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May 30th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 30, 2024

When you have a really cracking idea, sit down with a sheet of paper and write how it would work, and why it is different. This stops you dissipating it with talk and helps in the execution.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 3, 8

May 30th Birthday Love Astrology

May 30 is loaded with talent, but things come so easily to this character that they sometimes have trouble following them through. This character talks a streak, but quite often it's just simply painting grand ideas in the sky. They soon flit to something else.

This can be irritating to those around them particularly people whom May 30 has persuaded to come in with their future plans. It is important not to talk so much and concentrate on actions, because some of these ideas really are grand and could bring success.

Some may just be dreamers, without the practical streak which can be a true Gemini characteristic In this case, it's best to weave these dreams for others' entertainment. Try to write them down. Or if you are artistically inclined, paint them or turn them into music, pottery or even sculpture. There are many excellent artists born this month -creativity goes with the long summer days when they first saw light.

Remember that both sexes are often bedevilled by uncertainty about their own talent. All people feel this way. The successful among us acknowledge their feelings and get on with it anyway. The less successful allow themselves to be paralysed by it and frequently become bitter, even envious of others who aren't.

May 30 is usually quick-witted, with a rapid grasp of figures. Although they are not life's natural accountants, they understand control of the budget makes everybody less vulnerable to the dark shadow of financial worries. They may also use this talent to make money for others as well as themselves and can be very useful problem solvers in the financial area for friends or anyone whose business needs sorting out.

And when they have made their money, what does May 30 spend it on? This air sign loves to travel. They may also enjoy fast travel toys, their own aeroplanes, fast cars and of course big, beautiful motorbikes.

In Love

Popular, fun loving, and flirtatious, the individual celebrating a birthday today is a social being who loves to party and can usually be found where the action is. More at home with thoughts than feelings, you have a demeanor that turns from charming to cool and indifferent when faced with emotional demands or personal restrictions. The suitor who wants to stay close to you will give you plenty of breathing room and not attempt to control you. You enjoy learning new things and sharing what you’ve learned with your significant other. With the right person, you can be a generous, warm, and loving partner.

In Bed

You view a positive sexual connection as another way to communicate with your mate or partner. Although you crave tenderness and devotion, what really turns you on is the lover who is your intellectual equal and interested in sharing your thoughts and ideas. Imaginative lovemaking that is full of surprises stimulates both your body and your mind. Being with you is never boring. With your clever, agile mind, you’re able to come up with lively, innovative ways of making love that keeps your union fresh and exciting.


Fast-paced May 30 often gets run down. People born on this day should develop an interest in alternative medicine, because enthusiasm often develops into health-conscious habits. Whatever happens, its wise to remember that trace minerals are important to well-being and without them you will feel very run down. Zinc, manganese and iodine are just a few. Zinc from carrots, peas and nuts. Manganese from wholegrain breads and cereals. Iodine from sea vegetables such as kelp and dulse. Also from seafood. Don't use extra salt in your food as a means of obtaining iodine.


For you, pillow talk and exchanging intimacies and secrets are a very sexy form of verbal foreplay. It arouses you to hear the details of what your partner is thinking and feeling during all the stages of lovemaking. You particularly enjoy spending time with a playful lover, talking, laughing, and frolicking together, either in the bedroom or out of it.


When you have a really cracking idea, sit down with a sheet of paper and write how it would work, and why it is different. This stops you dissipating it with talk and helps in the execution.

Reality Check

You cannot stand being boxed into a monotonous routine. Your restlessness stems from boredom and your tendency to overanalyze everything. Because your impatient nature demands constant change and stimulation, you are easily sidetracked by anything (or anyone) new and interesting that happens to cross your path.

May 30 Date Share

Peter Carl Fabergé, Russiandesigner, goldsmith and jeweller to the Tzar and his family. Paola Fendi, Italian fashion designer. Mel Blanc, voice of Looney Tunesanimation, Bugs Bunny andPorky Pig. Peter the Great Russian Tzar, 6ft 8ins tall, designer and builder of StPetersburg, lived anonymouslyin Holland for over a year tolearn western buildingtechniques. Benny Goodman, jazz & classicalclarinetist, band leader.

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