May 25th Caring Soldier Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 25, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is opening up to others about your feelings

☆The way forward is to understand that opening up to others about the way you feel does not imply weakness or lack of moral fiber; everyone experiences inner conflicts.

The Birthday Of The Caring Soldier, The Day Of The Bold One

May 25th Caring Soldier Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 25th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot

Favorable numbers: 3,7

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 3 or 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, sapphire blue, yellow

Birthstone: Agate

Intelligence, imagination, compassion, and courage are associated with those born on May 25. They are a study in paradox, sometimes being as much a puzzle to themselves as they are to others.

These people know how to fight for what they believe in. They have a strong sense of honor and personal responsibility to which they will cling regardless of the pressures imposed by those less principled. This does not mean they are intellectually rigid, for they often possess a sharp and inquisitive mind, allowing them to embrace new ideas. They are bold and courageous, but are also sensitive and willing to devote their energy and communication skills to improving the lot of those less fortunate. Although they have more than enough courage to go it alone, their favored approach is to inspire a group of like-minded individuals who are equally enthusiastic, principled and progressive.

With a tendency to be philosophically inclined, when it comes to the world of feelings, however, they can come across as cool and aloof. They have high expectations not only of themselves but also of others, and do need to learn to be more flexible and tolerant. They should therefore get in touch with their feelings and the feelings of others because if they don’t, however successful they are in their professional life or in their ability to encourage social reform, they are likely to feel repressed and unfulfilled.

The childhood and teens of these people may have been emotionally isoloating or difficult in some way but fortunately after the age of twenty-seven they focus on their emotional life, becoming aware of the need for a foundation or center to build from. They need to take advantage of these opportunities, because once they are able to ground themselves emotionally they will feel less frustrated. They will discover that their courage in the face of opposition and their compassion for others are not incompatible but highly compatible energies, being the key to their potential for making a difference and improving human life—be it in the global or personal sense.

☆ On the dark side:Unforgiving, cold, repressed

☆ At your best:Honorable, caring, bold

Whatever their degree of sophistication, May 25 people are fighters. They may be devoted to protecting a cause, an idea, their country or family. Yet in no way are they archaic or conservative in their beliefs, remaining up-to-date in their attitude toward the world. Those born on this day value money, clothes, all the outward trappings of life, yet understand that they are merely the facade of a deeper spiritual life within. Above all they recognize that freedom from tyranny, both for the individual and the group, is of the highest importance.

Since those born on this day are attuned to the rhythms of the world around them, they are able to survive social change, sometimes going with the flow, sometimes removing themselves.

Their friends and family will find that they are charming and agreeable only to a point, however. They will never compromise their opinions, even if it makes them unpopular.

May 25 people are philosophically oriented. They have clear ideas on a wide variety of subjects, and these ideas are usually part of a larger, more universal code. This may be a code of conduct or belief, or both. Not only do those born on May 25 hold themselves to this standard, but may expect everyone else to follow it as well. Those born on this day can be extremely unforgiving to those who cross the lines of decency. Honor and personal responsibility are immensely important to them, and their expectations are correspondingly high. They must learn, however, to be more forgiving and tolerant in their treatment of others.

May 25 people are not just mentally oriented, but markedly physical as well.

Unfortunately, their emotional side may be a bit repressed or, if damaged in childhood, severely blocked. They value affection but find it both difficult to express and accept. Since their self-trust is not the highest, they may also be loath to trust others. Whatever they do—be it art. sport, sex. or work—is beautifully crafted or executed, but unfortunately can also lack feeling. Indeed, some born on this day take pride in themselves as cool personalities who are not given to displays of emotion.

What those born on May 25 must constantly fight is their fear of rejection. Learning to be less fearful in general is important for them, no matter how forceful they may seem on the outside. Building a foundation of self-confidence, perhaps slowly over the years, will guarantee them success in the world and keep them from sabotaging their own plans. Those born on this day must find a way to live by their code of ethics without paralyzing themselves in introspection or self criticism; their ideals should find expression in pragmatic ways.

Otherwise. May 25 people run the danger of becoming unrealistic about what they believe, and a bit out of touch with their true needs.

