Certain individuals are determined to give others advice. In your case, they are advising you to stick with a single focus, to stick with a single goal. The fact is, they aren’t Sagittarians and they don’t know what makes you tick. Thank them—and then ignore them.
Nothing beats waking up knowing I’ll be doing something I’ve never done
You’ll often jot down ideas of what you want to do. While of course, almost everyone keeps some sort of list of plans and goals, and adds to them from time to time, in your case, those lists are often jotted down here and there, on bits of paper, some of which you discover six months later in a pocket.
However, when you’re comparing notes with those around you, you sometimes feel that, despite your enthusiasm, you’re missing something. The fact is, as a Sagittarius and somebody ruled by the expansive Jupiter, you are inquisitive by nature, and whatever you’re doing or wherever you are, you will also be exploring. For you, it’s like breathing. But this can mean many Sagittarians don’t have a single goal, or perhaps it reshapes itself over the months and years. This unique part of your nature is what enables you to do something that is extraordinary.
Even better, you manage to shift those goals and redefine them while adding to your current vision. While others may advise you to stick to certain objectives or plans, deep down you know that while this may work for them, it isn’t your thing. For you, the more inquisitive you are and the more willing you are to rethink your goals, even frequently, the more likely you are to achieve them and possibly achieve far more than you imagined possible.
Understandably, you’re fascinated by those who focus on one thing and one thing only. While you will talk to them, at the same time you wonder what else they do, and find them a bit obsessive. It is an important lesson in how wonderful your own inquisitive way of living and thinking is.
Are you feeling grumpy, or are you feeling on edge and ready to bite someone’s head off? It may not be your temper. It may be something really simple. Are you hungry? It may be that you’re tired and you need to go to bed early and get some rest.
Certain individuals are determined to give others advice. In your case, they are advising you to stick with a single focus, to stick with a single goal. The fact is, they aren’t Sagittarians and they don’t know what makes you tick. Thank them—and then ignore them.
By no means are you antisocial or secretive. Yet Mercury, the planet of ideas, is accenting the parts of your chart that have to do with talking things over with others. It will become clear that you’ve sidestepped certain matters. While they’re not crucial, the sooner you raise them the better.
Sagittarius: NOVEMBER 21 – DECEMBER 20
Ruler: Jupiter
Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Flower: Dandelion
Being half horse, half human—and what’s more, an archer—it’s no surprise you Sagittarians are restless. The third fire sign, you thrive on new ideas, action, and challenges, and suffer when life is too predictable. While you’re risk-takers, you’ve an instinctive sense that comes from your ruling planet, the fortunate Jupiter. Dandelion is your flower, sharp cinnamon is your herb, and the yew is your tree. Your stone is gold topaz.