October 10th Overseer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 10, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is asking for help

☆The way forward is to understand that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but one of strength and selfbelief. It shows that you believe you are worth helping.

The Birthday Of The Overseer, The Day Of Prudent Economy

October 10th Overseer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 10th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune (change)

Favorable numbers: 1, 2

Lucky days: Friday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 2 of the month

Lucky colors: Purple, orange, pink

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 10 despise chaos and disorder, and are at their happiest and their best when they can bring order and harmony to unproductive situations. In many respects they take more pleasure in their natural role of overseer, organizing and implementing improvements, than they do in seeing the rewards of their efforts.

Their career is extremely important to people born on this day and they want to find a vocation that is both fulfilling and meaningful. When it comes to their personal lives they will often display the same love of order at home as they do at work, running their houses or their families with smooth and effortless efficiency. Although they can sometimes come across as slightly serious and self-contained, they have an attractive sincerity that draws others to them. For example, they don’t smile very much but when they do it can warm even the coldest heart with its sincerity. They are intelligent and articulate, but small talk is definitely not for them; as far as they are concerned, a conversation that is not meaningful in some way is a waste of time.

Until the age of forty-three there is an emphasis in their lives on issues concerning emotional sensitivity, personal power and transformation; in many ways the first part of their lives can be the most challenging for them. If, during these years, they allow their tendency to be logical and circumspect to overshadow their need to be emotionally spontaneous and creative, they run the risk of becoming overly serious and unfulfilled. If, however, they can open their minds, their hearts and their wallets, they can begin to lay the foundation stone for a life that is more balanced and fulfilling. After the age of forty-four there is a turning point which puts the spotlight on travel and new experiences.

Whatever age they are, however, the sooner they discover within themselves their adventurous spirit, the sooner they can become the inspired and progressive leaders they are destined to be.

☆ On the dark side:Unimaginative, unfulfilled, obsessive

☆ At your best:Detailed, authoritative, constructive

Those born on October 10 tend to be circumspect in their financial dealings and in their business relationships in general. They are usually adept at handling money and investments.

For them money is not only a reward for their work but also an indicator that they are sailing a sound ship. Those born on this day are highly shrewd and analytical and year after year prove themselves capable of insuring the smooth operation of their business, family or organization. Their judgment in administrative matters can be trusted, and since maintenance is a kind of god to them, they are usually highly reliable.

October 10 people are the ones to call in when an endeavor is failing. Patiently, but without wasting time, they can clean things up and get them going again. Those born on this day are not only able to zero in on problems and correct them (often in a drastic fashion) but are capable of working with others to insure that such difficulties do not return. Positive thinkers, they despise waste, misuse and all sorts of negative acts as well as thoughts. However, they are rarely crusaders in the sense of displaying zealous enthusiasm, but rather more sober in their outlook, particularly when it comes to the business of life.

In their private lives, October 10 people can be of two types. One type has an emotional nature that mirrors their business acumen, being extremely careful to avoid all sorts of upsetting or dangerous involvements, no matter how tempting. This more introverted type is basically not that interested in people, but in projects, work and business, regarding emotions as distractions or worse. The second type is generous with affection and unguarded, sometimes emotionally prodigal or even promiscuous. This latter type is extroverted, intense and can be extremely imaginative and romantic as well.

October 10 people love to make their home comfortable as well as efficient. No matter how humble their means they will strive to create a beautiful, albeit modest, environment in which to live. Rich or poor, they are all believers in the essentials, the simple pleasures of life. October 10 people like to tend to first things first, and in this respect are logical thinkers. They are not ones to waste energy, and artists born on this day will be known as much for what they strip away as what they embellish.

The most successful of October 10 people are those who know how to let their money live and their resources flow. The least successful ones, and often the most unhappy, can be parsimonious and fearful of losing what they have. October 10 people must learn that spending is as important as saving, that a healthy flow of cash makes for a more vital, interesting life. This truth also applies to their emotional life. Indeed, those born on this day do better when they allow their emotions greater latitude and deepen their trust in lovers and friends. The balance between give and take in all aspects of life is probably the most important lesson they can learn.

