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May 19th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 19, 2024

Breathing exercises clear the mind. Breathe in and out slowly, count one, in and out again, count two. Count only on the out breath. If thoughts come crowding into your mind, push them aside and start counting again.

Sun Sign: Taurus/Venus

Decanate: Taurus/Saturn; Numbers: 1, 6

May 19th Birthday Love Astrology

The oddity about May 19 is its occasional psychic ability, a rarity amongst people born under the sign of Taurus. The child will have inexplicable perception flashes. Initially they may be dismissed, because these creatures are steady and sensible, the last type you associate with such capacities. Many hide their ability because it embarrasses them. Other, more highly developed individuals can develop their psychic capacities to a high degree, using them to help themselves and others. Some can even foretell problems, but usually, because libido is their energiser, they foretell love. If May 19 matchmakes for you, take it seriously. They're probably introducing you to your future spouse.

Cyprus and the Greek Islands are cradles for our far-seeing lover's destiny. They may also find what they seek in Ireland's fairy hills. Here they sense what ordinary mortals can't. The green beckoning smile of Ireland's Queen Mab, the voice of a lost oracle.

At work, most colleagues will not sense this power in the bull. Instead they just think it's luck. Luck can be a lottery win, a killing on the stockmarket, or, more often, a competition and a good horse. Stick with this guy or girl. Take their tip. Let the star shake some gold dust into your hand.

Less lucky creatures may be as bald and shiny as any crystal ball. That's only, of course, if you see it as less lucky. The high domed Taurean head looks distinguished with little hair, but many refuse to take this comfort and suffer bad bouts of ‘baldophrenia'. Common symptoms include thinking you hear voices commenting on your lack of hair, looking in mirrors at the back of the head to check what's growing, nights devoted more to restoring cream than lust and unfettered envy of hairy people. Baldophrenics think their sexual advances are rejected because of no hair, forgetting that it's seductive air waves, not the hair waves, that matter.

In Love

You are naturally generous, fun loving, and exciting. Because of your inherent need for security and safety, you are difficult to deal with when your stability is threatened. In an intimate union, you can show a side of yourself that is possessive and demanding. When you find someone who sparks your interest, you first try a subtle approach. However, if that doesn’t work, you don’t give up. Instead, you simply switch to more aggressive tactics. One way or another, you usually get what you want. When you find Mr. or Ms.

Right, you are not afraid to commit yourself for the long haul.

In Bed

Your lusty libido cries out for an active, exciting sex life. You also like a good helping of romance with your passionate encounters. Not the most patient of Taurus lovers, once your ardor is ignited, you expect your needs to be met. Your approach to lovemaking is uncomplicated and direct. Your physical prowess and earthy sensuality enhance the sexual experience, and you’re willing to invest a lot of energy in making it gratifying for both you and your bed partner.


Bald people look great. Try to accept it. If you must attempt to combat a disappearing crowning glory, some men swear by lying on a slanted board for ten minutes a day with the head hanging down to encourage nourishment from the blood to reach the scalp. Once or twice a week, use mild shampoo containing natural ingredients such as seaweed or nettle extract. As a pre-wash conditioner add six drops of coconut oil, jojoba or almond oil and massage into wet hair and scalp. Wrap head in warm towel, (replace every fifteen minutes) and let the heat aid absorption for an hour.


You’re not the stay-at-home type, likely to be content with a kiss and a cuddle in front of the TV. You certainly don’t want your love life to fall into a boring, repetitive pattern. You long to feel free to explore fresh ideas and new vistas with your significant other. Your ardor is easily ignited, but dull routine can quench the flame just as swiftly.


Breathing exercises clear the mind. Breathe in and out slowly, count one, in and out again, count two. Count only on the out breath. If thoughts come crowding into your mind, push them aside and start counting again.

Reality Check

Whether in your professional life or in your personal relationships, you want to be the one in charge and making the important decisions. True, you expect a great deal from other people, yet you are prepared to do as much, or more, than anyone else.

May 19 Date Share

Eric Burden, singer, The Animals, ‘We Gotta Get Outof This Place'. James Fox, British actor, well-known forroyal performances. Edward de Bono, British physician, developed concept of lateralthinking. Lady Nancy Astor, American-born politician wifeof William. Grace Jones, Jamaican-American actress, androgynous icon. Peter Townshend, singer, songwriter, The Who.Malcolm X, African-Americanactivist, assassinated.

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