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October 10th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 10, 2024

At the bottom of every man and woman's heart, in spite of what they say and what they may have been through, there is the child's innocent expectation that something good and not evil will be done to them.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Uranus; Numbers: 1, 2

October 10th Birthday Love Astrology

October 10 should be nicknamed ‘The Cleaner’. With the sharpest acumen and most resourceful of imaginations, it is often people born on this date who are called in to help out when a company is in trouble. These people were born to be rich. Love of money does not dominate Libra, but it certainly comes out here. If the right amount of money is not paid for the job this individual feels emotionally affronted and will either not take on a task or very quickly leave. There is no room in his or her mind for sentiment or enthusiasm.

If you ask the women, for instance, to save an ailing magazine, dress shop, local theatre company or stately home, they will only do it for good money and will then exercise a ruthless cost-cutting budget. Nevertheless they do have sufficient amounts of natural flair and very often succeed in paring everything down so that the creative side has room to grow. Both sexes can be increasingly found in investment, banking and accounting.

The men make excellent business partners. Indeed one of their commonest demands as a reward for work is a partnership. But this is the day of partnership and anybody lucky enough to find an October 10 will probably make their own life a success and found a permanent friendship.

Most of the women are similarly suited to partnership, both personally and professionally, and it is these women who often go into business with a husband or lover, or even son and daughter, extremely successfully. Some, however can be fanatical about professionalism, instigating goals almost impossible to achieve and developing a relationship with their computer which can be described as joined at the nose. When this happens October 10 woman will not go home at night and stops taking lunch so that she can stay Siamese-twinned with her beloved. It's an unfortunate human/machine partnership which turns her into just another computer geek.

In Love

The individual celebrating his or her birthday on this date is considerably more passionate and seductive than other Libras and rarely lacks for romantic partners. You delight in pleasing your bedmate, and you’re unusually generous with compliments and flattering remarks. The suitor who hopes to rack up brownie points with you must realize that you also like being flattered and having your ego stroked. In a committed union, you are loyal and caring, but when the spark dies you may begin looking elsewhere. You may be a dichotomy of independence vs. dependence, yet establishing a loving intimate union is genuinely important to you.

In Bed

Blessed with a great deal of charm and charisma, you will not hesitate to use all of your assets to get what you want. However, you believe that if pleasure is to be any good, it must be shared. You are prepared to go the whole nine yards to provide a satisfying romantic experience for your partner. Typically, you feel things as readily with your intellect as your emotions. Thus, a successful relationship with you requires striking a delicate balance between heart, mind, and body.


Everybody is always worried about the firmness of their bottom and thighs, unless they are under ten, so why not get your skin smooth and firm now. Do it with an invigorating skin brush. This will improve the texture of your skin, boost circulation and encourage the body to detoxify itself by stimulating the skin's lymphatic drainage system. A brush made from natural fibres on a wooden base with a long handle is best. Brush before a shower. Start at your toes and brush upwards with long firm strokes, around ankles, up to knees, then thighs and buttocks and then across inner thighs.


You are turned on by words of love whispered in your ear. Subtle perfumes, candles, incense, and aromatic oils arouse all your senses. You like silky, sensual fabrics against your skin and lingering kisses and caresses all over your body. Perusing erotic drawings and reading provocative literature with your lover inflames your lusty libido.


At the bottom of every man and woman's heart, in spite of what they say and what they may have been through, there is the child's innocent expectation that something good and not evil will be done to them.

Reality Check

A combination of polar opposites, your impulsiveness and aggression are held in check by your inherent good manners and refined ways. Your internal impatience and need for action often conflict with your courteous façade and desire to please everyone. As a result, you tend to be indecisive one moment and erratic and impetuous the next.

October 10 Date Share

Died: Eddie Cantor, Hollywood star. Sir Raiph Richardson, British actor, film star. Born: Thelonius Monk, jazz pianist, composer. Harold Pinter, playwright, angry young man generation. Giuseppe Verdi, Italian opera composer, La Traviata. Alberto Giacometti, sculptor, painter.

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