May 20th Continuous Momentum Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 20, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to pace yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that your desire to constantly seek out the new will lead you into random and inconsistent behavior, ultimately causing frustration not fulfillment.

The Birthday Of Continuous Momentum, The Day Of Prolific Expression

May 20th Continuous Momentum Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 20th Birthdays

Sun signs: Taurus/Gemini

Ruling planets: Venus, the lover/Mercury, the communicator

Symbols: The Bull/The Twins

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: Judgment (responsibility)

Favorable numbers: 2, 7

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, silver, green

Birthstone: Emerald

People born on May 20 tend to be versatile, communicative and inventive. They generally respond to people and situations quickly and openly. When one of their highly original impulses strikes, not only do they talk about it a lot and update the whole world on their progress—they act on it.

However safe and serene they may appear, underneath they crave change, diversity and freedom of expression. When their fertile imagination has been activated they find it impossible to keep it to themselves, provoking both awe and exhaustion in others. The awe comes from their ability to convey excitement; the exhaustion from the speed with which they talk and move from one thing to another. They tend to stay up late and get up early, so there is never enough time in the day for them to do everything they want; but they will try regardless.

Outwardly focused with a huge range of interests, they run the risk of exhausting themselves when their pace becomes too manic. Others may also accuse them of only skimming the surface of life, rather than getting to grips with it. Until the age of thirty-one—when they are most likely to be constantly on the move, physically and mentally—they focus on learning, study and communication. After the age of thirty-two, however, they will concentrate more on emotional depth, family, home, and security. Although they should never lose their wonderful energy, this would be the ideal time for them to get to know themselves better and commit to a project, person or place.

These people may often feel as if they simply can’t switch off. It is important for their psychological growth, however, to learn that they don’t constantly need to be on the go to find the fulfillment and excitement they crave. Once they learn to strike a balance between being and doing, these pioneering and stylish adventurers have the potential to be both a quick-witted energetic jack of all trades and an accomplished master of one; and this is a very rare combination indeed.

☆ On the dark side:Undisciplined, verbose, superficial

☆ At your best:Innovative, expressive, communicative

Whatever it is that May 20 people like to do, they like to do it a lot. These are people who really can't keep what they've got inside—they've just got to let it out! Moreover, they are not content to express themselves in a vacuum but must bring their prodigious energies to bear on all around them. Examining, probing their environment, they subject ideas to the rigorous examination of their keenly analytic minds. Perhaps they would be bottled up in their heads, were it not for a very strong physical side which also cries out for expression.

It seems as if those born on this day must seek amusement to keep from being bored.

This can put a strain on those around them, who sometimes feel cast in the role of entertainers.

Since May 20 people are very outwardly directed, they may not take the time and trouble to get to know themselves. Yet this is essential for both their spiritual and emotional evolution.

May 20 people may find themselves accused of superficiality, as some born on this day do indeed skim along the surface of life, never putting down deep roots anywhere. But for other May 20 people, this perception has more to do with their interests being so wide-ranging or their output so high that their sincerity or profundity is called into question.

Many born on May 20 are addicted to travel, whether it be globetrotting or just getting out of the house and going somewhere. When their pace gets too frenetic, however, it is inevitably followed by a partial or complete breakdown. Indeed, much of their energy manifests as nervousness, and though they are capable of successfully producing time after time, they are more apt to express themselves in periodic bursts of energy.

May 20 people tend to be enthusiastic, yet also highly critical. This mental outlook manifests as quick thinking but also endless worry, and is particularly susceptible to fears of all kinds. Indeed, many May 20 people have a mind that is like a motor that will not turn off, often connected to a mouth that works the same way. Two spiritual lessons that they must learn are. first, to still their mind, to empty out. and second, to stand back and observe themselves at a distance. If May 20 people can master these meditative and objective lessons, they will proceed on their evolutionary path. If not. they will get bogged down in an endless mental mess of unrealized dreams and broken-down schemes.

One of the principal characteristics of May 20 people is that they jump from one project to another with alarming speed. They learn quickly, but after reaching a plateau of proficiency often move off to something fresh, a new challenge. "Variety is the spice of life" may well become their credo. However, the most successful of May 20 people often restrict themselves to one discipline in which they can exercise a variety of abilities or talents. They learn that having set something up. it is necessary to stick with it and administer to it as well—in a word, maintain.

Power Thought:The answers I am seeking can only be found within me,In the human sexual arena, roles can be quickly reversed

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 20th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+0=2), and by the Moon. Number 2 people tend to be gentle and imaginative, easily hurt by the criticism or inattention of others. Because they are ruled by the Moon as well as Venus (ruler of Taurus), they may be overly impressionable and emotional; their mental process is too often colored by their feelings. Since, as mentioned, those born on May 20 have a propensity for changing projects and ideas (emphasized by the influence of Mercury, upcoming Gemini's ruler), they must guard against nervousness and emotional instability.

