May 31st Clarity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onMay 31, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with rejection

☆The way forward is to understand that there is no such thing as failure if you learn from your experience. In fact, the road to success is often paved with failure.

The Birthday Of Clarity, The Day Of The Cutting Edge

May 31st Clarity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of May 31st Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)

Favorable numbers: 4,9

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 or 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, grey, silver

Birthstone: Agate

People born on this day are often known for their strong views and nononsense approach to life. They carry out their work and personal life with the minimum of fuss and are capable of adapting easily to changing situations. Although the image they project is often one of toughness, their greatest desire isn’t to be feared or even admired, but for their intentions and their words to be clearly understood by everyone.

Because they want their message to be understood clearly, they are extremely efficient, no detail ever escaping them. The downside of leaving no room for misinterpretation is that they can tend to repeat themselves, and this can irritate others. They can also be obsessed with doing rather than reflecting. Underneath all this, however, is often an underlying confusion; this confusion is almost what keeps them constantly on the go and can make them explode with anger and frustration. The key to their success is to find some kind of balance between their restlessness and talent for adaptation, and their need for structure and clarity. Neither constant activity nor inaction will bring them fulfillment; this lies somewhere in between.

Between the ages of twenty-one and fifty-one they are likely to have a growing need for personal intimacy and emotional security. This can often be a challenging time for them because their overpowering mind rules their lives; they need to avoid the tendency to squash any sign of weakness and should remember that they, like all people, are a combination of weakness and strength. If they can express this, their loved ones will feel closer to them and others will relate to them more easily. After the age of fifty-two there is a turning point which suggests a period of high creativity, confidence, authority, and strength.

Above all, these people have an air of authority and seriousness about them. Although they will benefit from letting their hair down occasionally, if they can direct their mind to being expansive rather than single-minded, they have the potential to achieve great success and possibly fame.

☆ On the dark side:Compulsive, over-confident, restless

☆ At your best:Confident, clear-sighted, capable

Those born on May 31 often convey the image of being tough or cool. Actually they are much nicer once you get to know them, perhaps sentimental and even, on occasion, soft-hearted. The outward persona or mask they assume for the world is often worn to hide an underlying insecurity or even trauma in early childhood. Those born on this day function as straight-shooters and no-nonsense people. Capable and efficient to the extreme, they believe in attending with care to the details of life. A tendency for May 31 people to repeat themselves, however, to hammer their message home, can be annoying to those who live with them. Another negative trait is that they can be highly argumentative.

Activity and energy pervade everything May 31 people do. As Geminis they are mentally oriented but their physicality is equally apparent, perhaps surpassing their mental energy.

Even when those born on this day make decisions that are way off the mark, they rarely change their mind, unless their emotions can be appealed to. But this is hardly likely since they are not easy to reach; even those close to them may have to struggle for months or years to get through to them. Perhaps there is a chance they can be won over on sentimental grounds or with arguments involving honor and trust. Both sexually and emotionally, May 31 people are drawn like a magnet to passionate individuals and expression.

Though their thinking or methods may be advanced, those born on this day who are in the public eye generally try to reach a general audience, rather than presenting themselves as elitists whose ideas are for the few. In conveying their message, May 31 people are extremely self-assured. Their credo is that confidence breeds success. The other side of the coin is that they may be ill-prepared for failure, which can leave them completely bewildered.

Fortunately, their recuperative powers are strong, so they will generally bounce back.

There is an underlying chaotic and formless nature to the May 31 personality, a propensity for rapid change and a talent for adaptation. Sometimes those born on this day try to counteract such tendencies by giving their lives and those of their family an inordinate amount of structure. It is as if by adhering to this rigid structure they can forestall falling into inaction or chaos. Consequently, May 31 people are often on the go—doing things, going places, repairing, starting new projects. Those born on May 31 often have excellent technical skills which they also wish to bring to the attention of the world, but if multi-talented, do best focusing in one area.

The most successful May 31 people learn to bring the extremes of their personality into harmony with each other, often through their work or family and social relationships. If not successful at this, they appear as souls in torment, constantly struggling against frustration and unhappiness. Neither the oblivion of ceaseless activity, nor temporary escape from problems gives them rest in the long run. For many born on May 31. true peace is hard to find.

