May 28th Rejuvenation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 28, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with boredom

☆The way forward is to understand that feeling bored can actually be a positive experience as it can teach you vital life skills such as patience, gratitude and self-sufficiency.

The Birthday Of Rejuvenation, The Day Of The Innovative Trailblazer

May 28th Rejuvenation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 28th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Magician

Favorable numbers: 1, 6

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, yellow, gold

Birthstone: Agate

People born on May 28 are active, versatile, innovative, and creative. Both at home and at work they are mentally sharp and physically agile, and they can think and act with lightning speed. They excel at concocting original schemes and are eager to see them produce results, before rushing onto the next.

Novelty, adventure and the excitement of the new are what these people crave, constantly seeking to reinvent themselves with traveling, visiting new places, meeting new people, and trying new things. Others find their silvertongued charm hard to resist but they are doers as well as talkers, mastering any skill or discipline that is exciting enough to hold their interest. Competitive by nature, with a perfectionist streak and youthful assertiveness, they are well positioned for success.

They like to share their ideas with others but they can grow impatient when others seem slow to catch on. The problem lies in their choice of audience. They need to find a way to work independently from the mainstream in specialized areas where their flair, originality and versatility can be appreciated. It may take a while before they find their feet professionally and personally, perhaps moving from job to job or even from country to county, but when they do find their focus and an enlightened and adventurous audience, they usually succeed with spectacular flair and elegance.

Between the ages of twenty-four and fifty-four there are opportunities for them to find their place in life; after the age of fifty-five they may become more confident and creativity, allowing them to become more powerful in public positions. Throughout their lives, however, their quest for inner security will lead them to explore many avenues of knowledge and they will feel a need to constantly renew themselves with novel situations and stimuli. Even so, they will eventually find that the greatest success comes when they slow down and simplify their life. In fact, reflection and learning to savor their success might be the most rejuvenating change of all.

☆ On the dark side:Restless, impatient, hasty

☆ At your best:Innovative, progressive, versatile

May28 people are happiest when starting new projects, implementing their often singular ideas and feeling free in general to bring their thoughts to bear on the world around them. Their work is original and elegant in its simplicity. Because of their straightforward, hard-hitting style and highly individual viewpoints, they usually succeed when they find their metier. Until that time they may flounder, moving from one job or social group to another.

Those born on this day are not just idea-oriented individuals but also doers. Individual freedom of action is their lodestone. Unfortunately, they sometimes get carried away and forget the rules that bind us all in society. Should they overreach themselves, they may suffer a blow which makes it difficult for them to get back on their feet again. If they have determination, they will continue undaunted; if not they may drop by the wayside.

May 28 success stories are of the self-made variety. Rarely will those born on this day reach the heights through advantage or nepotism, but are more likely to come out of nowhere with unusual talents and take the field by storm. Less highly evolved individuals born on May 28 can suffer endless frustration being recognized, finding it particularly difficult to get others to listen to their improbable schemes. They should adjust to whatever system they work in and bide their time until they are called upon to innovate, rather than beating their head against a wall and arousing antagonism.

May 28 people are seldom the best teachers and may have difficulties explaining what steps they followed in concretizing their unusual ideas. Ultimately they are action people who are too busy doing to stop and think about their personal, often unique, thought process.

Due to excessive ego drives, they can get out of touch with themselves or those around them.

Thus, May 28 people need to give more thought to their motivations and those of others.

Those born on this day will sometimes have trouble finishing projects, perhaps because they start so many and find the opening phase of greatest interest. They not only value innovation but in a deep sense need to be constantly rejuvenated by new stimuli. Perhaps they fear that by repeating themselves or staying with one project too long, they will lose their source of inspiration and begin to act in a mechanical fashion: but May 28 people must nonetheless learn to maintain and persevere. In a sense, what they create is what they have to live up to, and thus they present themselves with their greatest challenge.

Power Thought:Today I will remember to stop and ask my intuition before acting,We each have our own inner clocksome run fast, some run slow

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 28th day of the month are ruled by the number 1 (2+8=10, 1+0=1). and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 are typically individual, of a definite viewpoint and eager to rise to the top. As May 28 people are born close to the Cusp of Energy (May 19-24) and influenced by Mercury (ruler of Gemini), they can overwhelm others with their facile minds and tremendous energy. The Sun symbolizes strong creative energy and fire, which should be kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to sporadically flare out of control.

