October 14th Middle Path Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 14, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is putting yourself on the line

☆The way forward is to understand that if you don’t ever take a risk in life you can deprive yourself of opportunities for psychological growth.

The Birthday Of The Middle Path, The Day Of Moderation

October 14th Middle Path Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 14th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: Temperance (moderation)

Favorable numbers: 5, 6

Lucky days: Friday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, yellow, green

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 14 tend to be the steady rock to which friends and colleagues run for shelter when life gets stormy. They have a wonderfully calming influence and their ability to counter extreme situations with practicality and common sense often propels them into positions of authority.

Striving to achieve moderation and balance, doing the right thing in whatever situation they find themselves is the driving force of these people. They usually find the middle way, giving not just their own lives but the lives of those they live and work with great influence, stability and structure. Friends trust them to pull them back to reality when they are going to extremes, and colleagues trust them to be the voice of reason and common sense. Their greatest strength, however, can also become their greatest weakness if taken to extremes. This is because too much common sense and moderation can cause their behavior to become imbalanced with the result that they either don’t take risks at all or they give themselves completely to self-indulgent behavior. Either way the results are a disaster for their psychological growth and well-being.

Until the age of thirty-nine there is a growing emphasis on personal power and transformation; during these years they need to listen as much to their intuition as they do to their common sense to decide what is appropriate to a situation. They also need to learn to let mistakes from the past go, as they have a tendency to blame themselves or other things and get stuck in the past, rather than looking ahead to the future. After the age of forty there is a significant turning point when they may wish to expand their mind through new experiences, the study of philosophy and spirituality, or traveling abroad.

Whatever age they are, if they can learn to look ahead with positive expectancy and find the middle way in all things, they have the potential to become imaginative and inspirational managers with a powerful and important message of moderation in all things.

☆ On the dark side:Excessive, overly cautious, passive

☆ At your best:Temperate, composed, reliable

Moderation is a recurrent theme in the lives of October 14 people.This is not to saythat they are boring or even conservative people.but that navigating a path between the putfalls of excessive behavor is indeed a great challenge.When those bom on this dy stray far from the straight and narrow.they most often cour disaster.However.it is throug边such mistakes that they go0wrdg0um0白g2e时的e In a sense,October 14 people are in a bind they are best suited for a moderate lfe,but if finely balanced and moderate in all things can depeive themselves of noc only fatlure and emotonal lows but also some of the ecstati highs life huas to offer More highly evolved October 14 persons display a great deal of composure and reserve Taking time in everything thev do is extremely important to them and thus they hate to be rushed.Verbul facility is rarely their forte so it may be through the use of visual images.the writ- ten word.music.or perhaps leadership and personal example that they express themselves.The communication of knowledge,cntiquing of ochers'work and commenting on lfe in general are important outlets for their highly develoged mental sade.Those bom on this day are less oftea physically onented,and their physical nature or talents may be dommant or at leas make litle initial impression.Discovering an awakened sexualiry.having children.suffering a serious aoci- dent or illness or falling in love with a sport can bnng these mental individuals down into their bodies in a kind of second incamation October 14 people tend to rule the roost.but rarely in an aggressive or overt wuy.more often working behind the scenes as the power behind the throne Thev are not owerly atached to physical objects and materal concems.but their home itself is very important to them often doubling as a workplace.In their personal life they can be qure content with a monogamous relationship.but must beware of the twin pidfalls of isolation and subservence to a more dom- inant personality(particularly true of women) October 14 people are capable of lending great stabilty to the lives of theu family.fnendscolleagues and social group.They enjoy being part of the show,the theater of life.but more often function as managers rather than scars It is an interesting paradox that though,as mentoned above,October 14 people can be somewhat statc personalities.the theme of travel so often figures prominenty in their lives Those bom on this day very rarely spend位er业2 s where they grew up.For the mo highly evolved of October 14 people.life's travels no only signify physical movemen:but are symbolic of a freedom of spirit Because of their stable and balanced tras.too many bom on this day tend to be complcent.and stgnate They must try to keep busy and set themselves high stndiris and monthiy or yearly gouls which must be met

Power Thought:I am excited about my future and the next step in my selfdevelopment,After acknowledging the egg as the most perfectly packaged product, it is hard to imagine that God the manufacturer does not exist

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 14th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 < 1+4=5), and by the speedy planet Mercury. The influence of this planet underlines the strongly developed mental abilities of October 14 people mentioned above. The accompanying influence of Venus (ruler of libra) in combination with Mercury grants strong aesthetic gifts as well as charm. Tor those October 14 people who do stray off course, the number 5 indicates a resilient character which can reco> er quickly from the hard knocks of life.

