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May 24th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 24, 2024

Sometimes dislike for authority can get out of hand. At best this results in infuriating confrontations - frequently your fault. At worst it can lead to legal wrangling, time-consuming letters and a general anger overdose.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 2, 6

May 24th Birthday Love Astrology

The psycheology of this date is oddly self-effacing, a characteristic of Gemini, which is the sign of the Twins. Poor May 24 doesn't know what it thinks, can see both sides of the question and so adopts the irritating ‘no you choose' habit. They convince themselves that letting others decide holiday destinations and which colours to decorate a room is a sign of generosity. But this little cabbage has tough leaves which hide an even tougher heart, often brimming with resentment at another's decision they secretly dislike. Worse still, when the wrong choice is made there may be days of sulking until a companion works a mindreading miracle, and changes that choice. So, when dining out with May 24, resist pleas to recommend, thus avoiding the hissed ‘But you know I never eat eggs'.

Those born today must antidote this essential laziness, cease procrastinating, and develop their problem solving skills. They are nature's transmitters, can bring a glow to a room as well as gloom, and in difficult situations May 24 will surprise everybody with resorcefulness and bravery. These individuals are clever with their hands and brimming with creative intelligence. So when the lights fuse, or the video breaks down, when the roof is pouring water into every bedroom, the boat's engine has packed up and the car lights won't work, May 24 can usually fix it.

Similarly, if someone is sick, this person often shows extraordinary energy, devoting long hours to nursing and, perhaps more importantly, to thought about the symptoms and how to alleviate them. Not usually impressed by authority figures, in particular doctors, May 24 will read every book on cure and cause, not necessarily accepting doctors' diagnoses and always asking for another opinion.

Like all Geminis, those born today thrive in the company of others and should take care not to choose professions - writing, composing, some forms of research - which could isolate them.

In Love

You like being connected to another person and tend to feel incomplete without an intimate relationship in your life. Although your romantic, idealistic inner self yearns for a permanent life partner, your spontaneous, freewheeling Gemini Sun sign indicates a fondness for playing the field. As a result, you may go through a long string of romances before deciding to settle down with your one and only. Your definition of love doesn’t always include a lot of sex. What you’re really looking for is companionship. For you, a spirited conversation can be as stimulating as a passionate sexual encounter.

In Bed

The key to your heart (and your body) is conversation. You view lovemaking as a meeting of minds and a means of exchanging thoughts and ideas.

Not much given to emotional intimacy, you share your deepest feelings only with your twin self. Physically however, you can be totally uninhibited. You are an adventurous lover with a desire to please and be pleased. If you don’t know what your partner wants, you ask. If he or she doesn’t know what you like, you describe your preferences in graphic detail.


Because of their quick movements and physical tension, people born on this day tend to suffer from back injury and strain. Do heed advice not to bend from the waist to pick up heavy items. Instead, crouch, pick up, then lift as you rise. Do find a chair to work in that supports your back properly, which doesnyt mean you work with head poked forward. Do choose a flat, hard mattress, preferably with no pillows, or just one if you must. And if you can, try to lie flat on the floor for ten minutes each day. Better still, take a swim.


Fantasy and role-playing games turn you on. The right combination of imaginings and reality can send shivers up and down your spine. More sexual than sensual, the slow, languid approach doesn’t really do it for you. You prefer being seduced with deep eye contact, dazzlingly sexy dialogue, and not-so-subtle hints of impending erotic delights.


Sometimes dislike for authority can get out of hand. At best this results in infuriating confrontations - frequently your fault. At worst it can lead to legal wrangling, time-consuming letters and a general anger overdose.

Reality Check

Sociable, friendly, active, and energetic, you give the impression of being interested in everything and everyone. Moreover, you’re flexible and able to adjust yourself to people and events. Your main problem is your changeabil-ity and indecisiveness. You have serious difficulty coming to a decision and a propensity for changing those already made.

May 24 Date Share

Queen Victoria, the'Grandmother of Europe', a sixty-four year reign over thelargest empire in history.Priscilla Presley, Hollywoodstar, widow of Elvis Presley.Bob Dylan, singer, songwriter, poet

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