May 18th Brave Stance Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 18, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is knowing when to back down

☆The way forward is to understand that backing down from your position if life gives you a reason to do so is a sign of strength not weakness.

The Birthday Of The Brave Stance, The Day Of Established Activism

May 18th Brave Stance Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 18th Birthdays

Sun sign: Taurus

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Bull

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Moon (imagination)

Favorable numbers: 5,9

Lucky days: Friday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Lilac, red, rose



People born on May 18 care deeply about the world they live in. Their greatest desire is often to alleviate the suffering of others and improve social systems. When convinced of their moral position, they will not flinch from taking a brave stance until their views have been heard or the challenge has been overcome.

As well as being progressive in their thought, compassionate in their desire to right wrongs and unwavering in their defense of what they believe to be right, they are also extremely practical. Presenting a logical, rational approach to situations, they are much-sought-after business allies or co-workers, although their black-and-white approach to life and inability to back down can at times make them seem stern and insensitive. They are the bosses who forget that trainees have a lot to learn or the parents who unintentionally stifle their child’s creativity with relentless rationalism. They should learn that not everyone is as practical or capable as they are and that humility, mystery and wonder have their special place in life.

These people often have a passion of some kind; this can take any form, from charity work to archeology. They also tend to mix with people who share their passion and would benefit from meeting people from other walks of life, as they may give too much of themselves to their passion. Until the age of thirty-three they may focus on learning, communication and study but are still unsure of themselves and the direction in which they want to head. Typically, by the age of thirty-four they have settled on their chosen course as they see a need for more security and stability. At this stage they need to be on their guard against their tendency to become over-zealous or fanatical when promoting their chosen cause.

Above all, whatever path in life they choose, these people are energetic campaigners for human progress. They have tremendous courage, vigor and steadfastness, and these, combined with their considerable compassion, sets them apart as the true movers and shakers of this world.

☆ On the dark side:Driven, stern, self-sacrificing

☆ At your best:Progressive, energetic, principled

Those born on May 18 are an interesting blend of tradition and liberalism. They could be described as movers and shakers with a revolutionary bent, but their primary impulse is less to overturn society than to improve it. Many born on this day are protesters, speaking out against injustice and unfairness wherever they find it. But whether political or not, May 18 people treat their work, hobbies or art in a thoroughly professional, straightforward fashion, usually preferring a clean, classical approach to a romantic, emotional one.

No matter how imaginative they may be, May 18 people are highly practical. They like to get things done, and without too much fuss or bother. Their outspoken nature, however, may get them into trouble, as they are unable or unwilling to keep quiet when they encounter ignorance or prejudice. Those born on this day despise irrationality, and present a clear, logical approach to issues. In their families, Mayl8 people tend to be the voice of reason. But as parents, those born on this day must beware of exerting a kind of rationalist tyranny over their children, in which they always know what is best for them and criticize them too severely for unwise actions.

A danger for May 18 people is to get carried away with a cause and in doing so become as irrational as those they criticize. Those born on this day may be unaware of this tendency and when it is pointed out to them will find it difficult to accept, harder still to change. In becoming fanatical about their views they fall into an emotional trap of their own making.

May 18 people are fascinated with many facets of life—probing, testing, tasting what life has to offer. There is a certain wholeness in the feeling tone of their personalities; when you meet them you feel as if you have met a total person. This is perhaps because May 18 people usually get their own house in order before taking on the world. If they are confused or unsure of themselves in their youth, it may be their principal task to pull themselves together later in life. Those born on this day may well define life as a struggle, perhaps an inner struggle; conflict can become a way of life for them, always looking as they are for obstacles to overcome. Thus it may be difficult for them to find rest.

While appearing to be "together" people, those born on May 18 may be somewhat out of touch with their own desires. Busy as they are with societal and family responsibilities, they often suppress legitimate personal needs, inviting unhappiness. They can be unaware that the first grey tinges of bitterness are setting in. Friends and family may serve as a mirror in this regard, and should encourage the May 18 person to express frustrations, if necessary.

Power Thought:I can easily adapt to all that life throws at me,"And this, too, shall pass"

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 18th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (1+8=9). and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g., 5+9=14, 4+1=5: any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: 9x5=45,4+5=9). and May 18 people are similarly able to exert a strong influence on those around them. Such powerful martian energy can, however, be at odds with a more placid venusian temperament (Venus rules Taurus). A combination of Venus and Mars produces a highly magnetic and sexual orientation which, if frustrated, may present a danger to those born on this day.

