May 22nd Inventor Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 22, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is avoiding obsessive or controlling behavior

☆The way forward is to understand that the more you try to control people or situations, the more they want to break free.

The Birthday Of The Inventor, The Day Of The Serial Epic

May 22nd Inventor Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 22nd Birthdays

Sun signs: Gemini/Taurus

Ruling planets: Mercury, the communicator/Venus, the lover

Symbols: The Twins/The Bull

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Fool (freedom)

Favorable numbers: 4, 9

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, silver, orange

Birthstone: Agate

People born on May 22 have exceptionally inquisitive and productive minds. Not only can they concentrate on one area in minute detail; they also abhor intellectual stagnation. This is an unusual and unique combination that gives them the potential to invent or discover something unique.

There is no doubt that people born on this day are creative and original thinkers; their biggest challenge is often deciding what it is that they want to create. It can sometimes take years for them to make up their minds; their twenties and much of their thirties are likely to be spent in intellectual exploration and experimentation. When they are involved in a specific project it will often take over their lives and, if their concentration is interrupted, they can become extremely irritable or unsettled, which may lead others to accuse them of being obsessive. It is extremely important that others give them the space to experiment and explore, and refrain from criticism, because before the age of thirty total devotion to one project is essential for their psychological and intellectual growth.

Typically by the age of thirty these people will have calmed down and learned to be less touchy when their concentration is disturbed. The late thirties and beyond are also the years when they are most likely to decide on what they want to contribute to the world and back it up with action. Once they have decided on a course of action, their single-mindedness will give them the drive, resilience and focus needed to realize their ambitions.

With a tendency to overreach themselves, they should never tone down their vision or ambition, but for their own happiness and fulfillment they should devote as much energy to finding ways to play to their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. This is because once they understand themselves better and are able to be more realistic in their quest for illumination and success, they have the potential to pioneer new and potentially life-changing, but also soundly researched, ideas.

☆ On the dark side:Obsessive, touchy, manipulative

☆ At your best:Inventive, productive, tenacious

Those born on May 22 have the energy required for epic feats. They are magnetically drawn toward serial creations and forms of entertainment in which they can exercise their talents again and again with development and variation. The excess of their lives does not necessarily lie in the amount of material wealth they pile up nor the number of friends they acquire, but in production of work. May 22 people most often repetitively create within a model or construct, and their projects are rarely isolated or one of a kind. Those born on this day are also collectors—whether of lists, facts, numbers, birthdays or objects, and can often be found categorizing, naming and typing. They can even collect people, in the sense of friends and acquaintances.

If those born on this day put their energy into creating children, they will experience no greater joy than growing into the role of patriarch or matriarch and watching their family prosper and develop. If they are unable or choose not to have children they may gladly take pan in an extended family, enjoying their role as godparent, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc. In any case, the warmth and structure of family life is essential to them.

Those born on this day must guard against obsessive-compulsiveness in their activities and of taking on projects that are beyond them. A characteristic megalomania accompanies this day, so that it is often an impossibly large task that attracts May 22 people—consequently, they may suffer from an accompanying power complex, feeling alternately godlike and antlike. Indeed, hidden feelings of inferiority often lie behind such megalomania.

May 22 people have long and vivid memories, but sometimes need to rearrange or color past events to insulate themselves from pain. They also tend to file away slights and wrongs directed at them, thus creating lasting grudges. It is important that they learn not only to forgive, but simply to forget.

The emotions of May 22 people can be quite unstable. So intent are they on what they are doing at any given time that they can explode in a childish manner if their concentration is disturbed. They must get a hold on their hysterical tendencies and calm down if they are to develop as people. A more highly evoked May 22 person generally overcomes such "attacks" by the age of thirty.

When May 22 people find "the project." they latch on to it and don't let go, but until that time must be free to pursue their varied and everchanging interests. Those close to them must understand their enthusiasm, and not accuse them of being flighty or false when their attention shifts to yet another object, person or field of study. Those close to May 22 people must therefore keep some distance and not get wrapped up in expectations. Because those born on May 22 generally both recover and adapt quickly, if a project fails, others may still be mired in disappointment while the May 22 person has already turned a page and moved on to the next phase.

Power Thought:I have control over my mind and the power to think wonderful things,Alone among the animals, man loves noise

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 22th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (2+2=4). and by the planet Uranus, which is both erratic and explosive. For May 22 people, Uranus receives added nervous and mental energy from Mercury, ruler of Gemini, which can impel hasty decisions and abrupt changes of mind. Those ruled by the number 4 are highly individual. Because they so often take the minority point of view with great assurance, they can arouse antagonism and make enemies. Since 22 is a double number, people born on the 22nd of the month may be fascinated with various doubles, including twins, coincidences and symmetry.

