May 29th Plate Spinner Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 29, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is knowing what you want to do

☆The way forward is to keep pushing ahead and trying out new experiences until you find what’s right for you, remembering that nothing you do is ever wasted.

The Birthday Of The Plate Spinner, The Day Of Quicksilver

May 29th Plate Spinner Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 29th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Cancer, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 2,7

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 or 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, blue, silver

Birthstone: Agate

Others are often drawn to the vibrant charm of people born on May 29. They are determined to find a career or a cause that fulfills them but they also believe in sharing their talents. Exhibiting both hedonistic and altruistic tendencies, they manage to juggle these opposites extremely effectively.

They are not necessarily motivated by money, wealth or social position but they do need an audience. If they don’t have a following of some kind they can become very frustrated because they are always "switched on," entertaining others with amusing observations and stimulating conversation. They have a way with people and words, and enjoy employing their diplomatic skills to resolve conflicts between others. Unfortunately, their desire to please or entertain others can lead them to repress anger, with sudden and sometimes violent outbursts becoming almost inevitable. They should learn to deal with distressing issues or situations when they appear instead of letting them fester dangerously beneath the surface.

So determined are these people to experience all that life has to offer and to win as many admirers as possible that they may find themselves with dozens of projects on the go. Remarkably, they have the creativity and versatility to keep all these projects running smoothly, and others will constantly wonder how they manage to do it. Beneath their apparently languid approach to multi-tasking lies a fierce determination and desire to be tested as often as possible.

It will take some time for these people to settle on a fulfilling career; until then they may be something of a jack of all trades. They have a tendency to spread their energies too thinly but between the ages of twenty-three and fifty-three there are opportunities for them to find their direction and focus as they search for emotional security and fulfillment. Wherever they decide to direct their energies, however, their greatest wish is to improve the lives of others; once they find a way to make this a reality, they possess the charisma and leadership skills to make the world a better place.

☆ On the dark side:Procrastinating, aggressive, frustrated

☆ At your best:Vibrant, generous, mediating

Major themes in the lives of May 29 people include revelation, tradition and the exchange of ideas. Drawn to dramatic situations and happenings, these are not individuals likely to shrink from struggle or submit to injustice. Upholders or revealers of the truth as they see it. they will lend themselves to causes and work for organizations whose destiny they can have a hand in shaping. As employers, parents or administrators.

May 29 people seek consensus rather than dictate, and have a talent for taking the best from suggestions and criticism.

Although May 29 people are often committed to bettering the lives of others and in fact may be called altruistic, they never forget their own interests either. Those born on this day have a way of balancing the two, and indeed see no contradiction between helping others and fulfilling their own needs.

Because of their combative tendencies, those born on this day may need to develop a greater capacity to avoid confrontation when possible. On the other hand, there are cases in which repressed aggression w-ithin individuals may actually bring it to bear on them. For this reason, May 29 people should not suppress aggressive feelings or anger, but rather find a socially acceptable way to express them, perhaps in competitive sports or verbal repartee of a playful nature. In general, May 29 people must beware of neglecting their emotions by placing too much emphasis on their typically mercurial mind power.

May 29 people often see themselves as defenders of the faith, preservers of tradition. An important function of theirs is reexamining established traditions in a realistic and modern light. They do not necessarily place great worth on money or possessions, but curiously enough may attract these very things without trying. Having an audience is extremely important for those bom on this day; the audience can be their colleagues or employees in business, those serving under them in a social or military group, or their families. If deprived of these outlets, May 29 people will suffer acute frustration.

Quickness of thought is characteristic of May 29 people and they value wit, charm and humor. They especially admire verbal arts such as conversation and debate, whether they themselves are adept practitioners or not. Although verbal and mental powers seem to dominate the personalities of this day, physical urges must be expressed, and May 29 people who have suffered disability through accident or illness fight to overcome their deficiencies and "overcompensate." Although those born on May 29 are highly directive and active, they may be at their best when guiding events around them gently, perhaps even allowing things to unfold of themselves.

Power Thought:Everything that happens to me helps me learn and grow,The tyrant and the murderer are temporarily insane in their denial of the right to live

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 29th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+9=11, 1+1=2), and by the Moon. Since those ruled by the number 2 often make better co-workers and partners than leaders, the aggressiveness of May 29 people is somewhat softened, allowing them to better function better within their family or work group. However, such tendencies may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing frustration, especially since the Moon's influence is strongly reflective and passive. The secondary number 11, (2+9=11) indicates sensitivity for the physical plane (balancing well with the mercurial mental tendencies of Gemini) as well as a possible interest in coincidences, symmetry, twins and doubles of various kinds.

