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October 11th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 11, 2024

The trouble with switching partners is the expense, the exhaustion, if's unhealthy, everybody's upset and some people end up a great deal poorer. Try to consider not doing it.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Uranus; Numbers: 2, 3

October 11th Birthday Love Astrology

This is an adorable person. Although not necessarily gifted with the usual stunning October good looks, this creature is loaded with allure. Both sexes are also flighty. This is the Librarian whose glasses you must take off first before you understand how beautiful his eyes are. Her slender attributes may be covered in a regulation overall, needing a voyage of discovery. Like a banana, October lTs outer covering may have some blotchy imperfections, but underneath is the creamiest of pure sweet flesh.

The women in particular can easily become an addiction - for others. Helen of Troy was born today and when her intoxicated lover Paris stole Helen away from a perfectly OK marriage, hundreds of brave soldiers died and the noble city of Troy was destroyed. So don't underestimate the devastation this woman may bring if anything goes wrong.

Many of the men have a similar effect, although fortunately not quite so drastic. The trouble with both sexes is that they love deeply. But they also go off the boil and switch to another, always trying to be tactful. But since tact doesn't mend broken hearts, keep your wits about you if you fall for this day. October 11 knows its sexual power but you can hang on if each day brings with it sufficient variety.

Concentrate on what this October creature favours most -sparkly things, food and entertainment. They adore diamonds, which traditionally bring fortune while also symbolising innocence. Men wear them in ears and wrist-watches, girls favour a diamond studded belly button. Other good fortune stones which please include blue and sparkling gold lapis lazuli and the fire opal.

Take care of their health, which with October 11 can be delicate. Entertain them with music and dancing and the theatre and let them sleep in a bed which smells of roses and you should be able to hang onto them.

In Love

The “urge to merge” is the main motivation of people born on this date.

You flourish in the warmth and security of a lasting intimate relationship.

Sensuous and caring, you simply can’t imagine being alone for very long.

You want beauty and order in your life, and you really enjoy creating a pleasant atmosphere for yourself and your beloved. Although you are sociable and probably enjoy a little flirting from time to time, you long to find your soul mate. Once you encounter that person, you can remain loyal and committed for life. However, you expect fidelity, love, and devotion in return.

In Bed

Your idea of perfection consists of an elegant, romantic seduction that slowly builds to the peak of physical desire. You have an instinct for pleasing your partner in a manner that ignites passion in both of you. A sensuous bedroom environment triggers your erotic imagination. Making love in lavish comfort appeals to your refined tastes and delicate sensibilities. You revel in the carnival of the senses created by perfumed air, soft lighting, beautiful music, sultry intimate apparel, and luxurious bed linens.


Banana Surprise (a sexy dish, serves 2): Take 3 bananas, 30g butter, sugar, 190ml double cream, chilled, drops vanilla, 55ml sherry, handful of fresh raspberries, strawberries - and in late summer and early autumn blackberries newly picked, and red currants (sugared down the night before) are wonderful. Peel bananas and cut in half lengthways. Melt butter in pan, add banana halves and sauté until golden brown on each side. Whip cream with vanilla. Divide hot banana halves into two warmed bowls, pour over the sherry and sprinkle with sugar. Top with whipped cream and decorate with fresh raspberries, strawberries, blackberries or red currants.


Acting out love scenes that you conjure up in your dreams and fantasies turns you on. You get off on using your creative imagination to devise new ways of sharing sexual pleasures with your bedmate. The idea of using sex toys as aids to arousal may shock you, but artfully employed, erotic teasing builds tension that intensifies your lovemaking.


The trouble with switching partners is the expense, the exhaustion, if's unhealthy, everybody's upset and some people end up a great deal poorer. Try to consider not doing it.

Reality Check

You are cooperative rather than competitive and very good at dealing with people. Moreover, you love all things artistic and pleasing to the senses. Your innate appreciation of the good life, including pleasant surroundings and the beauties of nature, enhances your laid-back personality and ability to deal with each day as it comes.

October 11 Date Share

Died. Chico Marx, one of the great Marx Brothers. Jean Cocteau, French film director. Born: Jerome Robbins, choreographer, dance company founder. Maria Bueno, Brazilian tennis champion. Eleanor Roosevelt, US first lady, UN delegate.

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