May 23rd Seductive Solution Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 23, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to say no

☆The way forward is to understand that people will respect and approve of you more if you set down clear boundaries and let them know what your limits are.

The Birthday Of The Seductive Solution, The Day Of Energetic Transmission

May 23rd Seductive Solution Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 23rd Birthdays

Sun signs: Gemini/Taurus

Ruling planets: Mercury, the communicator/Venus, the lover

Symbols: The Twins/The Bull

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable numbers: 1,5,

Lucky day: Wednesday, especially when it falls on 1 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, violet, yellow

Birthstone: Agate

There is something radiant about the positive and seductive energy of people born on May 23 that others find impossible to ignore. Their defining feature, however, isn’t their charisma and sex appeal, but their ingenuity. They are gifted problem solvers who generously give a lot of their time and energy to help others resolve their problems in both practical and emotional ways.

As well as being inventive problem solvers, they are natural communicators. They can present a case convincingly and offer viable solutions. When faced with a dilemma they may find that they have brilliant eureka moments when the answer just pops into their mind. They have a natural flair for everything imaginative but instead of talking about creating, as they are prone to do, they need to get on and do it! This is because it is in activity rather than discussion that these intuitive individuals release their inventiveness.

They aren’t motivated by a need to be the center of attention or to assume leadership, getting tremendous satisfaction from simply helping others solve professional and personal woes. The downside of this is that while they attack the problems of others with great energy and insight, they often neglect their own affairs. This can have negative consequences when others take advantage of their generosity and willingness to help. It is vital for their psychological growth that they learn to speak up for their own needs and interests; if they don’t, this can lead to frustration and lack of fulfillment.

Until the age of twenty-nine there is an emphasis on information gathering, communication and learning; after the age of thirty they are likely to become more sensitive and security conscious. It is important during this turning point that they learn to say "no" to the demands of others and avoid sacrificing their needs completely to home, family and loved ones. They need to accept that people can and do value them for the energetic, innovative, positive, and inspiring person that they are, and not for what they can do for them.

☆ On the dark side:Unaware, passive, self-effacing

☆ At your best:Sensual, ingenious, convincing

Those born on May 23 are highly capable when it comes to transmitting their energy, emotions and ideas to others. Although their manner can be light or electric, their sex appeal is distinctly earthy. It is difficult to ignore those born on this day, as they radiate something that demands attention, usually in a positive but markedly seductive way.

May 23 people may be involved for a good part of their lives in transmitting positive influences to their children. Usually they make excellent parents. Not only are they concerned about their children's education, but they have the energy needed to handle all the daily tasks of child rearing. Biological matters are important to May 23 people, but particularly to those women born on this day.

May 23 people rarely seek stardom, and are happy to take part in group endeavors. Their distinctly mental outlook balances well with their sensuality; they are both body- and mindoriented.

Apt to be playful, they usually enjoy sports and dancing as well as chess, cards or other games. Many born on this day are blessed with real scientific abilities, and strangely enough, even the subject under study may be a kind of transmission (for example, biological traits or an electric current).

Though they avoid hassles, May 23 people are always up for solving problems. Their own difficulties may be ignored, however, as their external orientation directs their energy toward family, friends or work. If they go too long neglecting emotional or physical problems they may one day be in for a nasty surprise. Those born on this day need to avoid procrastinating where their own needs are concerned, and should respond immediately to personal issues, just as they do when danger threatens their loved ones or their projects.

Creative activities involving art or music may be relaxing as a hobby for May 23 people who are engaged in scientific or technical work during the day. Clever with their hands, they may enjoy making everything from simple toys to clothes to canoes in their spare time. Those born on this day are happiest when their horizons are expanding and changing; otherwise, they start feeling trapped and hemmed in. Also, it is best if they do not spend too much time alone. May 23 people have strong social needs. Even if they are working on solo projects, it is better that they do so around others who are engaged in similar work. The social aspects of a regular job will be extremely rewarding to them.

The desire of May 23 people that things go smoothly may lead them to be overly self-sacrificing, and consequently frustrated; they must learn to more often say no to the demands of others, and also to speak out about their own wants and needs. A fear of rejection is at the root of this desire to please, but those born on this day have to realize that the price they pay for the temporary approval they gain can be very debilitating to their sense of individuality.

This is equally true for both men and women.