May 18th Birthday Tarot Card

The 18th card of the Major Arcana is The Moon, which primarily represents the world of dreams, emotions, and the unconscious. Positive attributes include sensitivity, empathy and emotional understanding. Negative qualities include emotional malleability, passivity and lack of ego.

☆Luck maker:(Believe something better lies ahead)Sometimes lucky people have to acknowledge that life isn’t going according to their plans, but instead of letting this demotivate them they get curious about what the future might hold.

Love Put your heart first

You’re drawn to people born on October 24 to November 22:You share a passion for your mark on the world and this can create a fulfilling and loving union.

People born on May 18 are often drawn to people who share their passions and interests, but they thrive best with those who can offer them love and commitment but also a fresh perspective on life. Although love may not be their highest priority, when in a relationship these people are at their happiest and their best as it offers a great mental release for them.

Health More than meets the eye

People born on this day need to make sure that they allow themselves to get in touch with their feelings and express their sensual, loving side. If they don’t, they are likely to fall victim to stress, anxiety and sudden bursts of anger. Spending time with loved ones is extremely important as it will offer them a way to release pent-up tension. Regular massages are also recommended to indulge their sensual side and help them relax and unwind. As far as diet is concerned, there could be problems with meat and dairy products so they need to increase their intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, finding other sources of protein from legumes, nuts, seeds, or oily fish. Exercise, preferably outdoors so they can get all the mood-boosting benefits of sunshine, is also recommended. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color purple will help them think of higher things.

Balancing the above mentioned Mars-Venus energies is very important for May 18 people. Guarding against suppression of desire is part of the equation. Those born on this day often demand greater attention than most in the sexual sphere, but such demands can well be satisfied through other forms of sensual expression or the sharing of affection and tenderness. Outbursts of temper and bitterness that can accompany denial of personal needs may manifest in a host of physical symptoms including nervous and muscular imbalances of all kinds, and in the worst case scenario, strokes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular difficulties. A partial or complete vegetarian diet can help reduce the risk of such dangers. Those born on this day should also program frequent rest periods into their schedule. Regular sleep patterns are equally important and a daily nap helpful, if it doesn't cause sleeplessness at night.

Career Born martial artist

These people enjoy initiating projects and taking the lead, so careers in law and order or government may appeal. Since they are good at promoting their cause, careers in sales, promotion, marketing, negotiation, charity work, fund raising, or working with products of the land would also be appropriate. Alternatively, they may express their creativity in the arts, music or dance and their extraordinary focus will help them excel as dancers, coaches or martial arts teachers.

Destiny To inspire others with their direct action

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to recognize the merit of conflicting viewpoints. When they are able to be more tolerant, their destiny is to inspire others with their ability to take direct action.

Take time off and get to know yourself better. Withdraw from the world periodically in order to recharge. Learn to heed your inner voice; be guided rather than driven. Cultivate tolerance and acceptance of others, even if you cm i suffer their ideas.

Celebrities Born On May 18th

Tsar Nicholas II(Last Emperor Russia), Bertrand Russell(British polymath), Frank Capra(Italian director),

Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, mathematician, Principia Mathematica, pacifist, atheist, Why I Am Not a Christian, Nobel Prize winner for literature), John Paul II (current pope), Frank Capra (film director, Arsenic and Old Lace, It's a Wonderful Life, producer), Margot Fonteyn (British ballet dancer), Nicholas II (last Russian tsar, murdered with family in revolution), Reggie Jackson (baseball outfielder, "Mr. October," 4x AL HR champion, MVP, Senes MVP with 5 HRs), Rudolf Carnap (German-American logician, philosopher, logical positivist), Jacob Javits (US congressman, New York), Big Joe Turner (blues singer), Brooks Robinson (Baltimore Onoles baseball third baseman, 1 6x Gold Glover), Perry Como (singer, TV host), Kai Winding (Danish jazz trombonist), George Straight (country-western singer, songwnter), Charles Trenet (French singer, songwriter, writer, A Dazzling Black), Don Leslie Lmd (US astronaut, NASA commander), Richard Brooks (film director, Looking for Mr. Goodbar), Toyah Willcox (British rock musician, actress), Meredith Wilson (show singer), Warren Rudman (US senator, New Hamp-shire), Pierre Balmain (French designer)

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