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November 28th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onNovember 28, 2024

Calm is vital to this date and classical music helps bring it. Most health experts now know that classical music balances mind and body. Works in Bflat major and A minor suit Sagittarius best.

Sun Sign: Sagittarius/Jupiter

Decanate: Sagittarius/Jupiter; Numbers: 1, 3

November 28th Birthday Love Astrology

This golden eagle in gold lamé is impressive, popular and probably going to be a millionaire. But he always overdoes it and goes on doing so all his (and her) life. Unlike so many others born around this date our noble bird may be stylish in action, but at rest and socially he has no sense of style. Like the wonderful conductor Sir Simon Rattle, November 28 people are exquisite on the podium, but socially they can wear the most embarrassing clothes.

People born today are often entertainers, in particular musicians, so their odd sartorial habits don't matter. Most November 28s are extremely creative, both professionally and privately and are to be found in country towns beavering away bringing pleasure to neighbours and friends. Some reap wealth and fame, when you can spot them coming in and out of airports wearing spangly shoes and imitation leopard-skin bowler hats. If they do, expect flash cars with, you've guessed it, imitation leopard-skin interior covers, baths with gold taps and ornate beds dressed in shiny satin-look black.

November 28s with slightly less creativity flourish well in conventional offices because bureaucracy has no fears. If you have to sign sixty forms in triplicate, they will do it without moaning. Just a few well placed jokes. At seminar weekends, however, watch out for the casual clothing, massive twinkly brooches for women, bright yellow v-necked sweaters for the men.

Such sartorial unconventionality goes deeper than clothes. Their unusual eye helps spot windows in the uftarket, another way to make their millions. This is the guy who launches a fashion Wellington boot with a small heel in all colours, with frogs’ eyes on the toes just like the ones four-year-olds wear. The woman who opens an antique shop specialising in psychedelic clothes and furnishings and creams the market. They live to a great age to enjoy the proceeds of their imagination, probably marry more than once and have several children.

In Love

In an intimate relationship, you are an exciting, passionate, affectionate lover. However, you’re really not concerned with forever. Despite being a bit of a romantic idealist, you don’t take love all that seriously. You crave spontaneity and change, and you enjoy meeting new people. Because your capacity for boredom is exceedingly low, you’ll stay around only as long as your partner holds your interest. Once the thrill is gone, you may up and leave.

Of course, you’re devoted and attentive while the romance lasts. But when your wanderlust kicks in, you are quite capable of taking off without regrets or a backward glance.

In Bed

Few people know how to have a better time than you, either in bed or elsewhere. Equally prepared to share a laugh or an adventure, you have an impetuous nature that propels you forward toward ever more daring romantic exploits. Although possibly not the most tender or sensitive of lovers, you’re surely one of the more fun loving, innovative, and inventive. Being with you is something akin to a carnival ride of sensual delights. Once aroused, your red-hot libido can keep you going well into the night.


Careful diet (and money) keeps November 28 sexy until a great age. Long-lived races eat fresh food and November 28 should take a leaf from their booh Uncooked foods transport oxygen and oppose putrefaction. They are vitalised with living enzymes to aid digestion. Cooked starchy refined sugar and animal proteins tend to ferment. Many fast foods use animal fat or cooking oil that has been heated to a high temperature and kept there. The oil is often black and the same oil is frequently used day in and day out, so obviously it's not as good for the body as a quick, fresh green salad.


You like to make love outdoors. Under the stars, the boardwalk, or the bleachers, you’re turned on by the carefree abandon of following your impulses wherever they take you. You also enjoy waking up your lover in the early morning, or during the night, with sultry, seductive, all-over kisses and sensuous caresses that lead to deeper erotic pleasures.


Calm is vital to this date and classical music helps bring it. Most health experts now know that classical music balances mind and body. Works in Bflat major and A minor suit Sagittarius best.

Reality Check

Essentially an idea person, you’re driven to explore, create, and act on what you’ve created. Despite your tremendous breadth of vision, you have difficulty coping with small details. Once a project is under way, you are inclined to move on and leave it to others to finish what you’ve started.

November 28 Date Share

Died: Rosalind Russell, Hollywood sex goddess. Born: Alexander Godunov, Russian ballet dancer, film star. Anton Rubinstein, Russian pianist. Randy Newman, satirical songwriter, singer, film composer. Paul Shaffer, bandleader, keyboard player, personality on David Letterman Show. Nancy MHford, writer, Love in a Cold Climate. Claude LeviStrauss, French structuralist. Alberto Moravia, author. Rita Mae Brown, feminist, TV actress. Friedrich Engels, German communist movement founder, co-writer of Das Kapital.

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