May 27th Progressive Action Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 27, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to avoid hastily judging and condemning others

☆The way forward is to understand that when you pass judgment on other people, you are sometimes passing judgment on yourself.

The Birthday Of Progressive Action, The Day Of Driven Dedication

May 27th Progressive Action Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 27th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable numbers: 5, 9

Lucky days: Wednesday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, red, maroon

Birthstone: Agate

Although they are perceptive and creative thinkers, those born on May 27 are generally not interested in philosophical ideas but in sharing their knowledge with the wider world. Indeed their greatest desire is to find ways to benefit humanity as a whole, their favored approach being to take action to realize their progressive ideals.

Blessed with a healthy dose of self-confidence, they have the ability to keep their cool during the most difficult circumstances. Although very interested in the human condition and concerned for the well-being of others, they can detach emotionally. Others may criticize them for sometimes being cold and impersonal, but they instinctively realize that getting too emotionally involved in situations weakens their ability to offer effective help.

The steadiness of these people is complemented by their strength of purpose and infectious optimism. Their elegance and sophistication brighten every situation and they are generally well respected and liked by those they meet. Unfortunately, their close personal relationships may be less harmonious because they often devote most of their time and energy to work. Their strong self-belief draws success and opportunities to them; if self-belief is lacking, this may be because they have chosen a career not aligned to their talents. Fortunately, there are several pivotal moments in their lives which offer them opportunities to rethink their life; these will occur at age 25, age 30, age 40 and age 55. Although their greatest wish is to serve humanity, in the interests of their self-development they should take advantage of these opportunities to re-examine their motivations and strategies.

They find it hard to accept criticism, so their psychological progression depends on their being less controlling and taking on board alternative viewpoints in both their personal and their professional lives. Once they are more flexible in their approach, the prodigious energy and spirit of enterprise of these clever and passionate people will ensure their success as a guide and inspiration to others.

☆ On the dark side:Detached, obsessive, selfish

☆ At your best:Steady, dedicated, elegant

May27 people are of two types, those who devote themselves to a cause or social structure, and those who are dedicated to their own personal growth and development.

In either case, those born on this day throw themselves headlong into their work and usually specialize in a chosen field of endeavor. Their greatest need is to communicate: therefore, the completion of their task usually includes a powerful presentation of the final product to the world. Not ones to keep silent in general, they state their opinion in sharp, outspoken terms.

Those born on this day may devote their whole life to working for their family or social group, or to developing their personal talents, but rarely to both—this is a strictly either/or situation. Those who are taken up with themselves lack the social connection, and those devoted to working with others often bury their personal talents. However, in either case their efforts are imbued with enthusiasm and passion.

There is a key point in the lives of most May 27 people (around the first Saturn return, age twenty-eight to thirty7 , or at the mid-life crisis, age forty to forty-four), where an important decision is made regarding career. This choice is generally permanent and rarely abandoned.

May 27 people often have a wild and wacky view of the world. Indeed, their zany sense of humor can cause consternation, as they are not averse to sharing their thoughts whenever moved to do so. It is less a lack of tact or diplomacy but rather poor timing which can put others off. Because May 27 people are generally so absorbed in their presentation, they may misjudge their audience. Whether outrageous personalities or conservative ones, those born on this day exercise great influence on others but the reactions they provoke are often bewildering to them—consequendy, they may end up completely ignoring what their critics have to say.

So dedicated are May 27 people to what they do, that they can persevere for years with or without recognition, and thus stand a good chance of succeeding. On the other hand, they can be blind to their shortcomings and often act as if they don't care.

Typically those born on this day achieve their greatest success away from their birthplace, and may feel the need to travel to other localities, where they become "adopted" citizens.

Living away from home presents some difficulties, but surmounting obstacles, innovating and overcoming challenges in a new situation are May 27 specialities. During their nonworking hours they will seek to enjoy themselves, and the variety offered by new locations will suit them well in this respect.

Power Thought:Today I will replace old habits of judgment with new habits of flexibility,Many people learned in the '60s that we can only change the world by changing ourselves

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 27th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (2+7=9), and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that same number: e.g.. 5+9=14, 4+1=5; any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9). and May 27 people are similarly able to influence those around them. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive (given added intensity through Mercury's rulership of Gemini), and embodies male energy; May 27 women in particular may strike others as pushy.

