October 11th Social Elegance Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 11, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is harnessing your ambition

☆The way forward is to understand that popularity does not guarantee fulfillment; for a more rewarding life you need to set yourself personal goals.

The Birthday Of Social Elegance, The Day Of Gracious Ease

October 11th Social Elegance Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 11th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: Justice (discernment)

Favorable numbers: 2, 3

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 3 of the month

Lucky colors: Purple, silver, milky white

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 11 tend to be attractive and popular people. They are masters of the art of socializing, at their happiest and best when they are at the center of a group of colleagues or friends. Their style is easygoing and elegant, and their likable personality enables them to mix with people of all ages and all walks of life.

Others may envy the ease with which they merge into a group, strike up a conversation with a newcomer, advance up the career ladder, and ascend into the highest social circles. But underneath their graceful exterior, people born on this day may feel as if something important is missing. It’s important for them to listen to this feeling because what’s missing is personal ambition. Although their upbeat personality attracts popularity and position, they tend to drift into these positions rather than having clearly defined personal goals. As a result they may feel as if they have very little control over their lives; their aversion to conflict or challenge is even more damaging, because a little challenge and suffering in their lives will help them learn and grow emotionally.

Until the age of forty-two there is an emphasis in their lives on emotional change and a need for personal power. During these years they need to take advantage of opportunities to challenge themselves professionally and personally, because challenge is the key to their success. After the age of forty-three there is a turning point when they are likely to widen their interests, feel more free, and seek inspiration through study, relationships or travel. Again the key to their success and fulfillment will be their willingness to take calculated risks and embrace challenge.

This is because once they discover within themselves a drive to achieve and the courage to avoid the temptation of always taking the safest or most popular route, their outstanding grace, humanity and intellect will ensure that they don’t just appear to be leading a charmed life—they will actually feel as if they are living it.

☆ On the dark side:Superficial, unfulfilled, passive

☆ At your best:Sociable, charming, popular

Those born on October 11 have vivid imaginations, like excitement, want to be at the center of what is going on and feel that they must play an important social role. However, their sensuous and pleasure-loving nature often holds them back. Finding their proper place in the world is of the utmost importance to them, and well it should be, since career is an area in which difficulties abound for October 11 people. In fact, they may have to change jobs with regularity until they find the occupation for which they are best suited.

Regardless of career, the bottom line for those born on this day is social involvement, for they are highly averse to an isolated lifestyle. Their fate is intimately tied up with that of their fellow human beings, so much so that they may perform well in the role of group or personal representative.

October 1 1 people can be too nice and easygoing. Part of the reason for their career indecision, or for their tendency to settle for whatever happens to come along, is that they do not have a whole lot of intense and directed (or for that matter, selfish) ambition. Because they do not enjoy complications, they may not choose to present themselves with challenges. Being basically comfortable and happy, developing a lifestyle where they may easily divide their attentions between their career, love life, family affairs, and forms of relaxation and enjoyment is fulfillment enough.

October 11 people enjoy working with others and being part of a team. Their likeable personality makes it possible for them to move freely from one social or work stratum to the next.

They have a way of feeling at home with the highest or lowest level of society, and those who have had the advantages of wealth or education rarely appear snobbish or elitist.

October 1 1 people must not allow themselves to be imposed upon or manipulated by more intense, better directed types who know what they want and will do what they have to do to get it. Admittedly, those born on this day will generally give friends and even acquaintances a second (or third) chance when trespassed upon. October 1 1 people should perhaps examine their motives in this regard: if they do so from a position of strength, such accepting behavior may not only be healthy but an indication of spiritual development; on the other hand, if there are masochistic urges working, changes should be made.

When October 11 people are truly satisfied with what they have, they experience a kind of bliss unknown to most people. Not having big problems with acceptance, however, does not guarantee that other areas of their spiritual life are so well developed. Therefore, they must summon the energy needed for self-understanding and personal evolution, or they will surely stagnate.

Power Thought:Every struggle is an opportunity for me to find myself,TV is an electronic attempt at telepathy

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 11th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (1 + 1=2), and by the Moon. Since those ruled by the number 2 often make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, the social talents of October 11 people are likely to be expressed in family and group endeavors. The highly imaginative and graceful side of October 11 people is enhanced by the influence of the Moon and of Venus (ruler of Libra), but those born on this day must guard against vanity, passivity and complacent behavior. The number 1 1 lends a feeling for the physical plane (for October 11 people an attraction for idealized or sensuous beauty due to Venus) as well as a possible interest in doubles of various kinds and symmetry.

