October 13th Polished Diamond Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 13, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to relax

☆The way forward is to understand that regular time out gives you the sense of perspective you need to make better judgments.

The Birthday Of The Polished Diamond, The Day Of The Tough Cookie

October 13th Polished Diamond Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 13th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: Death (change)

Favorable numbers: 4, 5

Lucky days: Friday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, turquoise, yellow

Birthstone: Opal

As natural leaders, people born October 13 take their jobs and their lives very seriously indeed. Their total focus on their goals, their always polished performance and uncompromising strength inspire either devotion and awe, or hostility, sometimes fear, in others.

Those born on this day aren’t people to fool around with, and their vigor and determination can shock almost everyone out of their lethargy. When they set their minds on something, nothing, including their own emotional and physical health, will stand in their way. Blessed with a sharp mind that cannot help but uncover and expose the weaknesses or failings of others, they are able to come up with ingenious solutions designed to inspire or benefit others. Not surprisingly, they are perfectionists; the tough and nearimpossible expectations they place on themselves and others can make it very hard for them—and anyone who lives or works with them—to relax.

Until the age of forty, these people will experience a growing emphasis on issues concerning power, change and transformation of their personal motivation. These are the years when they are most likely to be harsh and unrelenting in the pursuit of their goals. Although this means they will succeed in whatever career they choose, personal happiness may be elusive unless they learn to ease up on themselves a little and open up to those they trust. They need to remind themselves that they are human and have emotions just like everyone else. After the age of forty-one there is a massive turning point, indicating a more optimistic and freedom-loving perspective. They may expand their mind through study, travel or new interests.

If they can learn to be less critical of themselves and others, allowing themselves to be directed by their inner voice rather than by pressure to perform, these are the years when they can really come into their own. Their driving urge to assist progress will not only bring about progressive and significant benefits to others, but also earn them their natural place in the spotlight.

☆ On the dark side:Stressed, cold, critical

☆ At your best:Focused, courageous, powerful

Those born on October 13 don't fool around when it comes to their professional life.

They take their career very seriously, and pride themselves on their ability to deliver results. Tough to the extreme, they are dangerous enemies and have the capacity to overcome resistance through sheer guts and endurance. They believe that a human being should go for it—no ifs ands or buts.

Unfortunately, however, those born on this day can be rigid and unforgiving. They may find it difficult to be happy for extended periods, and are sharply critical of much that goes on around them. They have a great need to relax, but at times find it near impossible to do so, and though highly talented have difficulty simplifying life. Therefore, October 13 people not infrequently encounter problems in personal relationships; it is hard for them to please others when they themselves are so restless.

Paradoxically. October 13 people are known to be sweet and giving to those close to them.

In all fairness, they are harder on themselves than others, but not everyone is capable of seeing that. It is not so much that they are perfectionists (indeed they are), but that their aforementioned critical attitudes can make them difficult to live and work with. Thankfully, what they produce is generally of such irrefutably high quality that it is hard to fault them as far as results are concerned.

October 13 people can be very elusive when necessary. Those who wish to use an October 13 person to elicit information or appropriate knowledge may find that after having had their interview or conversation they have learned precious little, if anything at all; what they grasped was but smoke and mirrors. But though elusiveness, distance and circumspection certainly make October 13 people less gullible and vulnerable, those born on this day might consider opening up a bit more to those deserving of their trust.

October 13 people are often blessed with technical abilities. It would seem that individuals with such mastery of their medium would have little problem in career matters, but they can become baffled and bewildered when they are rejected or ignored. It is most difficult for October 13 people to shake off or even acknowledge defeat. It is, however, only perhaps through such confrontative and seemingly negative experiences that they can grow further, particularly when forced to confront themselves through an introspection denied them during their periods of greatest success.

It is crucial that October 13 people first come to understand themselves and then proceed to forge common human bonds with those around them. Learning to loosen up, have fun and take things less seriously will help. Given their drive, dedication and exceptional abilities those born on this day cannot but succeed if they can develop in this way.

Power Thought:I measure progress by how much I love, not how much I can achieve,Reflective thought can have as much influence on what happens around you as action can

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 13th day of the month are niled by the number 4 (1+3=4), and by the planet Uranus which is both erratic and explosive. Since October 13 people are usually involved in farreaching social and career activities, they must learn to keep this uranian part of themselves under control. The connection between Uranus and Venus (Libra's ruler) may indicate an unsettled love life, or perhaps a propensity for strange and unconventional relationships. Although the number 13 is considered unlucky by many people it is, rather, a powerful number which carries the responsibility of either using its power wisely or running the risk of self-destruction. The number 4 typically represents rebellion, idiosyncratic beliefs and a desire to change the rules, all of which may well apply to October 13 people.

