May 21st Can-do Attitude Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 21, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to balance giving and receiving

☆The way forward is to understand that offering help to others and receiving support back is fundamental to psychological growth.

The Birthday Of The Can-do Attitude, The Day Of Unfailing Vision

May 21st Can-do Attitude Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 21st Birthdays

Sun signs: Taurus/Gemini

Ruling planets: Venus, the lover/Mercury, the communicator

Symbols: The Bull/The Twins

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The World (fulfillment)

Favorable numbers: 3,8

Lucky days: Friday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, purple, orange

Birthstone: Agate

People born on May 21 are defined by their courage in the face of opposition and by their can-do attitude in the pursuit of their dreams. Their natural confidence may inspire jealousy in those who feel less in control of their lives but it gives them the head start they need to achieve their goals.

People born on this day have a refreshingly upbeat approach to life and when they are around things always seem much easier and challenges less daunting. In fact no challenge seems to be too much for them. This is because not only do they have wonderful ideas and talents, they also have the discipline to persevere.They are not just dreamers but also doers who roll up their sleeves and do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Whatever line of work these courageous people are involved in they are unlikely to be standing on the sidelines because they are at their happiest and their best when they are battling their way physically, mentally and emotionally toward progress. Less evolved types born on this day who find themselves unable to translate their dreams into reality are destined for unhappiness and frustration. It is very important for them to get into the driving seat of their lives because if they can find the strength to take action the chances are extremely good that they will succeed.

Until the age of thirty there is an emphasis in the lives of people born on this day on learning, study and communication and because of this they will probably have been an alert and quick learner at school or college. Their ability to learn quickly may have worked against them as they may have found themselves restless or bored with formal education or training and their early years may have been difficult as a result because others could not relate to their ingenious turn of mind. After the age of thirty, however, there is a turning point which shifts their perspective toward emotional security and stability and it is during these years that they are most likely to come into their own. As long as they are careful that their confidence does not turn into conceit there is very little that can stand in the way of their success.

☆ On the dark side:Egoistic, defensive, frustrated

☆ At your best:Bold, capable, confident

Those born on May 21 not only have far-reaching vision but also the tenacity to hang in there, no matter what. Once engaged in a struggle, they are in it for the duration, no matter how great the difficulties involved. As a matter of fact they love challenge, so if anything, the obstacles they encounter only spur them on. In this respect they are unlike many "idea people" who either give up easily, lose interest or simply move on out of restlessness.

May 21 people want to implement their ideas, manifest them in concrete reality. They have a real feeling for the tactile, sensuous and physical elements of life. Most often, their ideas and visions involve a transformation of physical matter.

There is also a strong social involvement indicated on this day. May 21 people are not ivory tower dreamers, but must be in the thick of it, battling with or against society for what they believe is right. Most often, their crusade is of their own making but they can also give themselves selflessly to the causes of others. Indeed, giving is their forte, not taking. They may have quite a bit of difficulty, as a matter of fact, in accepting gifts or help from others. In this, their life is strictly a one man/woman show, for which their work is central. These are not people who need a manager or PR person—they like doing the job from start to finish.

Somehow the money to accomplish their ends comes through, often at the last minute.

So great is their confidence in a successful outcome to their endeavors, that the necessary attention and means of support seem to manifest when needed. They can, however, struggle for years and years without achieving success—they can even be laughed at or scorned, but this does not dissuade them from their goals. Dominant personalities, they are never happier than when others are under their direction. Less powerful May 21 people may suffer in silence for a lifetime, having wonderful ideas and talents but never finding how to voice them; sometimes they just settle for a back seat to their partner, siblings or children. Such May 21 people inevitably build up tremendous resentments and self-pity. All they need is the courage to act, and like their more highly evolved May 21 counterparts will likely succeed in their task. Part of the problem for less confident May 21 people is in recognizing where their true talents lie.

At its best, May 21 is a day that confers great gifts of accomplishment and success. Those born on this day, however, must beware of arrogance and egotism or of succumbing to the egoistic temptation of playing the martyr or suffering saint. They may need to periodically examine their personal motives to be sure that they are really as selfless and giving as they seem. May 21 people must also learn that giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, and that accepting the help of others is also part of being human. Ego problems and all forms of conceit, particularly giving as a kind of condescension from on high, must be guarded against.

Power Thought:To understand others I must understand myself first,We see much, observe little, andperceive less

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 21th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (2+1=3). and by the expansive planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 are often ambitious, even driven. May 21 people must therefore beware of being too aggressive, and through the optimistic influence of Jupiter too easy with their money, which can result in debt, overdrafts, loss from get-richquick schemes, even being an "easy touch." The combined influences of Jupiter and Mercury (niler of the upcoming sign of Gemini) indicate that May 21 people stick to their guns when it comes to ideas, making them hard to talk out of their opinions.