May 29th Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering us with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are silence, intuition, reserve and discretion; negative values are secretiveness, mistrust, indifference and inertia, the latter two rarely displayed by May 29 people except toward causes other than their own.

☆Luck maker:(Mix with people you admire)Look for people who are trying to make a success of whatever they are trying to achieve and learn from them. Mix with people you admire and you will feel inspired to create your own success.

Love Gregarious

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You share a passion for romance and a need to be understood, and this can create an intense and loving union.

People born on May 29 are gregarious, charming, and romantic. They will rarely be short of admirers even when they are in a committed relationship, sometimes being interested in several people at one time. Once in a relationship they will put their heart and soul into it for as long as their passion lasts, but they can also suddenly and inexplicably turn cold. They need a partner who is sensitive and understanding and who has faith in their abilities.

Health Listen to your fears

Most people need to be told to face their fears but instead of rising to the challenge people born on this day need to pay greater attention to what their fears and insecurities are trying to tell them. They are among those rare people who could actually benefit from greater caution. They are accident prone and also prone to stress, coughs, colds, and bad circulation, so it is important for them to make sure they pace themselves, slow down if need be, and practice preventative medicine when it comes to their health. Their diet should be rich in fresh, natural produce and they need to take regular, moderateintensity exercise to boost their immune system. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to stay calm and cool when important decisions need to be made.

May 29 people must be particularly careful when approaching situations in which they may be physically harmed. Learning to protect themselves is important, since they sometimes have an unrealistic attitude toward danger and illness. They should remember that fear can also be a useful warning, just as pain is a signal of distress from the body. Talking about their problems helps May 29 people feel more human; therapy with a psychologist or social worker may prove invaluable. The grounding influence of three regular meals each day is healthy for May 29 people, as long as they take care to engage in moderate exercise to avoid gaining weight.

Career Born politicians

These people will thrive in careers that are people orientated and which allow them to act as a mouthpiece or instrument to encourage progress or reform. Politics, law, business, and the arts will therefore all appeal. Their easy way with words may also enable them to be an author or a lecturer or to excel in sales; if attracted to business, they are likely to be successful as an agent or in the worlds of travel, technology or tourism.

Destiny To improve and inspire the lives of others

The life path of people born on this day is to narrow down their wide-ranging interests and discover their true vocation in life. Once they are able to find their focus, their destiny is to improve and inspire the lives of others through their words, their deeds or their legacy.

Don't be afraid to seek help; share your problems with others. You don't have to be perfect.Learn to protect yourself against external danger; take fewer risks. Control your chauvinism as far as your personal likes and dislikes are concerned.

Celebrities Born On May 29th

Bob Hope(British-American actor and comedian), John F. Kennedy(35th President of the United States), Rupert Everett(British actor and writer),

John F. Kennedy (US president [youngest, first Roman Catholic], Massachusetts senator, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, Profiles m Courage, faced down Soviet Union in Cuban Missile crisis, assassinated in Dallas), Patrick Henry (American patriot, orator, "Give me liberty or give me death"), Oswald Spengler (German political philosopher, The Decline of the West), Bob Hope (comedian, film actor), Annette Bening (film actress), Joseph von Sternberg (Austnan-Jewish American film director, The Blue Angel, Shanghai Express), Paul R Ehrlich (ecologist, population biologist, The Population Bomb), Lazaro Cardenas (Mexican statesman), Tony Zale (2x world middleweight boxing champion, held crown for seven years), Sarah Duchess of Marlboro (British 1 7- 1 8"-' c. aristocrat), T.H. White (British Arthurian writer, The Sword in the Stone), Isaac Albeniz (Spanish composer, pianist), Iannis Xenakis (Greek composer, WWII freedom fighter), Al Unser, Sr, (auto racer, 4x Indianapolis 500 winner, 3x USAGCART champion, younger brother of Bobby), Fay Vincent (baseball commissioner, controversial decision maker, resigned after no-confidence vote by club owners), Latoya Jackson (wnter, Jackson family expose wnter), Beatrice Lithe (Canadian-Bntish comedienne, lived to ninety-five), Charles II (British king). Pearl Lang (choreographer, dancer), John Hinckley (would-be Reagan assassin, mental patient)

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