☆Your greatest challenge is being spontaneous
☆The way forward is to understand that sometimes the best and only response to a situation is to trust your instincts and go with the flow.
The Birthday Of Incisive Thoroughness, The Day Of Measured Attack
Sun sign: Sagittarius
Ruling planet: Jupiter, the philosopher
Symbol: The Archer
Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher
Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)
Favorable numbers: 3, 5
Lucky day: Thursday, especially when it falls on 3 and 5 of the month
Lucky colors: Purple, blue, white
Birthstone: Turquoise
People born on November 30 often feel that there simply aren’t enough hours in their day or years in their life to accomplish all their ambitions. They have so many talents and abilities that it can be hard for them to know where to invest their energies. Once they settle on a chosen course, their strong sense of responsibility and incisive mind ensure that they give it their complete concentration.
They are extremely thorough in their approach and their attention to detail is second to none. As a result they are always well prepared for virtually any situation in which they might find themselves and, because they never leave anything to the last minute, they are always composed, calm and convincing. Others will usually be influenced by what they have to say, but on the odd occasion that their preparation fails to pay off they can find it hard to accept that anyone could say no to them or not be impressed by them. If anyone tries to criticize them, they can become extremely defensive and at times hurtful themselves. They should therefore learn to handle criticism with as much grace and control as they demonstrate in other areas of their lives.
After the age of twenty-two they are likely to feel a need to be pragmatic, orderly and structured in their approach to life. Given the fact that they already have a tendency to be highly controlled and lacking in spontaneity, it is vital during the next thirty years that they get in touch with their intuition, take themselves and others less seriously, and incorporate more fun and laugher into their lives. After the age of fifty-two there is a turning point which highlights issues regarding friendships and personal identity.
Whatever age they are, the sooner they can loosen up and trust their heart and powerful intuition as much as they trust their rational side, the sooner they can maximize their potential for success, making their unique and valuable contribution to the world.
☆ On the dark side:Inflexible, reactive, touchy
☆ At your best:Thorough, multi-talented, convincing
Those born on November 30 have an instinct for knowing when and how to attack whatever challenge they wish to overcome. Not ones to rush, their approach is usually calculated, careful and effective. Those born on this day are highly intuitive and capable of springing surprises on those who would hinder or obstruct them. On reflection, rivals, opponents and competitors may come to realize just how much homework and preparation went into their defeat at the hands of a November 30 person.
One can learn a great deal about those born on this day by watching how they work. In lining up a client, preparing a concept or making a pitch for someone's affections, they practice many scenarios over and over again in their mind so that they can be prepared for almost any eventuality. After this initial stage of preparation, they will set the time and place of the meeting, both chosen with great care and usually with the full consent of the ''victim." Finally, they move in for the kill. What they wear, how they speak, their timing—all are beautifully composed.
Normally, as a result, they are very difficult to refuse. However, they too must learn to recognize, handle and accept their defeats, for not everyone is swayed by them, no matter how convincing they are.
November 30 people also have a way of doing the utmost with what they have. Whatever talents they possess are pushed to the n* degree, with little waste of energy. Most November 30 people also have a fine sense of humor, and a knack for presenting serious matters in a palatable form (always with a smile). Their humor is subtle, but it can also expand to the full-out thigh-slapping, raucous guffaw as well. Excellent mimics, those born on this day use satire in such a subtle way that others may miss the intention... almost. Their humor is indeed of the thought-provoking variety.
Despite their affable manner, November 30 people become very defensive when attacked.
They must learn not to overreact to what people say. or reveal their underlying insecurities so readily. Thin-skinned to the extreme, they do not take kindly to being laughed at. Direct attacks are generally first met with a hard wall of defense—later with a measured retaliation that will really hurt. Because of their tendency to wait, those born on this day must beware of nursing grievances, suppressing their feelings, and in general driving their frustrations inside. It is a mark of more highly evolved individuals born on this day that they handle negativity directed at them with grace, equanimity and absence of rancor.
November 30 people often display a childlike nature, and thus unpretentious suggestions and offerings are those most likely to move them. In fact, those born on this day are stubbornlv resistant to all the threats or cunningly logical arguments in the world, yet find it hard to refuse openness and simple honesty.
