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May 31st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMay 31, 2024

The depressive streak can sometimes haunt you. Make sure you get outside as much as possible, preferably somewhere green, where you can breathe the fresh air. Seek out water, always calming for the depressed.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Mercury; Numbers: 4, 9

May 31st Birthday Love Astrology

Another day with strong sex appeal! So many of these summery, people are just born for love and many of them find it with, earthy, cautious but emotionally true Virgo. May 31 often has a style that influences others, either in dress, speech or mannerism.

They are sure of what they want, and mostly pick partners for long-term love affairs. But there can sometimes be a deep-seated unhappiness which comes out in a depressive streak. As lovers they usually overcome this inner feeling of desperation, but should sometimes beware of the Stardust in their eyes when they spot a new partner. It blinds May 31 to reality and they can be a pushover for anybody who fancies the idea of winning their heart.

People born on this day spend time thinking up treats for those they love. They adore sparkly things and like to buy them for others as well as themselves. Opals are the natural precious gem for this star sign, but some depressive May 31 people may not want a traditionally unlucky stone. Amber may be a better choice, especially the lighter, clear amber, very near to orange, which is Gemini's favourite colour.

May 31st loves the gorgeous occasion. Expect both sexes to dress up whenever they get the chance. They will always prefer a lavish dinner to a picnic, champagne to a glass of chilled Australian white wine, velvet to jersey and high-heeled shoes to trainers.

Both sexes adore expensive perfume and frequently wear too much of it, particularly in bed, when they think an enormous squirt is all they need to launch the perfect night of love. Apart from this, expect May 31 to spend a deal of money on the bedroom. They think it the most important room in the house and will cover the bed in furs, silks and satins and put mirrors in places you wouldn't have thought possible.

In Love

Your easygoing, friendly demeanor effectively conceals a fierce determination to “make it” in life. Although you may not admit it to anyone else, deep down you know that you are on a fast track to success. Inherently more stable emotionally than other Gemini natives, you are also more likely to settle down at a younger age. Once you set your sights on Mr. or Ms.

Right, you won’t rest until you’ve captured his or her heart. You are not particularly romantic or sentimental. When you find your true love, you demonstrate the sincerity of your affections through your loyalty and devotion.

In Bed

Lighthearted fun in the bedroom offers the perfect counterpoint to a stressful day at work. Before the games begin, your bed partner can help relax your sensitive nerves with soothing words and gentle touches. Because your imagination works in overdrive, just a hint of desire is often all it takes to engage your active libido. You and your playmate may further excite and stimulate each other by accompanying your lovemaking with an ongoing stream of tantalizing erotic conversation.


Many people born on this day enjoy physical exercise, in particular, dancing. If you don't, you should try it Dance is better than psychotherapy, better than dieting, better than anti-depressants. Experts recommend it for promoting joy, easing stress and tension, toning up the body, honing the mind and fostering the most pleasurable of human contact. Michael Argyle, Emeritus Professor of Social Psychology at Wolfson College, Oxford says that anybody who involves themselves in dancing, whether it be Scottish dancing, disco, waltzing or Latin American, will find their fears slowly eased, their sex-life improved and their happiness enhanced.


Your fluency in language, especially the language of love and sexuality, allows you to express your lusty desires verbally as well as physically. Witty sex banter and seductive wordplay spark your appetite and put you in the mood for love. The suitor who wants to please you should surprise you with novel ideas for inspired lovemaking.


The depressive streak can sometimes haunt you. Make sure you get outside as much as possible, preferably somewhere green, where you can breathe the fresh air. Seek out water, always calming for the depressed.

Reality Check

Possessed of an inborn sense of right and wrong, you are more fixed in your opinions than others of your Gemini Sun sign. Yet you manage to get along with most people and fit in just about anywhere. Even so, you are basically an idealist, and stubborn enough to refuse to compromise your integrity on important issues.

May 31 Date Share

Clint Eastwood, Hollywood star, heart-throb and allegedpushover for any nice, enthusiastic woman. Brooke Shields, Hollywood glamourpuss, famous for her eyebrows. Walt Whitman, 19th century poet, Leaves of Grass, free verse innovator.Joe Namath, footballquarterback, model, actor.Rainer Werner Fassbinder, German master film director.

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