☆Your greatest challenge is asking for help
☆The way forward is to understand that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of self-knowledge, honesty and inner strength.
The Birthday Of The Vortex, The Day Of Electrifying Excitement
Sun sign: Sagittarius
Ruling planet: Jupiter, the philosopher
Symbol: The Archer
Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior
Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)
Favorable numbers: 2,9
Lucky days: Thursday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Purple, orange, red
Birthstone: Turquoise
People born on November 27 are vortexes of energy, enthusiasm, and excitement. Fiercely individualistic, they go where their imagination leads them, preferring to seek out knowledge and truth for themselves and then formulating their own opinions and plans. The only trouble with this wildly spontaneous approach is that they often have no idea in which direction they are heading, and their enthusiasm tends to overwhelm their common sense.
They are not afraid to listen to their instincts, and although this intuitive approach can bring them spectacular success it can also lead to disappointments and rejection. It is important for them to learn to distinguish between intuition and wishful thinking, and the only way to do that is to try to understand themselves better and to take a more realistic view of situations before they decide to throw themselves in at the deep end. Although they will encounter setbacks along the way, they are remarkably resilient, possessing a buoyant spirit in the face of adversity. However, their self-reliance can also work against them; they are extremely proud and don’t like to ask for help. This significantly decreases their chances of success.
Until the age of twenty-four they will probably keep their career options open, preferring to experiment, travel or study to broaden their horizons. However, around the age of twenty-five there is a turning point when they are likely to become more pragmatic, focused and orderly in order to realize their goals. Another turning point occurs around the age of fifty-five when they may feel a growing urge to be more adventurous and independent.
Whatever age they are, however, the secret to unlocking their potential for success and happiness will be their ability to control the powerful energy within them and direct it to a worthy cause. Once they are able to do that—and to ask for help and advice along the way—they will still be vortexes of dynamic energy and originality but this time they will be vortexes who know where they are heading, and that is usually to the very top.
☆ On the dark side:Restless, unfocused, hasty
☆ At your best:Energetic, intuitive, buoyant
Those born on November 27 either generate excitement or are drawn to exciting situations, or both. They are quick on their feet and an electric quality seems to permeate their endeavors. Those born on this day can be extremely impulsive and rarely stop to ask themselves if they are headed on the correct course. Often their intuitions are correct, but they can also get themselves into plenty of hot water, fast.
November 27 people often strike others as nervous types—both internally and externally they seem to be in constant, rapid motion. They are capable of exerting tremendous energy in order to meet a deadline, and therefore are excellent additions to a work team. They also have an instinctive feeling for what their co-workers need both technically and emotionally, and for this reason make excellent bosses as well, although as non-authoritarian types they tend to rebel against restrictions placed on them and are likewise uncomfortable in roles where they must discipline others. Absolute freedom of action is their primary requirement, and only those who understand this are able to live with them in harmony.
Frustration is evident in any November 27 person who is tied to an inflexible lifestyle or rigidly moralistic partner. Such frustration can burst forth suddenly in fits of impatience and temper.
Anger is often a serious problem for those born on this day, whether overtly expressed or hammered down inside. In the latter case, such emotions can easily turn to depression and feelings of low self-esteem. The highs of November 27 people are stratospheric and the lows catastrophic.
Usually, however, those born on this day do not swing back and forth cyclothymically— a good or bad period lasts for some time; however, it is very difficult for November 27 people to stay with a situation that is clearly not working for very long and, thankfully, their uptempo periods seem to be longer lived.
November 27 people can do surprisingly well in family situations, since they love children, animals and making their homes comfortable and secure. They are happiest when they have both this stability and the freedom to roam as well, an unlikely combination, unfortunately.
Because of their non-authoritarian attitude, they may feel more comfortable in treating their children as friends or siblings. This can cause real problems for those children who feel the need for a strong father or mother figure and have to look elsewhere.
Violence is a theme that figures prominently in the lives of many November 27 people.
Either they are prone to violence themselves, or inexplicably call it up in the environment around them. Learning to even out their energies, to deal with upsets and upheavals, and calm troubled waters is a great spiritual challenge for them. Their personal evolution will usually grow in direct proportion to their capacity to understand and channel these energies.
