Taking chances on and exploring the world is essential for you as an inquisitive Sagittarius. Yet it is also essential that you think twice about what you get involved in, particularly if those arrangements are long-term. Make that your policy and you won’t regret it later.
The best challenge is both physical and requires learning something new
You don’t think of it until you’re making plans with others and realize how cautious they are—about even the simplest of things—but the fact is, you are a natural optimist. While that makes life easy for you, you have a knack for overcoming the obstacles that would stop others in their tracks. However, not only are certain individuals cautious, even when things are going well, they seem to find something to complain about. While you can sidestep their negative comments, making plans that involve them isn’t easy, and they can be difficult to talk to, whatever the nature of the conversation.
It doesn’t matter if you have known them for a long time; they might even be family. What is most puzzling is, despite their tendency to complain, they’re often helpful and supportive. The trick to dealing with those who seem to find the downside of almost anything is to let them comment and to let them moan, but also to ensure that you have enough kindred spirits around you, those who are optimistic in the way you are, that you can also talk to them.
By having both types of people in your life, you will not only benefit from the balance and the wisdom they bring, their ideas could broaden your own thinking and either encourage you to achieve more, or prevent you from taking action you’d later regret.
There are clusters of many kinds. Sometimes, if you allow yourself to be intrigued by those who don’t really make much sense, they’ll add a lot to your life. In fact, it may make life more exciting than those who you know better yet who are predictable.
Having a regimen that keeps you in shape is wonderful. But if it’s something you don’t really enjoy and will drop, then it isn’t a good idea. The trick for you as a restless Sagittarius is to find something that works, that is probably varied but also gives you plenty of time to do other things.
Taking chances on and exploring the world is essential for you as an inquisitive Sagittarius. Yet it is also essential that you think twice about what you get involved in, particularly if those arrangements are long-term. Make that your policy and you won’t regret it later.
In some situations, fast action is vital, but in at least one, you’re urged to wait until you have the clarity, in terms of both hard facts and your own feelings, that comes with certain moments. If you do that, then you will be sure to explore your options and avoid lasting decisions.
Sagittarius: NOVEMBER 21 – DECEMBER 20
Ruler: Jupiter
Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Flower: Dandelion
Being half horse, half human—and what’s more, an archer—it’s no surprise you Sagittarians are restless. The third fire sign, you thrive on new ideas, action, and challenges, and suffer when life is too predictable. While you’re risk-takers, you’ve an instinctive sense that comes from your ruling planet, the fortunate Jupiter. Dandelion is your flower, sharp cinnamon is your herb, and the yew is your tree. Your stone is gold topaz.