October 11th Birthday Tarot Card

The 11th card of the Major Arcana is Justice, a serene seated woman holding the scales in one hand and a sword in the other. She reminds us of the order of the universe and that balance and harmony will be maintained in our lives as long as we continue on our path. The positive aspects of this card are integrity, fairness, honesty and discipline; the negative aspects are low initiative, impersonality, fear of innovation and grievances.

☆Luck maker:(Stop procrastinating)Lucky people are not necessarily more talented than other people, but they set themselves goals and take proactive steps to see them realized.

Love Appealing style

You’re drawn to people born on June 21 to July 22:You are both sociable and sensitive individuals, and this can be a loving and rewarding relationship.

People born on October 11 rarely have problems attracting romantic admirers, although a tendency to alternate between being an intense and passionate lover and a need to feel like a free agent can cause problems in long-term relationships. It’s important for them to be discriminating in their choice of partner, choosing someone for reasons other than looks and popularity.

Health Delicate

People born on this day need to take extra special care of their health because they can be delicate. They may, for example, need more sleep and rest than others and it may take them longer than normal to recover from an illness. Music can be extremely therapeutic for them, as can aromatherapy oils and dancing. There is a tendency for them to be sedentary so they need to make an effort to incorporate more activity into their daily lives, scheduling a regular program of exercise at least four or five times a week; walking is particularly recommended. They also need to avoid addictive substances like alcohol, tobacco and caffeine, and to satisfy their sweet tooth with fruit or seeds instead of chocolate. Meditation techniques will help them strengthen their will-power, and wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to imagine, plan and create clear goals for themselves.

Those born on October 1 1 may be prone to suffer from debilitating or diet-related disease due to a sedentary lifestyle. They must take care of their backs and kidneys if they sit for long periods, and make an effort to drink plenty of fresh water each day. They will have to beware of overeating and the addictive powers of tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. The pleasures of the bed and table are important to October 1 1 people, but they must remember the price of excess. Vigorous, but properly performed physical exercise is here highly recommended not only for its health benefits, but to help strengthen alertness, willpower and drive.

Career Born therapists

These people may take some time to settle into a career and there may also be several career changes in their lifetime. They have the potential to flourish in many careers including writing, music, sport, social reform, sales, promotion, commerce, counseling, teaching, training, law, politics, advertising, art, design, and the media.

Destiny To be an innovator in their chosen field

The life path of people born on this day is to nurture personal ambitions. Once they have discovered what will give their life meaning, their destiny is to be a teacher or innovator in their chosen field.

Beware of self-satisfaction; push yourself a bit more. Avoiding problems should not mean avoiding challenges. Seek to improve yourself daily. Desire is a part of living. Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.

Celebrities Born On October 11th

Joan Cusack(American actress), Eleanor Roosevelt(American diplomat, activist and former First Lady), Luke Perry(American actor),

Eleanor Roosevelt (stateswoman, social reformer, First Lady, US UN delegate), Jerome Robbins (choreographer, dance company founder, stage director), Art Blakey (jazz drummer, bandleader, Jazz Messengers), Maria Bueno (Brazilian tennis champion, 4x US open, 3x Wimbledon winner), Sir George Williams (British social reformer, YMCA founder), Charles Revson (cosmetic merchant, Revlon founder), Lester Bowie (jazz trumpeter, Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy, founding member, Art Ensemble of Chicago), Darryl Hall (soul singer, songwriter, Hall and Oates), Francois Maunac (French Nobel Prize-winning dramatist, novelist, Viper's Tangle), Billy Higgins (jazz drummer), Pierre Charles Jouve (French poet, novelist, The Deserted World), Joseph Alsop, Jr. (syndicated columnist), Emilio Greco (Italian sculptor), Thomas Swann (fantasy writer, Day of the Minotaur), Robert P. Gale (bone marrow, transplant surgeon), Ron Leibman (TV, film actor), Frances llg (pediatrician. Gesell institute), Frederick Bergius (German Nobel Prize-winning chemist), Simon Sechter (Austrian organist, composer), Pat Flanagan (pyramid power writer)

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