May 24th Incisive Commentator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 24, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is not being a gossip

☆The way forward is to understand that although gossip gets the attention of others, they will not respect and admire you unless you talk about others in a positive way.

The Birthday Of The Incisive Commentator, The Day Of The Magnifier

May 24th Incisive Commentator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 24th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)

Favorable numbers: 2, 6

Lucky days: Wednesday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, light green, pink

Birthstone: Agate

People born on May 24 have a gift for expressing what others feel and for getting to the heart of the matter. Incredibly observant, they are commentators on what they see going on around them and will rarely hesitate to broadcast their often profound and insightful views.

With their love of observing and commenting, people born on this day often have a wealth of information about human nature. They are often obsessed with talking about the relationships of others, and others love their company and highly entertaining tales. Although they will always champion the underdog, they do need to be careful that they don’t betray the confidences of others and that their witty insights don’t dissolve into gossip. Despite being so eloquent about the affairs of others, they are often strangely reticent about discussing their own lives.

Their gift for incisive observation attracts the admiration of other sharp-witted people but they need to watch their tendency to alienate others with one cutting comment too many. They may also close their minds to conflicting opinions so it is important for them to learn the art of diplomacy and to respect the opinions of others. Until the age of twenty-eight they focus on learning and communication but around the age of twenty-nine they may prefer to look for emotional and professional security; the following thirty or so years are when they are likely to come into their own. Around the age of fifty-eight there is another turning point when they enter a period of increased authority, strength and confidence.

As long as these clever and witty people don’t drain their energies with negative criticism and keep their minds positive and inquisitive, their natural vitality, drive, creativity, and ability to clarify the most complicated of situations will keep them investigating new projects and invigorating old ones. They can see possibilities and connections that others might miss and this can take them far; and they will always be fascinating conversationalists.

☆ On the dark side:Caustic, detached, egotistical

☆ At your best:Caring, observant, expressive

Those born on May 24 seem to have an opinion on every issue under the sun. Their main interest, however, is in society and their orientation toward it can range from mildly critical, to outspoken or even revolutionary. Usually possessed of a quick mind and caustic tongue, May 24 people rarely leave others in the dark very long about where they stand on a subject. The problem is, however, that every few years (or even weeks), their viewpoints may shift, and therefore people around them may be left bewildered, standing with their mouths open in amazement.

Although they have a lot to say about society, and may be in the limelight. May 24 people are usually quite reserved. Indeed, they can be resentful of encroachments on their private life. Basically they only want to say what they have to say when, where and how they wish. Because of their outspoken attitudes they give the impression of being approachable and open—but this may not be the case. For some born on this day, communication is not a two-way dialogue but a matter of the world listening to what they have to say. Friends and family of May 24 people may grow used to hearing pronouncements and in extreme cases facing merciless, satiric criticism.

Most often those born on this day side with the proletariat rather than with the privileged classes. Battlers by nature, they feel akin to the underdog in a fight. Unfortunately, they may lose objectivity and come to ally themselves with a political entity or faction ultimately unworthy of their support.

May 24 people are extremely facile in their use of language and also highly adept at turning emotions in their favor. They have an incisive, philosophical manner that is attractive.

May 24 people inhabit a world of ideas, usually very expansive ideas concerning broad issues. When necessary, however, they can concentrate intently on a pressing matter at hand.

Not specialists in attending to themselves or others on a day-to-day basis, those born on this day are usually too wrapped up in their own world to bother with mundane chores like taking out the trash or doing the laundry. Many depend on a support system to care for them-, otherwise they would fall into very sloppy ways.

Although their influence may at times seem divisive and negative, May 24 people serve a highly important function in bringing out what has hitherto been suppressed in others (possibly anger, resentment, even violence). After the smoke has cleared, the situation is probably improved, or at least clarified, for all concerned (even if something unpleasant has occurred).

May 24 people must avoid becoming dictatorial, overbearing personalities, and should keep their attitude light. Cultivating a healthy sense of humor plays a great part in this.

Power Thought:My intuition shows me the way forward,For many people, the bedroom is the battlefield

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 24th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 (2+4=6), and by the planet Venus. Because those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic in attracting love and admiration, and Venus is strongly connected with social interaction, May 24 people inevitably work with others. Often love is the dominant theme in the lives of those ruled by the number 6, but in the case of May 24 people lasting love is perhaps received by them but more rarely given. In this respect those born on this day can be very flighty (Gemini is ruled by Mercury) and hard to pin down.

