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May 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 23, 2024

Try to listen a little more to those around you. Remember you can make people unhappy simply by changing your plans all the time - even if its just talk - especially when it physically affects them.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 1, 5

May 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

Speed and a longing for change are the characteristics of this individual. They talk fast, often with a winning charm and adore making deals. They put the fizz into conversation, but so keen are they on winning points that ‘fact’ can sometimes become a dirty word and dishonesty a virtue.

May 23 should be extremely careful of this last characteristic. Sharp-witted May 23 often spots the shady area between truth and fiction and bamboozle colleagues, not always wittingly, but often with disastrous results. Frequently ignoring the maxim Weither a borrower nor a lender be’, some openly regard banks and building societies as simply there to lend money, and they are remarkably good at getting it. Others are willing to put money into flash enthusiasms. At best, this makes May 23 a millionaire. At medium … infuriating. At worst… there's a problem.

Not always the most reliable lover, this individual has the sort of sparkling charm that can breach the toughest citadel and when they stay put there is no date in the year which provides a better companion. They are sexually adventurous, with a deep generosity to others. Almost nothing shocks them and they delight in theatrical bedroom games, taking champagne, chocolates, pots of delicious ice cream, strawberries and other tit-bits to the love nest. In consequence, because of the frequency of their loving, May 23 people may put on weight as will any companion fed with doughnuts and chocolate biscuits during the intermission.

Part child themselves, they make excellent parents, spending time and using their imagination on their children's toys, inventing games and songs and generally creating treasured memories. This individual doesn't harbour unsuitable ambitions for his or her children, and can be relied upon to back them if schools complain.

Some people born on this date become great inventors, benefitting mankind. Most are glamorous, capable of inspiring personal affection and if they become famous, the general public will always love them.

In Love

The quick-witted, gregarious individual celebrating a birthday on this date has a bright, breezy personality and a wonderful sense of humor. Everyone wants to be your friend because you have an instinct for getting along with people. You may think you crave the intensity of a close relationship, but you’re exceedingly wary of emotional vulnerability. Actually friendship and mutual understanding attract you more than passion and romance. You’re loyal to those you love, but you won’t tolerate restrictions on your freedom, and you refuse to let anyone stop you from doing your own thing.

In Bed

As one of the most innovative lovers in the zodiac, you thrive on change and versatility. An inventive bed partner with unlimited curiosity, you’re always open to novel ideas for sexual experimentation. Adaptable and suggestible, you are never boring in the bedroom. Emotionally, however, there is a distinct coolness in your nature that causes you to intellectualize and analyze your erotic experiences. In fact, you get almost as much pleasure from thinking and talking about sex as from doing it.


The hyper side of this character often induces stress which May 23 sometimes tries to alleviate by smoking, drinking alcohol or gambling. These are stress inducers themselves. Let lavender oil come to your rescue. Lisa Leeson, wife of the jailed trader Nick Leeson, has survived her stress by soaking a pillow in lavender oil, a traditional aid to calm the mind and induce sleep. In a study at Oldham Cottage Hospital, one drop of essential oil of lavender was put on the pillows of the elderly patients each night. They slept better and showed a 50% improvement in alertness. Try it.


You need a partner who can share your vibrant and changeable fantasy life.

Because your obsession with words transfers to the bedroom, you’re turned on by anything that involves verbal expression during sex. From whispering sweet nothings to talking about intimate desires in the most explicit language, you yearn to discuss it all with your lover.


Try to listen a little more to those around you. Remember you can make people unhappy simply by changing your plans all the time - even if its just talk - especially when it physically affects them.

Reality Check

Your mental scope is exceptionally broad, and your unique ideas are usually one step ahead of those of your contemporaries. You can be unconventional, open-minded, and unpredictable on one hand, yet really stubborn and opinionated on the other. Your inner world is composed of thoughts and ideas, and in many ways it is more real to you than the world outside yourself.

May 23 Date Share

Joan Collins, TV and filmactress. Franz Anton Mesmer, Austrian hypnotist, society darling, gave name topractice of ‘mesmerising'. Sir Charles Barry, Britishdesigner of Houses of Parliament. Anatoli Karpov, Russian chess champion.

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