October 13th Birthday Tarot Card

The most misunderstood card in the Tarot is the 13th card of the Major Arcana, Death, which very rarely is to be taken literally but signifies a letting go of the past in order to grow beyond limitations, metamorphically. Both this card and the number 4 suggest that October 13 people must guard against discouragement, disillusion, pessimism and melancholy.

☆Luck maker:(Unleash your sense of humor)Research shows that people with a sense of humor tend to be happier than those who are more serious; shaking yourself out of your routine with laughter increases your productivity, creativity, happiness, and luck.

Love Don’t take loved ones for granted

You’re drawn to people born on May 21 to June 20:You both love your freedom and have excellent communication skills, and this can be a powerful combination.

It’s all too easy for people born October 13 to neglect their family and loved ones in favor of their professional aspirations. They are romantic, passionate and, once committed, loyal and supportive; but they can also find it hard to express their feelings and their personal life would greatly improve if they could display their affection more openly.

Health Don’t cut back on quality sleep

People born on this day have workaholic tendencies and may as a result turn to recreational drugs, alcohol or caffeine, or similar addictive substances to keep going. It is important for their physical and emotional health that they learn to relax and take time out. Regular vacations are essential, as is a good night’s sleep. They may be tempted to cut back on sleep to increase their productivity, but lack of quality sleep will have the opposite effect, making them more prone to stress and loss of concentration. Turning the lights low in the evening and clearing out electrical appliances in their bedroom at night will help them if their minds are in overdrive and they find it hard to get to sleep. As far as diet and exercise are concerned, they need to avoid fad diets to lose weight fast and excessive amounts of exercise. Balance and moderation are crucial. Counseling and therapy, as well as mind-body techniques such as yoga and meditation, will help them become more self-aware. Wearing the color orange will encourage them to be warmer and more spontaneous.

Since relaxation is the crying need of October 13 people, and their biggest health problems are generally stress-related, the fact that they so often turn to drugs to help them in this respect can prove to be a big problem. Rather than taking time off or getting to know themselves better, these hard-driving individuals often find it easier to smoke, drink or medicate their tensions away. Of course this doesn't work in the long run, and further complicates psychological disturbances, with the added concern of dependency or addiction. Counseling or therapy of some kind is strongly recommended for those October 13 people who feel troubled, many of whom do not specialize in self-knowledge. Meditation and yoga are also strongly recommended.

Career Born orators

These people have the vision and the determination to excel in the political arena but they also make great lawyers, psychologists, social workers, orators, and teachers. Whatever career they choose, they will typically end up in leadership positions. Other work options that might appeal include advertising, marketing, business, journalism, and research.

Destiny To inspire others with their clarity and determination

The life path of people born on this day is to understand that mistakes are essential to learn and grow. Once they have become less critical of themselves and more tolerant of others, their destiny is to inspire with their courage, clarity and determination in pursuit of their convictions.

You must learn to relax. Take frequent vacations or at least rest periods where you do absolutely nothing. Don't be too afraid of satisfaction. Accept mistakes and avoid blaming when you can. Vulnerability can lead to happiness.

Celebrities Born On October 13th

Margaret Thatcher(British former prime minister), Sacha Baron Cohen(British comedian and actor), Paul Simon(American singer-songwriter),

Margaret Thatcher (British Conservative prime minister, "The Iron Lady," elevenyear reign, first Conservative Party woman leader), Art Tatum (jazz pianist, unmatched technique), Lenny Bruce (social satirist, controversial comedian, writer, How to Talk Dirty and Influence People), Paul Simon (singer, guitanst, songwnter), Pharoah Sanders (jazz tenor, soprano saxophonist, composer), Maya Deren (pioneer avant-garde filmmaker, Ritual in Transfigured Time), Nancy Kerrigan (US Olympic silver medal-winning figure skater, attacked, recovered to win medal), Ray Brown (jazz bassist, teamed with Oscar Peterson), Lee Konitz (jazz alto saxophonist, composer), Count Hermann Maunce de Saxe (French military leader, field marshal), Terry Gibbs (jazz vibraphone player), Rudolf Virchow (German pioneer cellular pathologist, politician), Yves Montand (French singer, film actor), Jerry Lee Rice (football wide receiver, 5x All-Pro, all-time single season TDs [22] leader), Eddie Matthews (baseball third baseman, hit over 30 HRs for nine straight years), Lillie Langtree (British stage actress). Dusan Makaveyev (Yugoslavian film director, Montenegro). Javier Sotomayor (Cuban world champion high jumper, Olympic gold medalist first to clear 8 feet), Cornell Wilde (film actor). Demond Wilson (TV actor, Sanford and Son)

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