Power Thought:My intuition allows me to blend and connect with everyone and everything,Someone who always knows better is often someone who does not know at all
Those born on the 30th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (3+0-3), and by the planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 generally try to rise to the highest positions in their particular sphere. Because Jupiter also rules Sagittarius, expansive, optimistic and magnanimous influences are maximized for November 30 people but. indeed, excessive tendencies are as well. Those ruled by the number 3 love independence, so November 30 people may do best freelancing or in business for themselves.
The 3rd card of the Major Arcana is The Empress, who symbolizes creative intelligence. She is the perfect woman, the ultra-feminine. Mother Earth nurturer. who embodies our dreams, hopes and aspirations. This card represents positive traits of charm, grace and unconditional love, but also negative traits of vanity and affectation, as well as an intolerance for imperfection. For November 30 people, this card carries the message of self-control and centered behavior.
☆Luck maker:(Rediscover your childlike curiosity)Develop the habit of looking at things as if for the first time. The more alert and openminded you are, the more likely it is that lucky breaks will present themselves.
You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:If you can both balance your urge to be practical and your need to be spontaneous, this just might work.
People born on November 30 make generous and supportive friends, although they have a fragile ego that friends need to learn to tiptoe around. Their long list of accomplishments, qualifications and ambitious plans for the future will impress, but if they want to find true love they need to put their lists and plans aside, and devote their energy to making another person feel loved and happy.
People born on this day should aim to travel more because traveling will open their mind to new possibilities and ways of looking at the world. They would also benefit from time spent in the countryside, particularly long walks in the beauty of nature. Depression is a real threat, and they are most at risk when their plans go wrong. This is hard for them to understand but they should realize that attracting success isn’t just about doing or saying the right thing but about feeling and thinking the right thing and following their instincts. They have workaholic tendencies, so they need to make sure they pace themselves, eat a healthy diet and follow a regular exercise routine. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to be more spontaneous in their approach to life, and a calming cup of chamomile tea will relax them at the day’s end.
November 30 people must beware of depression when their carefully laid plans do not work out or when they suffer rejections or setbacks. Because of their tremendous self-confidence. they often show bewilderment when met with loss. Moreover, if they suffer from lack of either energy or emotional stability" they can get quite frightened. Learning to accept what comes and adapt readily is vital to their mental well-being. Physically, those born on this day are alive, energetic people with a healthy relationship to food, sex and exercise. Contact with nature in niral settings or the companionship of a cat or dog in the city can be greatly beneficial to their mental and physical health. They should beware of overworking and learn to pace themselves, since taking on too many responsibilities can overstress their nervous system. They will be better off absenting themselves when they encounter chronic negativity in others, rather than wasting their energy trying to overcome it.
These people have excellent communication skills and may excel in writing, publishing, sales, politics, music, acting, or entertainment. Other career choices include teaching, law, business, and administration, but whatever career they choose their disciplined and thorough approach will help them thrive from promotion to promotion.
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more instinctive in their approach to people and to life. Once they understand that some situations simply cannot be controlled or predicted, their destiny is to help themselves and others advance with carefully thought-out strategies.
Allow yourself to improvise; loosen up. Your control is admirable, but so is spontaneity, faugh at your foibles and faults. Remain childlike.
Ben Stiller(American actor), Mark Twain(American writer), Ridley Scott(British director),
Mark Twain (humorist, writer, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn), Winston Churchill (British prime minister, WWII leader, statesman, Nobel Prize-winning writer, History of the English- Speaking People), Jonathan Swift (Irish 1 8th c. satirist, writer, Gu///Ver's Travels), (African-American political activist), Abbie Hoffman (social activist, flamboyant political prankster, writer, Steal This Book), Bill Walsh (San Francisco 49'ers football coach, three Super Bowl titles, sportscaster), Takako Doi (Japanese Socialist Party chairperson), Gordon Parks (photographer, songwriter, TV, film director, Shaft), David Mamet (New York playwright, screenwriter, stage, film director, Homicide), Georgette Robinson (Bntish Secret Service. Scotland Yard, Interpol agent autobiography, Green Avalanche). Bo Jackson (baseball outfielder, football running back, started for both Royals and Raiders in same season), Dick Clark (American Bandstand host). Gordon Liddy (Watergate conspirator, writer, Will), Andrea Palladio (Italian neoclassical architect). Bilhe Idol (singer, songwriter), Terrence Malick (film director. Badlands), June Pointer (singer, Pointer Sisters). Clyfford Still (abstract expressionist painter), Jacques Barzun (cultural historian, Berlioz and His Century). Virginia Mayo (film actress)