Power Thought:What I desire from others I already possess,Fingerprints and snow/lakes are not the only things unique

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 23th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 (2+3=5), and by the planet Mercury. Since Mercury represents quickness of thought and change (and because Mercury also rules Gemini ). May 23 people may be overly impulsive and likely to change both their minds and physical surroundings with great regularity. May 23 people display a spontaneity which enhances their naturalness but can drive others to distraction when they make big mistakes. On the other hand, the hard knocks that those ruled by the number 5 suffer in life traditionally have little lasting effect on them—they recover quickly. Regardless of their ups and downs. May 23 people certainly like being involved, and the number 23 is associated with happenings and occurrences of all kinds.

May 23rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant, an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and of faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness, absence of doubt and proper interpretation; unfavorable traits are moralizing, bombast and dogmatism.

☆Luck maker:(Just do it!)When lucky people long to do something they find ways to do it, even when they feel afraid. So if there is something you long to do, go ahead-just do it! You will feel fantastic.

Love Meeting of minds and hearts

You’re drawn to people born on June 22 to July 23:You share a passion for communication, intellectual discovery and intimacy, and this can create a passionate and fulfilling union.

People born on May 23 are attracted to people who are their equal intellectually. Unfortunately, though, they often neglect the importance of emotional compatibility and may find that their generosity of spirit and willingness to subordinate their needs to their loved one are taken advantage of. They need to be in a relationship where minds and hearts meet and where both parties are willing to give and take.

Health Home cooking

People born on this day need to make sure that they don’t neglect their health and well-being for the sake of others. As far as diet is concerned, they should make sure it is healthy and balanced. If they live alone, rather than eating erratically or on the go, they should make sure they nurture themselves with home cooking and foods that are as fresh and natural as possible. Exercise will be vital to boosting their immune system, their self-esteem and body image, and fast-paced sports such as tennis, squash, football, and netball are highly recommended, as well as individual sports such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, and cycling. Wearing, surrounding themselves with and meditating on the color yellow will increase their confidence and self-esteem.

Although their work may be of a mental nature, the enthusiasm and impulsive expression of May 23 people in their spare time (sports, fast driving, various high-risk activities) may put them in harm's way. If possible, they should channel such energies into safer avenues. Those born on this day must attend to the maintenance of their bodies, which they tend to neglect. A balanced diet will help here, and perhaps the preventive medicine of herbs, special foods and supplemental vitamins and minerals. May 23 people should be particularly careful about putting their hands at risk. If they are employed in an office, they can perhaps make their work more pleasant by organizing social events or simply taking advantage of opportunities for social contact (lunches, walks, coffee breaks) with their fellow workers.

Career Born advisor

These people are often drawn to the caring and healing professions but the performing arts, teaching and diplomacy may also appeal, as they are gifted communicators. They are likely to be skilled with their hands, so may be involved in creative and artistic pursuits. Law, counseling or psychology could also provide an outlet for their talent in offering advice and information.

Destiny To be at the service of progress

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to focus on their own needs as much as they do on others. Once they have learned to be more self-nurturing, their destiny is to place their prodigious energy at the service of progress, both their own and others’.

Take care of yourself a bit more. Try to keep your impulsive nature under control; look to your serious side now and then. Don't be too eager to please

Celebrities Born On May 23rd

Joan Collins(British actress), Robert Moog(American engineer and pioneer of electronic music), Drew Carey(American actor and comedian),

Carolus Linnaeus (Swedish botanist, classified living things), Franz Anton Mesmer (Austrian hypnotist, physician, namesake of word "mesmerize"), John Bardeen (US physicist, 2x Nobel Pnze winner, transistor, low temperature influence on electrical conductivity), Robert Moog (synthesizer inventor), Joshua Lederberg (US Nobel Prizewinning geneticist, genetic material in bactena), Franz Kline (abstract expressionist painter), Marvin Hagler (world middleweight champion boxer. 62-3-2 record, 52 KOs), Alicia De Larrocha (Spanish pianist), Joan Collins (TV actress, Dynasty), Sir Charles Barry (British architect designer of Houses of Parliament), Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. (silent film actor), Anatoli Karpov (Russian world chess champion), James Blish (science-fiction writer, The Star Trek Reader), Thomas M. Donahue (atmospheric scientist, geophysicist. Voyager and Galileo missions), John Newcombe (Australian 3x world U I -ranked. Wimbledon, US Open tennis champion), Rosemary Clooney (singer, actress), Alexander Ruperti (astrologer, writer, The Cycles of Becoming). Scatman Crothers (film actor), Rennie Davis (political activist), Richard Anuszkiewicz (op-art painter)

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