May 27th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, depicted as a wise man earning a lantern and a stick. The Hermit is a taskmaster who uses conscience to keep others on their path; the card traditionally represents meditation, isolation and silence. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness. purpose, profundity and concentration; negative meanings include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust, and discouragement. The Hermit should remind May 27 people of the need for periodic self-examination.

☆Luck maker:(Think like a mirror)A mirror doesn’t judge or give advice. It reflects. The next time you talk to someone, listen to what they are actually saying, not to what you want to hear.

Love Listen, really listen

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 20:You are both energetic, inspired and gentle, and this can create a supportive and loving union.

People born on May 27 are affectionate, seductive partners but they have a tendency to blank out anything that sounds like criticism, making them seem insensitive. It is important for them toreally listen to what their partner has to say as this will make their relationship more harmonious. They are attracted to people who are as hard-working as they are, but ideally they need someone with gentleness to help them open up emotionally.

Health Get up and go

People born on this day can lose themselves in their work and this is dangerous as it can make them neglect their diet and health. They may smoke and drink but are strongly advised to cut down or give up both. They are also prone to depression but often it is reactive depression that occurs when they do not feel fulfilled in their professional life. Taking time out to talk to mentors, friends, family, or even a counselor would help them get back on the right track. They are naturally good at all forms of exercise; if they don’t have an exercise routine already, they should set one up because it will boost their health, manage their waistline and give them an outlet for the release of tension. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will increase feelings of warmth and security.

May 27 people are often too absorbed in their work to worry about exercise, unless of course their work is sport or physical education. Likewise, when May 27 people take an active interest in cooking they look after their needs and those of others quite well—otherwise, forget it. Those born on this day usually have a relaxed attitude toward smoking and drinking, and their indulgence will only need to be curtailed if it gets out of hand. May 27 people actively seek to enjoy themselves during their time off—they tend to work hard and play hard. The greatest concern to May 27 people is periodic depression, which causes them to withdraw from the world; this depression can be heralded by outbreaks of allergic symptoms. Like all Geminis. those born on May 27 must learn to keep their active nervous systems on an even keel.

Career Born doctors

These people have the skills and personality to excel in the medical, teaching, legal, or diplomatic professions as well as the artistic or sporting realms in which they can express themselves more freely. They may change careers a number of times in their lives, but whatever they eventually settle on, the opportunity to guide and care for others in some way is essential for their fulfillment.

Destiny To help other people achieve tangible results

The life task of people born on this day is to make sure they do not becoming domineering or controlling. Once they have learned to admit that they have personal failings just like everyone else, their destiny is to help other people (practically and by example) achieve tangible results.

Even if you do not listen to the criticism of others, pay heed to your conscience and let your higher self guide you. Don't push yourself so hard; take frequent vacations. Be aware of the reactions you elicit. Don't overlook your faults so easily.

Celebrities Born On May 27th

Jamie Oliver(British chef, restauranteur and TV personality), Christopher Lee(British actor), Henry Kissinger(American politician and diplomat),

Isadora Duncan (modem dance pioneer, rose from poverty, killed when shawl caught in wheel of her sports car), Hubert Humphrey (US vice president, Democratic presidential candidate), Henry Kissinger (German-born US presidential adviser, secretary of state, Nobel Peace Prize winner), Jay Gould ( 1 9 th c. financier, robber baron, controlled stock market), "Wild Bill" Hickok (US marshal, frontiersman, brought law and order to frontier towns, dead at age thirty-nine, shot in back playing poker), Julia Ward Howe ( 1 9 th c. author, feminist, philanthropist), Amelia Jenks Bloomer ( 1 9 th c. woman's rights activist inventor of "bloomers"), Dashiell Hammett (mystery-story writer, Sam Spade creator,The Maltese Falcon), Sam Snead (golf champion, British Open, 3x Masters, PGA winner career leader), Georges Rouault (French expressionist painter), Yasuhiro Nakasone (Japanese prime minister), John Barth (novelist, Giles, Goat Boy), Vincent Price (horror-film actor, art collector), Christopher Lee (horror-film actor), Rachel Carson (manne biologist science wnter, The Sea Around Us). Herman Wouk (novo The Came Mutiny Cc Martial). Louis Gossett Jr. (stage, TV, film actor). Harlan Jay Ellison (sciencefiction writer), Edwin Moms (historian, presidential biograph er), William S. Sessions (FBI director)

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