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May 26th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 26, 2024

Sometimes it seems that everybody wants something from you, that people won't leave you alone until you have satisfied them. Try to spend time alone. Be self-sufficient. It will steady your mind and clear it.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 4, 8

May 26th Birthday Love Astrology

This date walks on the wild side and fears nothing. Dangerous, desirable and trouble all the way, few people can resist the magnetism of May 26. Yet it's a mistake to think this individual is sexually greedy. There is finesse in the flirting, secrecy in the erotic adventure.

May 26 will see someone at a party, form a connection with one glance, then turn away until at the very end they magically appear by the newly chosen partner, who has been secretly waiting - but unsure - for this moment.

So what is life like with this Prince and Princess of Dark Desires? Thrilling and agonising. Most do settle down in the end because they get tired of all the tears and pleading letters. And they do suffer some guilt. But they are innately unfaithful, always alert to the sudden lurch of interest in an attractive stranger, and always amused by their ability to catch a glance, hold it and trade on it.

As lovers they are adventurous, but it's more a question of place than fancy tricks. They have a hungry passion, which is heady enough to bind anyone to them. And they are amused by the idea of love in public places, preferably where there is the added danger of discovery. In fact this creature's ideal fantasy js a chance meeting on a train, naturally a European train with those high steps up to carriages which have curtained compartments. As the train rumbles through the night, the two strangers will kiss and wrap their bodies around each other. Then dawn comes. The train pulls into a far away station and one of them is gone …

Such wildness is romantic and appealing, but these characteristics can border on the anti-social, even criminal, and although many devotees will continue to admire, the reality and results of May 26's impetuous behaviour may be less pleasant.

In Love

Your genial sociability, quick wit, and disarming charm mask a steely core of ambition. You have the roving eye common to members of your Sun sign, but you also have a deep-seated need for a committed romantic union.

Settling down may not be at the top of your agenda, yet once your material success is assured you’ll begin thinking about establishing a long-term love relationship. Until then the highly sexed lover inside you must continue competing for time with the more established workaholic. Unfortunately, the demands and deadlines of your professional life often win out over the promise of fun and games.

In Bed

Initially, your overworked psyche may resist surrendering to the delicious sensations of freely expressed passion. However, once you put work and responsibility aside, your reactions to sexual stimuli are strong and immediate. The lover who stirs your imagination also inflames your libido. Restless and curious, you enjoy experimenting with various sexual techniques and positions. Because you consider mental compatibility as essential as physical compatibility, you need to find a mate you can talk to.


May 26 is attracted to alcohol Young people born on this day can drink, dance, drink again, stay up all night, then go to work fresh as a newly opened buttercup. They also have phenomenal concentration, so the indulgences of the night before seem to barely touch them. But as the clock ticks on this behaviour catches up. Some may find they are drinking to keep themselves going and then drinking because they can't start without it. Control the alcohol intake before alcoholism hits. Remember, reformed alcoholics carit drink and who wants to grow old without the pleasures of chilled champagne?


Despite the serious edge to your character, you don’t want a life that is all work and no play. In fact, sex play is exactly what you need to help you relax. When you get going, you’re quite a lusty playmate; a sexy bedroom romp brings out your uninhibited sexuality. Soaking in a warm bath prior to lovemaking will sooth your jangled nerves.


Sometimes it seems that everybody wants something from you, that people won't leave you alone until you have satisfied them. Try to spend time alone. Be self-sufficient. It will steady your mind and clear it.

Reality Check

You operate from a mental plane and rarely take your feelings into consideration. Inclined to distance yourself from your emotions, you are not even aware of what you are feeling half of the time. You need to learn to quiet the verbal chatter inside your head and get in touch with your own emotional needs.

May 26 Date Share

John Wayne, movie star.Peggy Lee, singer, songwriter, ‘Fever'. Queen Mary, 20th century Britishmonarch who adoredshopping, but sometimesforgot to pay. Peter Cushing, British actor.

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