May 28th Birthday Tarot Card

The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information, as well as magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat, in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but, negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism.

☆Luck maker:(Dream for fifteen minutes daily)Set aside fifteen minutes a day, away from distractions or noise, and use it to think, imagine and dream. Tuning into your thoughts can make all the difference in helping you connect with your intuition.

Love Not so fast

You’re drawn to people born on July 24 to August 23:You share a passion for adventure and the new, and this can create a stimulating and intense relationship.

In love, just as in other areas of their lives, rushing tends to be a problem for people born on May 28. They believe in love at first sight, and may rush into relationships and marriages too quickly, only to discover further down the line that there are basic incompatibilities. Once they learn to slow down their frenetic pace, however, they make loyal and exciting partners. Free spirits, they thrive best with partners who adore them but never try to control them.

Health Calming lavender

People born on this day hate to be bored and will constantly seek new challenges to test them. As a result they tend to be accident prone, but advising them to stop taking risks is impossible as it is so much a part of their personality. They would benefit, however, from the support and guidance of concerned loved ones who could encourage them to direct their energies positively and not recklessly. Since they love variety, their diet tends to be nutritious and energizing but they do need to avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol. Vigorous and energetic competitive sports are recommended for exercise, although they need to beware of injuries to the arms and hands. Because they are so active, plenty of quality sleep is recommended but if their head is buzzing so much with new ideas, dropping a few drops of lavender, bergamot or jasmine essential oil on their pillow at night will ease tension and induce drowsiness.

Those born on May 28 may be accident-prone, since they are so often trying something new or developing new talents. Usually their outlook on life is positive, unless they meet with successive obstacles or go unappreciated, in which case they may very well go into an emotional nosedive. If those born on this day can give structure to their lives and direct their energies, they will remain in good psychological health. The love and affection of a few close friends and family is more than enough for May 28 people: with such support they can be a bit less vulnerable to the inevitable hard knocks of life. A widely varied diet, with interesting and exotic highlights, is recommended for May 28 people, since they bore easily. Those born on this day should not get carried away with overly rigorous or competitive sports unless they are serious athletes; moderate exercise is recommended.

Career Born stage performers

These people can make successful artists, writers, stage performers, or business entrepreneurs. They may also be drawn to careers in sales, promotion, commerce, publishing, and human resources. If they prefer to serve others, law and teaching may appeal, and if they want to become a specialist in their area they may become an advisor, psychologist or philosopher.

Destiny To inspire with their perspective on life

The life path of people born on this day is to learn the importance of patience and discipline. Once they have learned to slow down, their destiny is to inspire with their progressive, sometimes radical perspective on life.

Get your moral priorities straight. Don't be so easily discouraged. Tend to the maintenance of one thing before moving on to another. Find your area of expertise and keep innovating within it. Try not to be so secretive about your inner feelings; loosen up a bit.

Celebrities Born On May 28th

Kylie Minogue(Australian singer-songwriter and actress), Ian Fleming(British writer), Thomas Moore(Irish poet and lyricist),

Jim Thorpe (Native American athlete, US Olympic pentathlon and decathlon gold medalist pro baseball and football player, coach, AP "Athlete of the Half- Century"), Gyorgi Ligeti (Hungarian composer), Wang Gan Chang (Chinese nuclear physicist, developed nuclear bombs for China), Ian Fleming (novelist, James Bond creator), Gladys Knight (gospel, soul singer), Jerry West (basketball guard, general manager, I Ox All-NBA, US Olympic team gold medalist), John Fogarty (singer, songwriter, guitarist, Creedence Clearwater Revival), Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (German bantone), Barry Commoner (biologist, ecologist, Science and Survival), Patrick White (British-born Australian Nobel Pnze-winning novelist The Solid Mandala), Joseph Guillotin (French physician, guillotine inventor), Barnet Lee Rosset, Jr. (Grove Press chairman, president), Warwich Deeping (British novelist, Sorrell and Son, forty novels), William Pitt the Younger (British statesman, prime minister at age twenty-four to George III), Rudolph Giuliani (New York mayor, US prosecutor), J.C Warner (Carnegie Tech president, chemist, coordinated plutonium research for Manhattan project), Kirk Gibson (All-Amencan football player, MVP baseball pla Thomas Moore (Irish joet, songwnter), Edvard Benes (Czechoslovakian president). George I (German-British king)

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