Power Thought:I am in charge of the way I feel,A well-trained horse is not necessarily less exciting than a wild one
Those born on the 27th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (2+7=9), and by the planet Mars The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g., 5+9=14, 4+1=5, and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9). and November 27 people are similarly influential. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, and for November 27 people its energy only broadens in scope through the effects of the expansive planet Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius. Those born on this day have real fire, enthusiasm and energy (granted to them by this Mars-Jupiter combination).
The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who is usually depicted walking with a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and quietude. The card also signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who motivates by conscience and guides others on their path. This card points the way to characteristics which a November 27 person may need to develop. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness, purpose, profundity and concentration: negative qualities include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement.
☆Luck maker:(Don’t be a selfsufficient hero)If you continue to insist on doing everything yourself you will cause people to fear or exclude you and this will block your chances of luck.
You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:This is a tremendously energetic and passionate combination, with great potential for long-term happiness.
People born on November 27 tend to rush into relationships very quickly and to idealize potential partners rather than look at them in the cold light of day Although they tend to jump from relationship to relationship, they rarely fall completely in love because their freedom is so important to them. They are drawn to creative and hardworking individuals, but need to find someone who is solid and dependable enough to give them the support they need in good times as well as bad.
People born on this day are fast eaters and this can cause trouble with their digestion, because digestion starts in the mouth. Taking time to chew their food thoroughly and put their knife and fork down between mouthfuls is therefore recommended, as is dining at the table rather than eating on the go. When it comes to their physical health, they also need to slow down, allowing plenty of time for rest and relaxation. If they don’t they could be in danger of burnout because even their incredible energy reserves can run low from time to time. As far as diet is concerned, spending more time cooking is highly recommended as it will encourage them to think about the quality of their diet. Moderate exercise on a daily basis is advised as it will help calm their minds and boost their immune system. Carrying a malachite crystal around with them will bring calmness and a sense of ease into their lives.
Because November 27 people are so often involved in exciting experiences, their nervous and muscular systems may periodically get overstressed and overworked. Even their seemingly limitless energy reaches the point of breakdown eventually. Pacing themselves is thus crucial, particularly as they get older. Finding a stable and understanding mate can help greatly but, as mentioned above, the characteristic personality of November 27 people makes for difficulties. Having meals calmly in a relaxed environment, keeping regular sleep habits, and enjoying warmth and affection does wonders for November 27 people over time. Earthy foods (root vegetables, breads, brown rice and other grains, pasta, carefully chosen meat or fowl) can help keep them grounded.
These people will thrive in any career in which they can pursue their quest for knowledge unhindered. They may therefore be drawn to the worlds of sport, art and entertainment. Their desire to benefit others may incline them toward politics, education and social reform. Other career choices may include writing, tourism, advertising, and working for themselves.
The life path of people born on this day is to understand that they are in charge of their emotions, not the other way round. As they develop greater self-awareness and control, their destiny is to enlighten, inspire and invigorate others with their positive energy.
Control the hurricane inside you and guide its power constructively. Try to understand yourself a bit better. Don't be afraid to ask for help or forgiveness.
Bruce Lee(Chinese-American martial arts expert and actor), James Avery(American actor and poet), Caroline Kennedy(American author and diplomat),
Jimi Hendrix (rock, blues electric guitar innovator, singer, songwriter, '60s icon, died of drug overdose at age twenty-eight), Bruce Lee (Chinese- American kung-fu film actor, martial arts master, mysterious death at age thirty-two), James Agee (film critic, playwright, writer, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, posthumous Pulitzer Prize for A Death in the Family), Alexander Dubcek (Czechoslovakian president, communist reformer, perestroika innovator, exiled from government, reinstated twenty years later), Benigno Aquino (Phillipine political activist, senator, anti- Marcos, assassinated upon return from exile), David Merrick (Broadway producer), Anders Celsius (Swedish astronomer, temperature scale inventor), Rosamund Tuve (literary scholar, writer, Elizabethan Pland Metaphysical Imagery), Randy Brecker (jazz trumpeter, flugelhornist), Robin Givens (TV actress), Vitoz Genovese (early Mafia boss), Giovanna Fontana (Italian fashion designer), Pino Lancetti (Italian designer, perfume maker), Buffalo Bob Smith (TV show presenter, Howdy Doody). William E. Simon (Treasury secretary, financier). Foujita (Japanese artist), Jose de Creeft (Spanish sculptor), Kimberiy Glagow (ballenna). Caroline Kennedy (JFK and Jackie's daughter), Jayne Kennedy (sports interviewer)