Power Thought:I am free to move on, unless I decide not to,Discovering another person's sexuality can be like learning a foreign language

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 25th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (2+5=7). and by the planet Neptune. Because Neptune is the watery planet ruling visions, dreams and psychic phenomena, losing touch with reality poses a danger for May 25 people, particularly as far as the feelings of others are concerned. Those ruled by the number 7 traditionally like change and travel, and this causes no conflicts for May 25 people, who generally enjoy a frequent change of scene (underlined by Mercury's rulership of Gemini).

May 25th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency; the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Feelings should follow behavior)Lucky people don’t always feel happy but they have learned that the power of their lives lies in positive action and behavior, no matter how scared or resistant they feel.

Love Lighten up a little

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:Principles and spirit come before material concerns for you both and this can create a rewarding and stimulating relationship.

Sometimes people born on May 25 can be too serious for their own good; they need to make sure they incorporate plenty of fun into their relationship to keep it alive. If they do find themselves disappointed in love, they tend to blame themselves and their lack of judgment but they need to understand that, in the world of feelings, sometimes the heart can be stronger than the head.

Health Try a cool new look

People born on this day tend to present a rather cold front to the world and they need to make sure that this doesn’t distance them from friends and loved ones. If they can learn to express themselves more and have more fun, they can complement their cool head with a cool look. They need to make sure they don’t become too fixed in their ways regarding diet, and they would benefit from greater variety and flexibility; eating small meals and snacks instead of three big meals is the way forward. They should also get out of their exercise rut and experiment with some cross-training. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors yellow or orange will encourage them to feel warmer and more connected to others.

May 25 people usually have very developed ideas about their health, particularly their diet. For this reason it is difficult to give them advice on the subject. Those born on this day have a need for affection which is belied by a cool exterior. Those few people who can approach them emotionally not only bring much-needed warmth but can also make suggestions regarding their sleeping and eating habits, and function as a mirror of objectivity. Low-key personalities born on this day need to be pushed a bit to express themselves. Such expression, whether in a form of creativity or simply conversation, reduces the propensity here for psychological frustration.

Career Born humanitarians

These people have pronounced leadership potential and could gain great fulfillment in blazing a political or humanitarian trail in psychology or the healing professions. They may on the other hand prefer a career that makes the most of their communication skills, such as sales, law, music, art, and journalism. Alternatively they may be drawn to careers in computers, engineering and philosophy.

Destiny To implement their ideological convictions

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be less judgmental of themselves and others. Once they are able to be more tolerant, their destiny is to implement their ideological convictions with their prodigious vigor and determination.

Work very hard on being less judgmental and more forgiving. Think things out carefully before setting out on your path; avoid rash or angry decisions. Being cool is not always the coolest thing to be—recognize the value of being vulnerable and emotionally open.

Celebrities Born On May 25th

Ian McKellen(British actor), Paul Weller(British singer-songwriter), Mike Myers(Canadian actor and comedian),

Miles Davis (jazz trumpeter, innovator, bandleader, composer), Ralph Waldo Emerson (Transcendentalist poet, essayist, philosopher), Josip Broz Tito (Croatian-born Yugoslavian dictator, general, unified Yugoslavia), Richard Dimbleby (British BBC WWII war correspondent first to fly on bombing missions, annual journalism prize named for him), Bill "Bojangles" Robinson (tap dancer, film actor), Sir Ian McKellan (British stage, film actor, gay rights activist), Beverly Sills (operatic soprano), Gene Tunney (world heavyweight champion boxer, famous bout with Dempsey), Bennet Cerf (publisher, editor), Mary Wells Lawrence (advertising executive), John K. Fairbanks (historian, writer, Chinese scholar), Robert Ludlum (writer, Parsifal Mosaic), Lindsey Nelson (radio, TV commentator, 4x Sports- caster of Year, Life Achievement Emmy Award), Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton (British poet, playwright, novelist, Pelham), Jan Jozef Lipski (Polish dissident literary cntic). Theodore Hesburgh (Notre Dame Unr. president), Jamaica Kincaid (writer, Annie John), Leslie Uggams (singer), John Weitz (clothing designer), Carlo Dolci (Florentine Baroque painter)

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