Power Thought:I am a still center in an ever-changing world,Acceptance of what happens is essential to the discovery of truth

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 31th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (3+1=4). and by the planet Uranus. Since only seven months have a 31 st day. it is a less common number for a binhday. and the people born on these days are often difficult to fathom. Those ruled by the number 4 can be uncooperative and argumentative, since their outlook is so often highly individual. They are also extremely sensitive to rejection, which they take very hard. Because they are ruled by the planet Uranus, number 4 people have a propensity for sudden and explosivechanges in mood. This is particularly true for those born on May 31 due to the strong influence of Mercury (Gemini's ruler) and its effect on Uranus.

May 31st Birthday Tarot Card

The 4th card of the Major Arcana is The Emperor, who rules over concrete and worldly things through wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and wise; the force of his authority cannot be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong willpower and steadfast energy: unfavorable qualities include stubbornness, tyranny and even brutality.

☆Luck maker:(Turn rejection into resolve)Lucky people don’t allow rejection to devastate them. However negative a situation seems, there is always something positive you can focus on or something you can learn to improve your chances of success next time.

Love No game playing

You’re drawn to people born on January 21 to February 19:You share a passion for communication and uncomplicated displays of affection, and this can create an honest and loving union.

In relationships people born on May 31 abhor game playing, valuing honesty and loyalty above all else in a relationship. They are very expressive and show their love with plenty of hugs and kisses, affection and love. They tend to be attracted to complicated and passionate people who will benefit from their directness and determination to make love work and work forever.

Health Escapist

Such is their self-confidence that failure is not an option for people born on this day; when they inevitably encounter setbacks and rejection, they can find it hard to cope and are likely to seek solace in escapist activities such as recreational drugs or alcohol. It is extremely important for them to be realistic in their approach to life, allowing themselves the possibility of failure with the understanding that dealing with disappointment is an important part of their psychological growth. There is also a tendency for them to be constantly on the go, never allowing themselves time to rest and to reflect or deal with their fears; it is important for them, therefore, to schedule enough quiet time into their lives so that their nervous system can recharge itself. A healthy, varied diet and plenty of exercise, preferably cross-training, will help them stay strong physically and emotionally. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to step back every now and again and think of higher things.

All forms of escape pose grave dangers to the health of May 31 people. Because of an inability to handle disappointment and frustration, those born on this day have a marked tendency to seek solace in alcohol and drugs, and to nurse private feelings of self-pity. They must work on developing a realistic approach to the world (one that acknowledges the symbiosis of positive- negative, good-evil, etc.) and admitting that they too can fail at things. Secondly, they must know themselves at a deep level. Perhaps they can learn not to drive themselves so hard, allowing time for coming to terms with problems. Meals should not be just another component in a highly structured day: May 31 people need to loosen up and allow some flexibility in their diet. They must remember that it is not only what one eats that is healthful, but the enjoyment of the meal as well.

Career Born writers

These people are especially attracted to every form of art, be it music, dance, singing, drama, painting, sculpture, poetry, or writing; they may also find fulfillment in humanitarian work, teaching and people-related careers, and options such as public relations and promotions.

Destiny To inspire others with their energy and enthusiasm for knowledge

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more realistic in their approach to life. Once they have learned to be less black and white, their destiny is to find inner peace by inspiring others with their prodigious energy and enthusiasm for knowledge.

Look your emotional problems squarely in the eye. much as you do when handling external concerns. Soften your hard edge if you can. Avoid arguments: they are lust a waste of your energy. Find peace within yourself.

Celebrities Born On May 31st

Clint Eastwood(American actor and director), Colin Farrell(Irish actor), Walt Whitman(American poet, essayist and journalist),

Watt Whitman (19 th c. poet, Leaves of Grass, free-verse innovator, journalist, editor, stood on Philadelphia streetcorners giving away his poems), Norman Vincent Peale (clergyman, writer, The Power of Positive Thinking), Clint Eastwood (film actor, director, Unforgiven, Carmel mayor), Rainer Werner Fassbinder (German master film director, Berlin Alexanderplatz, Marnage of Maria Braun, actor, producer), Joe Namath (football quarterback. All-NFL, 2x All-AFL, model, actor, sports commentator), Brooke Shields (film actress, model), Fred Allen (radio comedian, host), Pnnce Ranier III (Monaco ruler), Hilla Rebay (first Guggenheim Foundation curator, museum codesigner with Lloyd Wright), Ellsworth Kelly (hard-edge painter, sculptor), Nicholas Krushenick (hard-edge painter), Pope Pius XI, Henry "Scoop" Jackson (US senator, lawyer), Don Ameche (film actor)

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