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May 25th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 25, 2024

Sometimes what you fear most is a lessening of the creative urge which is so natural to people born on this day. Try listening to classical music. It's a great refurbisher of creative energy.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 3, 7

May 25th Birthday Love Astrology

May 25 people like doing things to please others and they have wonderful domestic skills. They often choose cookery as their way of being nice to people. This individual has all the lightness and passion for summery things which reflect his and her birthday, so expect each dish to look as good as it tastes.

Both men and women will develop skills for particular types of cookery at certain times in their lives. Younger individuals dream of India and the mysteries of China, spicing pieces of meat with cumin or ginger, the merest hint of coconut, and a touch of saffron for glamour. Vegetarians will concoct exquisite temptations, cucumber with yoghurt and a dash of black pepper, garnished with fresh mint leaves, swede turned into a heap of sunshine. The men may concentrate on puddings and sweetmeats good enough to tempt an emporer's lack-lustre appetite. Expect homemade vanilla ice cream, strewn with crystallised violets, grapefruit crushed with ice and crème de menthe. Above all, expect this date to change his or her passions for cookery with the changing seasons.

Other domestic skills which dominate this day are decorating and sewing. May 25's ideal room will be rich in colour. When in doubt, paint a room yellow, is the maxim. But marvellous blues which reflect the changing sky and calm the soul are also a favourite. Expect pieces of embroidery to glow from chaircovers and rugs, with delicate flowers picked out on tables and bed linen.

Those born on this day have a powerful moral code, and while they may be generous with others who do not, do not expect them to waver in their own judgment of what is right and wrong. Where this moral sense is overdeveloped, some May 25 people can become tyrannical about other people's behaviour. In extreme circumstances this leads to an unforgiving nature and a desire to withdraw from the world, which can be difficult for family and friends.

In Love

Your paradoxical personality can be a puzzle, even to those closest to you.

You often find yourself torn between the contradictory messages you receive from your head and your heart. At times you appear moody and solitary, but you are actually deeply philosophical. On a physical level you’re passionate and sexy. However, it takes both intellectual and physical stimulation to hold your interest. You fervently resist any attempt to box you in, and an excess of intimacy or emotion can scare you off. If a relationship’s closeness becomes too suffocating, you may begin searching for a less restrictive alliance.

In Bed

The duality of your nature is most pronounced in the bedroom. Your sexual needs and wishes are as varied as all your other interests. Sometimes you seem physically aloof and more concerned with making conversation than making love. At other times you assume the role of the lighthearted, devilishly charming lover who equates sex with fun and games. Then there are nights of intense passion and single-minded devotion to erotic pleasure.

Your ideal mate enjoys spicing things up by interjecting a touch of fantasy.


People born on this day must take care of their hands which could develop joint stiffness and even arthritis later in life. This is particularly important as many May 25 people rely on their hands for work, including, as we have discussed, cookery and decorating, hut also music and writing. Bach Flower Rescue Remedy cream is especially good for stiff fingers, aching hands and any small cuts. Available from most health stores, it is made up from impatiens (Impatiens glanduliferaj, clematis (Clematis vitalbaj, rock rose (Helianthemum nummulariumj, cherry plum (Prunus cerasiferaj and star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalumumbellatumj.


Your fondness for the unusual makes you a tantalizing bed partner. You need an innovative lover, someone capable of keeping your interest alive with new ideas for sparking your libido. The one who turns you on is the partner whose curiosity equals your own. You like trying new things, and sexual experimentation is at the top of your list.


Sometimes what you fear most is a lessening of the creative urge which is so natural to people born on this day. Try listening to classical music. It's a great refurbisher of creative energy.

Reality Check

Convinced that variety is the spice of life, you are constantly on the lookout for fresh challenges and adventures. Your restless temperament makes it extremely difficult for you to stay in one place. You need to keep moving, either through physical travel, or by mentally exploring the world of your imagination.

May 25 Date Share

Sir Ian McKellan, Britishstage & film actor, gay rightsactivist Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslavian dictator, unifiedYugoslavia. Miles Davis, jazztrumpeter, band leader.

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