October 12th Effusive Complexity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 12, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is getting over yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that although you may be at the center of your world, this does not mean that you are at the center of everyone else’s.

The Birthday Of Effusive Complexity, The Day Of The Grand Gesture

October 12th Effusive Complexity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 12th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the speculator

Tarot card: The Hanged Man (reflection)

Favorable numbers: 3, 4

Lucky days: Friday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, purple, silver

Birthstone: Opal

Heads turn when the larger-than-life personalities of people born on October 12 enter a room. They are determined to have their opinions heard and, if speaking loudly won’t do the trick, they are not above resorting to outrageous tactics to get the attention they feel they deserve. Although they are attention seekers, they have a heart as expansive as their head, and their tantrums are just as likely to be on behalf of others as themselves. It is this curious mixture of wholehearted generosity and extreme self-indulgence that makes them such complex individuals.

This combination of characteristics can manifest itself in a number of different ways for people born on this day. Some may subordinate their pleasure-loving and sensation-seeking side in their dedication to serving others in an imaginative way, while others may be more non-conformist individuals with their own inimitable and expansive way of engaging with life. Common to them all, however, will be their infectious appetite for life, and their desire to inspire and invigorate others by their own passionate example.

Until the age of forty-one there will be an emphasis in their lives on emotional change, power and transformation. During these years their chances of success and happiness will improve significantly if they can learn to become less addicted to attention or the desire to seek a reaction from others, and become more focused on their personal ideals and goals in life. After the age of forty-two there is a significant turning point which will stimulate them to expand their perspective; they may, for example, have more contact with foreign people or places, or take up a new interest.

Whatever age they are, however, the key to their psychological growth and fulfillment will be their ability to take the feelings of others into account. Once they have found a balance between giving and taking, they will find that the reaction they provoke in others moves beyond surprise to respect, and in some cases awe.

☆ On the dark side:Selfish, attentionseeking, outrageous

☆ At your best:Dramatic, warmhearted, exciting

October 12 people are dominant individuals who like to be the center of attention. Their people skills are highly developed and they mix well in a variety of settings, common or elite. Since those born on this day are proud of the quality of their work, they wish to be appreciated by the best minds around them regardless of social station.

The instincts of October 12 people for finance are excellent, and an endearing quality is their tendency to share money with family and friends who encounter difficulty. Those born on this day hate meanness and pettiness, preferring to give of their time or financial resources in a direct manner, making a truly grand gesture which is somehow free of condescension. Thus October 12 people make it easy for others to accept what they choose to give, although they themselves may find it difficult to similarly accept from others. Learning as early as possible in life to both give and take, in an easy manner, is important for them.

Although those born on this day value tradition strongly, no one would call them conservative in thought, word or deed. Extroverts, they are blessed with comic wit and have a flamboyant streak which they do not hesitate to indulge. This impulse can be expressed in any area of their lives, from sexual escapades to social nonconformity. For them the world is a stage on which their own personal drama is to be enacted. They manage to do this, however, in a very natural fashion, and rarely give the impression that they are creating shenanigans merely to attract attention.

On the other hand, October 12 people must beware of hubris, bringing about their own downfall through a disregard for the consequences of their actions on the lives of others.

Although in general they are knowledgeable in regard to the law and social traditions, they may like to believe that they can place themselves above the rules from time to time, particularly in their private lives.

Those born on this day can truly be a curious admixture of giving and selfish qualities.

Indeed, their tendency to advance or promote their own wants and needs can arouse resentment in their partners. In matters of love, they are a bit "dangerous." When things go wrong in their relationships, October 12 people demonstrate resilience and usually manage to escape lasting hurt, although the same may not necessarily be true for the other person involved.

Because of their high degree of competence and social expertise, those born on this day can become a rock of strength for their colleagues, friends and family. Yet discharging responsibilities while being mindful of and responsive to the deeper needs of others remains their greatest challenge.

Power Thought:I choose to show that I care, rather than just saying I care,What would be the most difficult single thing for you to live without?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 12th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (2+1=3). and by the expansive planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 are often ambitious, sometimes dictatorial. October 12 people in particular must therefore try to avoid being too bossy or aggressive. Those ruled by the number 3 also like to be independent, so some October 12 people may feel the need to abandon the security of a steady job in order to freelance. The jupiterian qualities of the number 3 grant October 12 people a highly positive and optimistic attitude, and in combination with Venus (Libra's ruler) a touch of idealism.

