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May 27th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 27, 2024

In numerology the 27th is ruled by the number 9 (2+7 =9), which is powerful with other numbers. (Any number added to 9 yields that same number, eg 5+9=14, 4+1=5.) Power is only good if used wisely.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 5, 9

May 27th Birthday Love Astrology

May 27 people are unusually single-minded Geminis, displaying none of the flibbertigibbet characteristics of their sign, remarkably clear cut about their aims and capabilities. Look for them in social professions where they have a responsibility to direct and help others and you will find excellent teachers, sharp-witted doctors and social workers who show immense understanding and patience with their cases.

Many have an oddly attractive and unusual take on the world, a sort of child's truthful eye, which helps promote that instant intimacy, valuable in any profession where power is wielded. Most are sufficiently modest to avoid pomposity, but some do have the Gemini self-seeking streak and can't keep it at bay. And you can't tease these individuals out of it. Another Gemini characteristic is inability to take criticism so this particular May 27 person will lack the self-knowledge common to most individuals born on this day and unless something amazing happens, they remain convinced of their superior position in the universe.

Women born on this day make the most inspirational teachers, spend much time and energy bringing pleasure and understanding to their pupils, whether it be in a school or at work where they are in charge. Less professionally motivated women are always ready to offer solace to others in the office, and at home they are marvellous, funny and inventive wives, mothers and daughters.

Some men tend to provoke ultra-strong reactions amongst their colleagues, which they find puzzling, but in general can use this to the good because it means they are always listened to and their opinions never ignored.

May 27 is often a great reader and follower of the arts and much of their private time is devoted to these pursuits. Great personal comfort can always be found by these people in a piece of favourite poetry or music, and simply listening or reading always renews their spiritual strength.

In Love

You have a dreamy, illusive quality that makes you seem somewhat remote from the real world. Your paradoxical nature can puzzle even those closest to you. In an intimate relationship, you are a romantic, delightful lover. You’re sincerely devoted to your beloved and prepared to make sacrifices whenever necessary. Although you care deeply, you are emotionally vulnerable and easily hurt if love turns sour. You crave the grounding that a permanent partnership can offer, but you fear commitment. When things get really rough, you react with deep disappointment and may be tempted to move on to another “ideal” partner.

In Bed

Even in the bedroom, you are a charming enigma. On one hand, you are a sensitive, alluring lover, capable of extraordinary tenderness. On the other hand, your sexual approach is so rational that at times it can seem calculat-ed. Either way, you thrive in an atmosphere of fun and creativity. An unusual mixture of romantic dreamer and unconventional thinker, you enjoy trying new things, yet you are never crude or vulgar.


Although basically vigorous, these individuals may be vulnerable to allergies. In particular those who live in the country can suffer slight asthma because of crop burning or the widespread cultivation of rape, that virulent yellow invader of our agricultural land. Children are particularly vulnerable to asthma from rape (Brassica) and should be kept away from it as much as is practical Sadly life in all major industrial centres promotes asthma. Not much you can do, except keep away. But one in twenty asthmatics is sensitive to sulphites used in food preservatives (E220-E227), particularly cheap wine, so it's worth monitoring alcohol intake.


A great storyteller, you spin your own fantasies with little or no trouble. The lover who turns you on, however, is the one who enchants you with an erotic fantasy created and staged just for you. The amorous performance can take place indoors, or outside under the stars. You may dress up in a costume or undress at your partner’s direction.


In numerology the 27th is ruled by the number 9 (2+7 =9), which is powerful with other numbers. (Any number added to 9 yields that same number, eg 5+9=14, 4+1=5.) Power is only good if used wisely.

Reality Check

Versatility can be your strongest point or your major weakness. When a subject interests you, you absorb knowledge like a sponge. But you are impressionable and easily distracted. Restlessness can lead to dissatisfaction and a tendency to scatter your energy in too many different directions. Your greatest challenge may be learning to develop concentration and continuity of purpose.

May 27 Date Share

Henry Kissinger, Germanborn US presidential adviser, Nobel Peace Prize-winner.Vincent Price, horror filmactor. Georges Rouault, French Expressionist painter.Isadora Duncan, moderndance pioneer, strangledwhen her shawl caught in thewheel of her sports car.

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