May 22nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 22nd card of the Major Arcana is The Fool, who in several versions of the Tarot is shown blithely stepping over the edge of a cliff. Some interpretations picture him as a foolish man who has given up his reason, others a highly spiritualized being free of material considerations. Positive meanings include renouncing resistance and following instincts freely: foolishness, impulsiveness and annihilation are the negative aspects. The highly evolved Fool has followed life's path, experienced its lessons and become one with his/her own vision.

☆Luck maker:(Focus on what you want)Lucky people have goals they want to achieve. It sounds morbid but if you aren’t sure what your goals are, writing your obituary can help you organize your thoughts about what you want from life.

Love Born free

You’re drawn to people born on January 21 to February 19:You are both intelligent and curious free spirits; with ample breathing space, this can create an exciting and rewarding union.

People born on May 22 are likely to be attracted to people who are as unique, independent and insatiable in their search for knowledge as themselves. Once in a relationship, it is important for them to avoid becoming controlling or smothering; they should remember that what attracted them in the first place was their partner’s freedom and independence.

Health Make fitness a priority

People born on this day have a tendency to become obsessive or compulsive in their professional and personal lives, and they need to watch that they don’t drive themselves too hard and become stressed or ill as a result. As long as they don’t go overboard, a positive way for them to channel their energy would be to make physical fitness a priority as they have the will-power to eat healthily and tone their body into fine, athletic shape with regular exercise. If they do find themselves feeling constantly exhausted, making sure they get enough quality sleep and short naps is recommended. They may also benefit from mind-body therapies such as meditation, yoga and tai chi; these can help them direct their focus positively. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color green will encourage their bodies, hearts and minds to feel more in balance.

Because May 22 people are often busy with their hands, they must take special care with them, particularly the wrists and finger joints. Also, the energetic use of their arms and shoulders may lead to cramps, tensions and neck pain. Hot baths, massage and sauna are useful here. Obsessive-compulsive tendencies may lead May 22 people to drive themselves too hard too fast, which exhausts their nervous system. Resulting head- and neckaches can be treated with painkilling or muscle-relaxing drugs, but perhaps better by meditation, magnetizing or Shiatsu massage. May 22 people must allow themselves the periodic rest (naps are excellent) which they require. The diet of those born on this day is best kept well-rounded, including a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Career Born inventors

These people have the potential to be great innovators, explorers or inventors in whatever field they choose to work. In addition to artistic, research and scientific fields, they may find satisfaction in such arts-related business activities as journalism and advertising, as well as politics. Their quick mind also points to success in business as an analyst or troubleshooter.

Destiny To pioneer new ideas and methods

The life path of people born on this day is to get to know themselves better. Once they know how to play to their strengths, their destiny is to pioneer new ideas and methods in a leadership or mentoring role.

Work on emotional self-control. Learn the value of maintenance and don't overlook the details. Lessen demands on your partner; examine your own faults. Don't take on too much and finish what you start.

Celebrities Born On May 22nd

Laurence Olivier(British actor and director), Arthur Conan Doyle(British writer and physician), Naomi Campbell(British model and businesswoman),

Richard Wagner (German opera composer, Ring of the Nibelung, 19 th c. cultural icon, librettist, poet, essayist, multimedia artist, first to conduct all Beethoven symphonies, created modern orchestra), Sir Laurence Olivier (British stage, film, Shakespearian actor, National Theatre, film director, Richard III), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (British detective writer, Sherlock Holmes creator, physician), Charles Aznavour (French singer, songwriter, film actor), Mary Cassatt (painter), Abdul Baha (Persian leader of Bahai faith), Herge (Belgian cartoonist, Tintin), Paul Winfield (film actor), Michael Sarazin (film actor), Judith Crist (newspaper, TV film reviewer), Alexander Pope (British 1 8 th century poet mock-epic writer, The Rape ofthe Lock), T-Bone Walker (blues singer, guitarist, pianist), M. Scott Peck (psychologist, The Road Less Travelled), Harvey Milk (gay San Francisco city councilman, assassinated), Cynl Fagan (astrologer), Mane Fish (oceanographer, bioacoustician), Mansol (painter, sculptor), Susan Strasberg (stage, film actress), Lois M. Rodden (astrologer, horoscope collector, Astro-Data series), Jean Tinguely (French dadaist artist)

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