May 20th Birthday Tarot Card

The 20th card of the Major Arcana shows The Judgment or Awakening in which people are urged to leave material considerations behind and seek a higher spirituality. The card, depicting an angel blowing a trumpet, signifies that a new day, a day of accountability, is dawning. It is a card which moves us beyond our ego and allows us to glimpse the infinite. The danger is that the trumpet call heralds only exaltation and intoxication, a loss of balance and indulgence in revels invoking the basest instincts. The challenge, again, for May 20 people is in remaining centered and stable, not being swept away by newfound excitement.

☆Luck maker:(Finish what you start)Lucky people understand the importance of discipline. They finish what they start, even if it means doing things they don’t like in order to reach their goals.

Love Stylish

You’re drawn to people born on June 22 to July 23:You share a passion for communication and a need for stability, and this can create a rewarding and expressive relationship.

People born on May 20 are often stylish and fashion conscious, and they like their partner to be the same. It is important for them, however, to understand that true quality in a person can never be determined by their outward appearance. Although they may appear flirty and flighty, committed relationships are extremely good for them because these give them the secure foundation they need to spread their wings.

Health Time out required

People born on this day sometimes neglect their health because they are constantly on the go. Establishing a regular sleeping pattern—preferably one where they are asleep by midnight—will help them feel more refreshed and in control. Sitting down to cooked meals and getting plenty of exercise to work off some of their pent-up energy are also essential. They would benefit from regular meditation or quiet time where they can stand still and objectively examine their thoughts and feelings. If they fail to take care of their physical and mental health in this way, there is a real danger that they may become exhausted and prone to headaches, anxiety, disorders such as ME or chronic exhaustion, and stress-related digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to connect with the stillness and peace within.

Where the health of May 20 people is concerned, stability is the watchword. Dancing, regular sex. childbearing or physical exercise may serve to ground them in their bodies. In addition, the responsibilities of a family, and the role of provider, promote stability and lend structure to their lives. The use of drugs (tranquillizers, sleeping pills) may be temporarily helpful when recommended by a physician, but must not become a long-term solution to nervousness or insomnia. Of course, hallucinogenics of all sorts should be eyed with extreme caution. As far as diet is concerned, if May 20 people are eating on the run or bringing home take-out food they may have to take food supplements to provide the vitamins and minerals lacking in their diet. A good daily dose of vitamin C is recommended.

Career Born firefighters

The humanitarian, philosophical or artistic spheres are especially propitious for these people and they may be drawn to careers in social work, education, counseling, politics, scientific research, the arts, and the healing professions. Their way with words may inspire them to express themselves though music, singing or writing; careers in travel, rally driving, fire fighting and rescue, and extreme sports or stunts, may also appeal.

Destiny To energize others with their sparkling perspective

The life path of people born on this day is to appreciate the importance of selfdiscipline and restraint. Once they are able to maintain a balance in all areas of their lives, they desire to energize others with their sparkling and original perspective.

Observe yourself living. Meditate. Find your center and remain in touch with it. Turn off the motor. Limit yourself to the task at hand whenever possible, and finish what is on your plate.

Celebrities Born On May 20th

James Stewart(American actor), Cher(American singer and actress), Honoré de Balzac(French writer),

Socrates (Greek ancient philosopher. Western philosophy founder, dialogue creator, teacher of Plato [who in turn taught Aristotle], sentenced to death for impiety, died calmly drinking cup of hemlock), Honore de Balzac (French : novelist Eugenie Grandet prodigious output established classical novel form), Jimmy Stewart (film actor), John Stewart Mill (British philosopher. Q estimated at 200), Cher (singer, film actress), Joe Cocker (British singer, songwriter), William Thornton (architect, inventor, builder of Capitol in Washington), Sigrid Undset (Norwegian Nobel Prize-winning poet, novelist, Kristin Lavransdatter). Moshe Dayan (Israeli defense minister), William Fargo (co-founder, Wells-Fargo stagecoach company), Stan Mikita (hockey center. 4x NHL scoring leader. MVP), Leroy Kelly (football running back, over 7,000 yards rushing, 2x NFC leader), Dons Fleeson (first US woman syndicated political columnist) Owen G. Smith (Olympic gold medal-winning pole vaulter), J.J. Asto> Baron of Hever, London Times owner, philanthropist), Goh Chok Tong (Singapore pnme minister), Lya Bosi (Italian painter, translated planetary combinations into images), Constance Towers (actress), George Gobel (TV comedian), Elijah Fenton (British 1 8^ c. poet)

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