May 24th Birthday Tarot Card

The 6th card of the Major Arcana is The Lovers, symbolizing the love that unites all of humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic and physical plane; on the bad side, unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecisiveness.

☆Luck maker:(Become an apprentice)Lucky people understand that nobody likes a know-all. Demonstrating a sincere willingness and openness to learn will draw other people to you and they will want to help you.

Love Inquisitive

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 24:You share a passion for communication and intimacy, and this can create a haven of love, security and respect.

People born on May 24 love to explore the inner recesses of their partner’s mind but also the minds of everyone they meet, so any partner may find themselves in the role of diplomatic ally. They need to learn to be more open about their own feelings in a relationship, but when they meet someone they feel comfortable enough to open up to they can be loyal, loving and highly entertaining partners.

Health Not too hot or too cold!

People born on this day don’t tend to complain much about their health; except when they are too hot or too cold, which they can’t tolerate. They are prone to coughs, colds, circulation problems, and physical exhaustion, generally as a result of their fast-paced life. If they can’t find a satisfactory way to relax and unwind, stress or nervous exhaustion could also be a problem. They may have an urge to escape their busy social life and hide away; they should not repress this as they would benefit significantly from time out alone when they can read, relax and connect with their intuition. As far as diet and lifestyle are concerned, they should keep it varied and avoid smoking and alcohol. Exercise should be moderate to vigorous and if possible it should be a structured part of their lives rather than ad hoc. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to connect with the peace and stillness within.

May 24 people must be careful not to overextend themselves in social obligations. They are easily overstressed, as their nervous systems are highly sensitive. Their urge to seek retreat, to find a hideaway, is generally a healthy one, as it is in seclusion that they get the rest so necessary to their functioning. Because of their quick and constant movements, those born on this day should beware of accidents to the arms, hands and shoulders. Smoking should be avoided as well. Although the sleep patterns of May 24 people may be erratic, a full night's rest every few days, at least, is essential for their health. Cooking is an excellent activity for those born on this day and a highly varied, even exotic diet is recommended.

Career Born journalists

These people could make great journalists, in particular gossip columnists, but their ability to persuade and inspire others could also mark them out for careers in sales and politics, as well as education, art, design, acting, writing, singing, composing, photography, movie-making, law, and the world of entertainment.

Destiny To entertain, influence and direct others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to accept others as they are. Once they are more relaxed and tolerant of differences of opinion, their destiny is to use their strong communication skills to entertain, influence and direct others.

Slow down lest your frenetic pace and demands wear others out. Learn to control your tongue and be less judgmental. Be more faithful to your friends and your beliefs. Avoid making pronouncements from on high.

Celebrities Born On May 24th

Kristin Scott Thomas(British actress), Bob Dylan(American singer-songwriter), Priscilla Presley(American businesswoman and actress),

Queen Victoria (British monarch, ruled over largest empire in history, sixtyfour- year reign), Bob Dylan (singer, songwriter, poet), Jean-Paul Marat (French revolutionary leader, journalist, stabbed to death in bath), George Washington Carver (botanist naturalist, chemist, inventor), Jan Christiaan Smuts (South African general, philosopher, prime minister, early holistic thinker), Coleman Young (Detroit mayor), Joseph Brodsky (Russian-American Nobel Prize-winning poet), Patti LaBelle (singer), Samuel I. Newhouse (Conde-Nast owner, Vogue publisher, newspaper magnate, self-made billionaire), Archie Shepp (jazz tenor saxophonist, playwnght, teacher, composer), John Robert Russell (British writer, The Book of Snobs), Elsa Maxwell (columnist, pianist, nightclub owner, press agent, actress). Roseanne Cash (singer), Priscilla Presley (TV, film actress, married Elvis, writer, EMs and Me), Mai Zetterling (Swedish film direc- ' tor, Night Games. novelist, Bird of Passage), Joan Micklm Silver (film director, Hester Street, producer), Sir Arthur Wing Pinero (British dramatist, social commentarist), Albert Andre (French illustrator, designer), Gary Burghoff (film, TV actor, "Radar" of M*A*S*H), James Crenshaw (California journalist, after-life expert, Telephone Between Worlds)

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