October 12th Birthday Tarot Card

The 12th card of the Major Arcana is The Hanged Man. who dangles by his foot in a head-down position. Though such a position seems helpless. The Hanged Man is nevertheless spiritually powerful and deeply thoughtful. The positive attributes of this card are recognizing limitations and overcoming them, as well as simply being human; negative aspects are spiritual myopia and restrictedness.

☆Luck maker:(Turn the spotlight on someone else)When you turn the spotlight on someone else you make them feel terrific, and when they feel terrific they are more likely to want to help you.

Love Expressive romantic

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:You are both gregarious and adventurous individuals, and when the two of you are together sparks can fly.

People born on October 12 are passionate and expressive lovers capable of complete devotion to their partners. However, they expect the same if not more devotion and passion from their partners and, if they feel they aren’t getting enough attention, they can become moody and aggressive. Indeed their tendency to be selfish when it comes to affairs of the heart can damage their chances of happiness, so they need to rein in their jealous and controlling nature, and learn to give and take more.

Health Less is more

People born on this day love life, and their appetite for the pleasures it can offer is huge. Therefore they need to beware of excess when it comes to food, drink and sex, because this can lead to weight problems and poor health. When it comes to their health their mantra should always be “less is more.” As far as diet is concerned, they need to avoid rich and exotic food and focus more on simple foods. Taking time to chew their food and savor the taste will help them see that they don’t really need to pour creamy, fatty sauces over their food to enhance its flavor. Regular exercise on a daily basis is an absolute essential, and if they aren’t exercising already the sooner they start the better; leaving it too late could lead to weight and health problems, such as osteoporosis, later in life. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to be more disciplined, and to think less of themselves and more about higher things.

Those born on October 12 must beware of taking their good health for granted. Regular checkups are a must, thus allowing a trusted family physician to monitor their health. October 12 people usually like the good things in life, so their diets may be a bit weighted toward rich and ta*>ty foods that are not the most healthy choices. Moderate exercise on a daily basis, if possible, is strongly recommended, from milder forms such as walking to more energetic activities like swimming or tennis. October 12 people of both sexes must beware of problems with the back, kidneys and lower digestive system, and for women, the ovaries and bladder.

Career Born performers

Whatever career these people choose, they will want to make a contribution in some way to progress or advancement. They may excel as teachers, visionary researchers or academics. Other career choices include psychology, law, business, politics, journalism, architecture, design, media, entertainment, publishing, acting, music, opera, and songwriting.

Destiny To be a pioneer in their chosen field

The life path of people born on this day is to learn that they are not the only person that matters. Once they are more mindful of the feelings of others, their destiny is to be a pioneering and flamboyant innovator.

Remember to take the feelings of others into account. Be mindful of the needs of those close to you. Unconditional love is a worthy goal to which to aspire.

Celebrities Born On October 12th

Hugh Jackman(Australian actor), Luciano Pavarotti(Italian opera singer), Teresa Benedicta(Polish philosopher, saint and martyr),

Luciano Pavarotti (Italian tenor), Dick Gregory (comedian, political activist, dietician), Perle Mesta (Washington "hostess with the mostes'," businesswoman, US ambassador), Aleister Crowley (British black magician, esoteric writer. Equinox of the Gods, died of drug abuse, insane, penniless and alone), Richard Alan Meier (architect), Ralph Vaughan-Williams (Welsh-British composer), Albert Paul Blaustem (law professor, Civil Rights and the African American), Sam Moore (soul singer, Sam and Dave), Carolee Schneemann (New York performance artist, filmmaker, writer, More Than Meat Joy), Arthur Nikisch (Hungarian-German conductor), Al Held (New York painter), Dorothy K. Haynes (horror anthology writer, Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch), Edward VI (child British king, son of Henry VIII, died at fifteen), Pedro I (Brazilian emperor, forced to abdicate), Tony Kubeck (baseball mfielder-outfielder, AL Rookie of the Year, TV commentator), O. John Rogge (civil rights activist law Hans P. Kraus (rare book dealer, collector). Bill Steinkraus (equestrian, president US equestnan te Susan Anton (model, film actress), Ramsay MacDonald (Scottish statesman, first British Labour Party prime minister)

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