May 21st Birthday Tarot Card

The 21s1 card of the Major Arcana is called The World, which depicts a Goddess running with energy-giving rods in her hands. She surmounts the world and displays the truth; she has unlimited power. This card symbolizes all that is attainable on the earthly plane. Although reward and integrity are assured, traditionally this card also indicates monumental obstacles and setbacks of fortune, as well as negative traits of distraction and self-pity.

☆Luck maker:(Perform random acts of kindness)Try it for a week and notice how generous behavior not only makes you feel great, it also brings you luck.

Love Too busy for love

You’re drawn to people born on November 23 to December 21:You share a passion for adventure and a need for a coadventurer; this can create an intense and committed union.

Socially inclined and extremely popular, in affairs of the heart people born on May 21 have a tendency to expect others to fall in line with their demands. Once they have learned the importance of give and take in a relationship, however, they make generous and committed partners. They like devoted relationships and are happiest when in one.

Health Human dynamos

People born on his day are often human dynamos and, although their energy and optimism may seem limitless, they need to recharge their batteries with healthy food, regular but moderate exercise and plenty of sleep. If they don’t take care of themselves and keep imposing unnecessary pressures on themselves, they will be increasing their risk of stress and heart disease and, in extreme cases, reducing their life expectancy. They may also be prone to disorders of the throat or voice. It is extremely important for them to take regular vacations and to make sure that they have at least two clear days away from work a week. They would benefit greatly from mind-body therapies such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, and aromatherapy massages. Geranium is an essential oil that is an ideal uplifting and balancing scent for them. Wearing, surrounding themselves with and meditating on the color purple will encourage them to slow down and focus on higher things.

The great health danger for May 21 people is burnout. Because their dedication is so great and their energy seemingly inexhaustible, they may put irreparable strain on their bodies, and come to recognize the damage too late. Those born on this day often refuse to acknowledge physical limitations, either for themselves or anyone else. Consequently, if they wish to survive beyond their fifties, they must learn to heed the warnings of their bodies or the suggestions of their family, friends or physician. Markedly intense, May 21 people often overstress their nervous system; fortunately this may be one of the strongest and resilient parts of their physical organism. Because May 21 people expend a great deal of energy, regularly scheduled meals are a must. Also short afternoon naps can do wonders if they don't cause sleeplessness at night.

Career Born inventors

Their visionary and practical tendencies augur well for finance-related careers but also for the more unusual realm of technical invention. Their sensitivity may also draw them toward humanitarian work and their desire to improve the human condition to careers in social reform, politics, law, and educational research. Their creativity may also draw them to a wide range of artistic endeavors, in particular art, music, writing, and journalism.

Destiny To investigate, develop and implement their ideas

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to take time out to recharge their mental and physical health. Once they are able to take stock of their motivations and behavior, their destiny is to tenaciously investigate, develop and implement their stunning ideas.

Keep a close watch on yourself; examine your motives. Learn to accept the help of others and be vulnerable occasionally. Attend to small tasks as well as great projects Remain polite and kind. Rest is important.

Celebrities Born On May 21st

Princess Stéphanie of Belgium(Crown Princess of Austria), Noel Fielding(British comedian), Mark Cavendish(Professional cyclist from the Isle of Man),

Andre Sakharov (Russian physicist, dissident), Mary Robinson (Irish president), Stephen Girard (French- American financier, Philadelphia banker, philanthropist, founder Girard College for orphaned boys), Albrecht Durer (German Renaissance painter, woodcut artist, engraver), Fats Waller (jazz pianist. composer), Henri Rousseau (French naive painter), Marcel Breuer (designer, architect), Maunce Andre (French classical trumpeter, perhaps greatest of twentieth century), Philip II (Spanish king), Baron Guy de Rothschild (French banker), Harold Robbins (writer, The Carpetbaggers), Gina Bachauer (pianist), Robert Montgomery (film, TV actor), Raymond Burr (film, TV actor, Perry Mason, Ironsides), Frances T. Densmore (ethnomusicologist, helped preserve Native American music by recording 2,500 wax cylinders) Armand Hammer (businessman, promoted US-USSR. US-China trade), Ara Parseghian (Notre Dame football coach. AFCA. FWAA Coach of Year), Hermann Lotze (German teleological. moral philosopher, psychic and physiological investigator), Malcolm Fraser (Australian prime minister), Clarence "Bighouse" Gaines (basketball coach, ranked second in college all-time wins)

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