenor saxophonist, "Vice-Prez"), Jackie McLean (jazz alto saxophonist), Dennis Brain (British French hornist, perhaps greatest of 20th c), Dewey Redman (jazz tenor saxophonist), Taj Mahal (singer, guitarist, songwriter), Jean Gabm (French film actor), Maureen O'Sullivan (film actress), Gaylord Hauser (nutritionist, health food advocate). Jesse Winchester (singer, songwriter), Alfonso XIII (Spanish king, abdicated upon forming of republican government, died m exile), Archibald Cox (Harvard Law professor. Watergate prosecutor), Frederick Prokosch (novelist, poet)

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