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May 29th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 29, 2024

Nobody likes to imagine they have lived a life for nothing and with no result. There is a brilliant talent resting in you, and you will be deprived of great pleasure if you fail to search it out.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 2, 7

May 29th Birthday Love Astrology

The roll-on-roll-off style of this star baby gives the word ‘effortless' a new meaning. Like everybody born under this sign, Gemini's child is laden with charm and the kind of talent that smoothes paths. But May 29 people often prefer to lie about doing very little, merely talking about future plans.

As lovers they are often spoiled for choice, with natural good looks to boost their chances. Both sexes wait for an approach. They may see someone they lust after, perhaps make a telephone call and talk charmingly, but then leave the running to others. Such languidness can be very appealing, and many of May 29th prospective partners think this character's lack of sexual energy and effort is down to good manners, nice behaviour in a rapacious world. But, hey, it's just inertia.

These creatures can be perfunctory, if greedy, about sex and emotionally lazy. May 29 is the one who falls asleep almost before the loving is over. They don't really notice tantrums, smile vaguely and turn the television on. Some are almost accidentally promiscuous, barely taking notice of who owns the feet which pad across the floor into their beds.

Nor are they domestically alert. Nothing houseproud here. Both sexes will drop clothes on the floor, leave the milk out, lose the bath plug, and let others sort out the consequences.

Work, however, brings out the lode star in them. It may be dormant, but when polished it burns with a fierce fire and May 29 people can become defenders of the corporate faith, the people who changes things. Up against it, there is nothing they respond to as well as a challenge and drawn to dramatic situations, they will find dramatic solutions. In these circumstances their lack of material acquisitiveness, sometimes unwordliness, stands them in great stead, and allows them to concentrate to good effect. Success brings generosity of spirit and it's worth remembering that changeable Gemini is always open to reform.

In Love

Interpersonal relationships matter to you, and having a large circle of family and friends gives you a sense of belonging and fulfillment. Romantically, you are considerably more ardent and less flirtatious than other members of your Sun sign. Even though you crave security, you will resist surrendering your freedom in order to achieve it. Moreover, you need a partner who stimulates you mentally as well as physically. Otherwise you may lose interest and start looking elsewhere. Your ideal mate is the one who realizes that it may be a lot easier to catch you than to hold you.

In Bed

Although generally lighthearted and easygoing, you have a sensitive, romantic side where love is concerned. You like to feel that you are at the center of your lover’s world, especially in the bedroom. Exploring the mysteries of your partner’s feelings provides you with endless fascination. You appreciate a vocal bedmate who openly expresses sexual preferences and pleasures.

Because you believe variety makes life more interesting, the more innovative the moves and ideas, the happier you’re likely to be.


Quite surprisingly May 29 suffers from nervous fear, panics that seem to come from nowhere. Both sexes need to understand that such fear is based on their own disposition rather than a genuine material cause. The famous Dr Edward Bach addressed the need to find remedies for fear, and many other problems, in his travels through Wales and South England, searching for curative flowering plants and trees. Just two drops of Rescue Remedy in a glass of water will do much to calm the mind and ease the fluttering heart.


More sensual and touchy-feely than the typical Gemini native, you get off on protracted periods of foreplay involving a fair amount of kissing and stroking. However, nonverbal communication alone just doesn’t do it for you. Raunchy sexual fantasies, fueled by steamy erotic conversation, add adventure and excitement to your lovemaking.


Nobody likes to imagine they have lived a life for nothing and with no result. There is a brilliant talent resting in you, and you will be deprived of great pleasure if you fail to search it out.

Reality Check

Your adaptable nature helps you deal with diverse situations. A good listener and persuasive talker, you’re very astute at working behind the scenes.

Success as a mediator stems from your ability to gently manipulate conflicting parties and win them over to your point of view. If thwarted or blocked in your efforts, you mix a bit of cunning with your charm to help turn things around.

May 29 Date Share

John F Kennedy, USpresident, assassinated inDallas, Texas. Annette Bening, film actress.Latoya Jackson, singer, writer, sister to MichaelJackson. Charles II, Britishking, master of 39 mistresses, patron of the composerPurcell, credited with revivingBritish theatre, music andarchitecture.

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