Power Thought:I open the doors to the wonder and discovery of my imagination,Some people like to be married because this is the only thing that can protect them from another marriage

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 10th day of the month are ruled by the number 1 ( 1+0=1 ). and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 generally like to be first in what they do. The Sun tends to grant the benefits of a warm and well-developed ego, and a distinctly human, positive orientation to life. Because of Venus's influence as Libra's ruler, October 10 people will be at their best when they can be warm and open in their social dealings. Those ruled by the number 1 have individual and clearly defined views on most subjects; they can at times be obstinate, and October 10 people are no exception. Ambition is a trait of those ruled by the number 1 that reinforces an October 10 person's drive toward success.

October 10th Birthday Tarot Card

The 10th card of the Major Arcana is The Wheel of Fortune, which signifies both positive and negative reversals in fortune and suggests that there is nothing permanent except change. Those ruled by the numbers 1 and 10 focus on seizing opportunities; indeed, acting at just the right moment is the key to their success. Again, The Wheel of Fortune teaches that no success in life is permanent, nor any failure.

☆Luck maker:(Dream big dreams)Be realistic and use your common sense by all means, but don’t be satisfied with just getting by. Think big and break your limitations; if you strongly believe you can achieve something, you will.

Love Fear of love

You’re drawn to people born on July 23 to August 22:You complement each other well and, if you can both give and take, this can be a very passionate relationship.

People born on October 10 pride themselves on their self-reliance, so intimacy may be something they avoid because they fear that they might be taken over by love, losing the self-control that is so dear to them. They need to understand that love is something that will keep them balanced. It is something they need in order to feel healthy, happy and fulfilled.

Health Invest in your health

People born on this day tend to place a high value on material wealth, and sometimes this means that their health comes second. It is important for them to understand that their health and well-being are the greatest treasure they will ever have; putting them at the very top of their priorities is essential. Investing in quality food and even supplements to ensure they get all the nutrients they need for optimum health is not a waste of their resources. Equally, taking time out each day to exercise and get fresh air is not a waste of their time, but an important investment for their short- and long-term emotional and physical well-being. Spending more time having fun with loved ones and friends is highly recommended, as it will help them loosen up and get in touch with the lighter side of life. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage feelings of warmth, enjoyment and security.

Those born on October 10 must not allow frugality to interfere with their health needs. They will often have to be convinced that spending money on pure foods, nutritional supplements, health clubs, exercise equipment and such is perhaps the best investment they can ever make. As far as their appetite is concerned, those born on this day generally have very strong likes and dislikes which are not always of the healthiest variety. They would do well to see to it that fresh fruits and vegetables occupy a prominent place in their daily menu. Because of their flare for the unusual in food, cultivating culinary skills is advised, particularly with regarding to exotic cuisines.

Career Born team leaders

These people are well suited to being supervisors, team leaders and business executives, but their talents suit them to a wide variety of careers including writing, law, education, administration, business, politics, and community work. On the other hand, their need for artistic expression may compel them to explore the world of art and entertainment through the medium of music, film or theater.

Destiny To institute practical and innovative strategies

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more spontaneous and imaginative. Once they have found a healthy balance between order and creativity, their destiny is to rectify disorder by instituting practical and innovative countermeasures.

Don't be afraid to spend money, time or effort. Give it away sometimes. Think big; open your heart. Develop your artistic side and let your imagination run free. Loosen up.

Celebrities Born On October 10th

Charles Dance(British actor), James Clavell(Australian writer), Chris Penn(American actor),

Henry Cavendish (British chemist, mathematician, astronomer, meteorologist, geologist, largest holder of bank stock in England at his death), Thelonius Monk (supreme jazz innovator, pianist, composer, arranger), Harold Pinter (British playwright), Giuseppe Verdi (Italian opera composer, Otello, La Traviata), James Clavell (novelist, Shogun), Helen Hayes (stage, film, TV actress), Ben Vereen (dancer, singer, actor, entertainer), Albert Skira (art book publisher), Alberto Giacometti (Swiss sculptor, painter), Antoine Watteau (French 18 th c. painter), Johnny Green (songwriter), Fritjof Nansen (Norwegian polar explorer, politician), Harry "Sweets" Edison (jazz trumpeter), Claude Simon (French Nobel Pnzewinning author, The Georgics), Ivory Joe Hunter (R&B singer, songwriter, pianist, composer, said to have written over seven thousand songs), junior Mance (jazz pianist), Oom Paul Kruger (South African statesman, namesake of Krugerrand gold piece), Lawrence Tribe (Harvard constitutional law professor, writer), Isidor Ravdin (surgeon, cancer treatment specialist), Isabella II (Spanish queen, mother of Alonso XII)

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