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May 28th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 28, 2024

Great loss and sadness is nobody's fault. It's just the way the world is constructed. There's no need to talk about your feelings, if that is not your way, but you must acknowledge them to yourself

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 1, 6

May 28th Birthday Love Astrology

Some people born today suffer lack of determination and over self-criticism. They have grand ideas, start extraordinary projects, but then, when obstacles arise, just give up. These problems can be rectified. May 28 people with a poor self-image may have been unhappy in childhood or lost someone dose when very young. Perhaps they have never acknowledged their sadness. Sometimes it's hard to take a look at what makes you weep, but these things really are part of the human lot and once May 28 understands that tragedy comes to everyone, he or she will gain new inner strength.

These individuals have lots of original flair and may find that colleagues simply don't understand them. It's important to be able to put new ideas over fluently and to the right people. A little business training may come in useful here but if colleagues remain unimpressed and stuck in their corporate mud, May 28 should just move on. Some businesses are so moribund and self-congratulatory they will forever be blind to the fact that May 28 has something important to say. Remember this.

There's an inventor's streak in both sexes born on this day and a genuine problem-solver's talent. May 28 will take a fresh look at something run-of-the-mill, identify an area of profitable change, and go for it. Other people will then always mutter: Why didn't I think of that? It was so obvious.' But everybody has their chance.

Look for this individual in small breakthrough companies, such as mail order catalogues, design outfits, successful shops, rock groups. Find them also in the local community fundraising for church roofs and for charities, with enormous strength of purpose and effectiveness.

Socially May 28 is always the person who gives the theme party that works rather than the ones that are fantastically tedious and embarrassing. For this individual, everybody really does turn up wearing green, looking glamorous and feeling at ease.

In Love

Sameness and dull routine bore you silly. You prefer going to exotic places, meeting interesting people, and trying unusual things. Exploring fresh romantic territory fascinates you, and your restless nature may cause you to shy away from cozy domestic situations. Although you like the idea of going through life with a soul mate at your side, you find the actuality of it difficult to fathom. Besides, if you don’t get too deeply invested in a relationship, you can’t end up with a broken heart. Still, if you find someone exciting enough to hold your interest, you will make a commitment.

In Bed

Youthful in mind and body, you believe in having a rollicking good time, whether in the bedroom or outside of it. You possess a devilish sense of humor that veers toward the mischievous and delight in the fun and adventure of sexy role-playing games. Your approach to intimacy is spontaneous and full of ideas for introducing variety into your lovemaking. Your high-strung, go-go personality requires the calming influence of a partner who is capable of holding on loosely without letting go entirely.


A lot of people bom on this day like to smoke and drink, generally have a good time and frequently fall into bed in the early hours of the morning without cleaning their teeth. Such careless behaviour costs future smiles and it's better to grow old with most of your body intact than drop bits along the way. A brush at the start and end of the day is not enough, which everybody knows really. Get a proper toothbrush, go to the dentist for regular checkups, take the dentists advice, look after your teeth and the smiles will look after themselves.


When your mind is aroused, your body follows. You respond amorously to erotic banter and other verbal enticements. Words that engage your vivid imagination inflame your sexual desire. By the time innuendo changes to an explicit discussion of what you’re going to do to each other, your passion meter shoots up from zero to 100 percent.


Great loss and sadness is nobody's fault. It's just the way the world is constructed. There's no need to talk about your feelings, if that is not your way, but you must acknowledge them to yourself

Reality Check

Despite your obvious charm and charisma, your incisive wit and sharp tongue can get you into big trouble. You tend to say whatever you think and repeat whatever you hear. Sometimes sarcastic remarks, gossip, and rumors come flying out of your mouth without even pausing to get an all-clear from your brain.

May 28 Date Share

Gladys Knight soul singer, songwriter. Dietrich Fischer- Dieskau, wonderful Germanbaritone and lieder singer.Joseph Guillotin, Frenchphysician and guillotineinventor. Sondra Locke, Hollywood star, ex-lover of Clint Eastwood.

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