May 17th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onMay 17, 2024

Some would say putting life in order and outlining what needs to be done are vital. And often they are, but in your particular case, because you have such a strong practical streak, your instincts will tell you when to get in touch with somebody, when to rethink a plan, or when to undertake something new. Trust those feelings; they’re a powerful gift.

The love that comes from a flower or a newborn can help you express your feelings

May 17th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on May 17th

For you as a Taurus, the idea of turning concepts into action may be an appealing one, but being a thorough Taurus, naturally you’ll check out the facts. However, these days, with things moving so swiftly, or being so different from elements of the past, there really are no facts to check out. You can talk to other people about what they have done. But, mostly, you need to trust another element of your nature: your intuition. While you’re well aware of it, you’re sometimes reluctant to even mention it, just because you are unsure of the reaction you’ll get. Yet, increasingly, you are learning to rely on it, even with practical matters. What’s more, this is very much what your journey as an individual is about.

It is about combining that amazing ability to enjoy life’s pleasures and to manage its demands. When necessary, you employ your intuition, which can often bring a fresh view to arrangements. Yet at the same time, in certain situations, you to want to plan ahead. And this is where it gets tricky, because when you are using your intuition, often half of what you’re envisioning is based on the past, while the rest has to do with a future that hasn’t yet taken place. This is where the process of developing your trust and true vision comes in. As you master this, you’ll embrace a rewarding skill, and deepen your wisdom about life itself.

You and others

Your gift for understanding others is wonderful, although you don’t always realize how much your knack for knowing what those around you are working on, dealing with, or passionate about means to them. Better yet, you know what to say, and when. The irony is, your kindness or patience don’t always extend to yourself. That is your next project.

Health and well-being

Sometimes the emphasis on health is on physical well-being alone. In your case, the emphasis is also on your mental and even emotional well-being. As much as you care about others, sometimes that concern becomes worry, which can undermine your mood. Learning to spot that, and where appropriate, shift your focus, is a vital skill.

Goals and challenges

Some would say putting life in order and outlining what needs to be done are vital. And often they are, but in your particular case, because you have such a strong practical streak, your instincts will tell you when to get in touch with somebody, when to rethink a plan, or when to undertake something new. Trust those feelings; they’re a powerful gift.


It seems you need only say yes and a series of brilliant events will unfold. Yet appealing as this is, it is sudden enough that you have no time to consider. Judging by the pace of events, however, you won’t have the luxury of such reflection. In fact, it’s now or never.

Zodiac Sign

Taurus: APRIL 19 – MAY 19

Ruler: Venus

Symbol: The Bull

Element: Earth

Flower: Orchid

Sensuality and practicality are fundamental to you as a Taurus, the first of the earth signs. While its ruling planet, Venus, accents life’s pleasures, it’s also about assets, which means you are a gracious individual who lives both well and wisely. That’s reflected in your flower, the orchid, and your aromatic spices—cloves and sorrel. Your tree is crab apple, while your stones reflect Venus’s pastel shades in both jade and emerald.

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