October 14th Birthday Tarot Card

The 14th card of the Major Arcana is Temperance, which emphasizes the above discussed themes of balance and moderation in the lives of those born on this day. The figure shown is a guardian angel who protects us and keeps us on an even keel. Such a figure can serve as a model for October 14 people. The card cautions against all forms of egotistical excess. Positively seen, Temperance modifies passions in order to allow for new truths to be learned and incorporated into one's life. Because Temperance may indicate negative qualities of passivity and ineffectiveness, October 14 people must resist trendiness and try to make their own way where style, technique and systems of thought are concerned.

☆Luck maker:(Let the past go)Understand your past, don’t use it as an excuse. You can’t change what has been done, so don’t limit your luck-making potential by hanging onto the past. Learn from it and look forward to a positive future.

Love Don’t settle down too soon

You’re drawn to people born on May 21 to June 20:You both like your freedom but also need security, and this can be a passionate and fulfilling union.

People born on October 14 tend to look for partners who are as centered and composed as themselves but they really need someone who can keep them mentally and emotionally stimulated, even if that means a certain amount of conflict and tension. Once in a close relationship they can be warm, tender and loyal, although if things settle too much into a routine they can also become restless.

Health So tired

People born on this day are often regarded as the capable, dependable ones. For the great majority of times they are, but there will also be times when they feel drained and exhausted. When this is the case they need to pay special attention to the iron levels in their diet, as lack of iron can trigger fatigue. Poor diet and too much tea, coffee and alcohol can block the absorption of iron from their food. Egg yolks, spinach, sunflower seeds, and whole grains are all good sources. Whether or not iron is the trigger, eating a healthy, balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise and quality sleep, and taking regular breaks or time out from work will all help beat fatigue. Fatigue may also be caused by depression and weight problems, and all the possible causes should be checked out with a doctor. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors orange or yellow will boost their energy levels, and carrying a carnelian crystal will help with feelings of lethargy and despondency.

Those born on October 14 must beware of all difficulties that can arise from a sedentary or o er Iv static lifestyle. Problems with weight, depression due to repressed frustrations of a submerged or subservient personality, and/or lack of physical exercise can lead to health difficulties. October 14 people can make excellent cooks, and even use the kitchen as a perfect theater for expressing their creativity, as it is suited in its intimacy to their often reserved personality. They must be careful however to observe moderation and not go overboard on fattening, rich and spicy foods. Daily walks are highly recommended.

Career Born reporters

These people may find themselves drawn to politics, law, education, art, and design. As inquisitive people with an interest in social and ethical issues, they may also make good reporters, journalists, photographers, and filmmakers; a deep desire to make a positive difference in the world may draw them toward medicine and the healing, caring professions.

Destiny Gifted and original messengers of tolerance

The life path of people born on this day is to find a way to satisfy their dual urge to promote their own interests as well as helping those around them. Once they have found this healthy balance, their destiny is to be gifted and original agents of progress and messengers of tolerance.

Push yourself a bit to produce. Don't hide all that good stuff awa} for too long; share with the world .it large. Have fun surprising others. Dare to fail.

Celebrities Born On October 14th

Lillian Gish(American actress), Roger Moore(British actor), Cliff Richard(British singer and actor),

The Garden Pa: Isaac Mizrahi (fashion designer), SI Young (US world record-holding speed skater, sprint cyclist), James II (Bntish king). Le Due Tho (Vietnamese communist ideologist), Alessio Baldovmetti (Italian Renaissance painter)

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